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BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

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When culprits don't have any value for life, they will go to any length to achieve their objective. Even America, the super power couldn't protect its assets and lost Six Marine Corps Harriers when it's base was stormed by a dozen Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. Kudos to the security forces for managing to protect their assets this time.

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Let's be honest to ourselves.

Base comd and those on security should be reprimanded.
It's a huge security failure and we lost millions of dollars worth jets and men.

Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, Chief of the Air Staff, #Pakistan Air Force visited PAF Base, #Mianwali following a recent foiled terrorist attack. During the visit, the Air Chief commended the on duty security personnel for their unwavering professionalism and bravery in thwarting the malicious attempt and neutralizing the intruders in the minimum possible time.Chief of the Air Staff interacted with the base personnel, expressed his utmost appreciation for their exceptional commitment in putting service before self and reiterated the required level of readiness of each & every person in the Pakistan Air Force to counter any malicious intent of hostile elements & terrorist outfits. He lauded the morale of base personnel and highlighted the collective resolve of PAF to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and preparedness in the face of evolving security challenges. He also thanked the joint operations team comprising Zarar Company of Pakistan Army and civil LEAs for their timely support to counter the infiltration most optimally.Speaking at the occasion the Air Chief stated, "The security scenario demands our unwavering vigilance and commitment. We stand resolute against any threat to our beloved nation. Pakistan Air Force will continue to play a pivotal role in safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan."The visit of Chief of the Air Staff serves as a strong message of solidarity and reassurance to the entire Pakistan Air Force personnel, inspiring them to remain steadfast in their duty to protect the nation. It also showcases the PAF's unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, bravery and dedication.
So the Air cheif is praising security of the air base .
I laughed 😅😅😅
7 terrorists entered and destroyed 4 jets.
Is that praise worthy?
Gora had made them for us.....they only need to be implemented
No implementation. I can bribe my local inspector a meagre 15K PKR and he will let me construct a building on his mother's grave.
It does not work that way because in those days people who were converted were not allowed back in Hinduism fold and were shamed and forced to leave outside villages. Reverting back is very recent phenomenon for Hindus last 20 years. Hindus don’t actively convert anyone as that not the goal for any Hindu but with Abrahamic faith specially Christians and Muslims constantly trying to convert others have started this and it very good as if you don’t spread your thought other will spread theirs.

Also there are few things which are call Stockholm syndrome and also kettle is hotter than tea stuff. If you live in Muslim majority you cannot convert unless you love death. There is just blasphemy killed there opened today. That is why many Muslims go atheist in western world.

There was NO those days,, India was always a hodge podge of pagan beliefs

People dumped hinduism because it's fundamentally a oppressive, superstitious, casteist nightmare of a belief system that has inflicted incredibly damage on the people of South Asia

And it's casteism that ultimately deludes the hindus into thinking people can't change it dump idol worship for a superior faith, that you can never change
For fucks sake why are we derailing this thread for this chutiyapa


End it there its such a pointless discussion, Hindutvas only larp about it because its a defense mechanism, they feel threatened by Islamists that's all
Haan Bhai look at real muslmaan pakistani and talibani showing these mentally unstable Hindus how time travel works. These Pakistani, talibani, ISIS are scientific genius are showing these Hindus how to actually travel back in time ( of Stone Age)
Afghans have been crossing indus to slap pubjabis for a 1000 years whcih they weirdly project on india (especially weird for us south indians). Paused breifly for the cold war and now its restarted

The more i think about it the more i realize that british actually drew a good border and basically gave india a buffer state..
Bs...during all the muslim rule on india....every regime would first conquere afganistan n then invade india.....for 1000 years it remained this way....then came the seikhs who conquered all peshawar, hazara n went uptill jalabad n Kabul.....they along with the British installed their puppet on Kabul

So read history instead of the bs ur fed


Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, Chief of the Air Staff, #Pakistan Air Force visited PAF Base, #Mianwali following a recent foiled terrorist attack. During the visit, the Air Chief commended the on duty security personnel for their unwavering professionalism and bravery in thwarting the malicious attempt and neutralizing the intruders in the minimum possible time.Chief of the Air Staff interacted with the base personnel, expressed his utmost appreciation for their exceptional commitment in putting service before self and reiterated the required level of readiness of each & every person in the Pakistan Air Force to counter any malicious intent of hostile elements & terrorist outfits. He lauded the morale of base personnel and highlighted the collective resolve of PAF to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and preparedness in the face of evolving security challenges. He also thanked the joint operations team comprising Zarar Company of Pakistan Army and civil LEAs for their timely support to counter the infiltration most optimally.Speaking at the occasion the Air Chief stated, "The security scenario demands our unwavering vigilance and commitment. We stand resolute against any threat to our beloved nation. Pakistan Air Force will continue to play a pivotal role in safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Pakistan."The visit of Chief of the Air Staff serves as a strong message of solidarity and reassurance to the entire Pakistan Air Force personnel, inspiring them to remain steadfast in their duty to protect the nation. It also showcases the PAF's unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, bravery and dedication.

This is quite the claim , to praise security - 3-4 Assets lost and few Officers lost
Typically such attempts are stopped prior to breach of fence
woow they were inside the base ???????????? ... one of the biggest pilot training base, unescorted ...obviously its inside job ....
I think those were in flight line and it means most likely airworthy ones. Looks like 3-4 squadrons are still operational in PAF.
Good aircraft, great if a good driver sitting in that. Great loss for country like Pakistan.

But i hope we are not waiting for top/front line aircrafts to be targeted. i hope ppl get into thr senses before that.
F-7s (not the PGs) have been retired amid much fanfare and all F-7 squadrons have been replaced with Thunders. The last I heard was these were inducted into the "Shooters squadron" for DACT role,at Mianwali, by Sohail Aman. Never heard about them afterwards. May be they were also phased out of that role as well...🤔
woow they were inside the base ???????????? ... one of the biggest pilot training base, unescorted ...obviously its inside job ....
At this point it would not be out of question for Azzin Mou me kheer to have driven this lot himself to the entrance.
What exactly did those 7 dead people achieve? Their burnt charcoal dismembered bodies splattered across the floor.
A complete waste of life. Surly if they felt so passionate about sacrificing themselves for a worthy cause they would have gone to support Hamas or Hezbollah against the IDF.
Sorry but paid 'tattus' deserved what they got.
As for COAS Munira, a complete incompetent bafoon just like his predecessor Bajrangi Bajwa. Under Bajwa Pakistan lost thousands of Pak army servicemen and FC in daily attacks across Balochestan and KPK.
COAS a curse upon Pakistan!!!
If you watch video they belive they are doing Allahs work and fighting kuffers so they achieved martyrdom and now will go in heaven.

That is why I always say good Muslims must get control back of Islam religion from these nutcases. This brainwashing is impossible to cure and will destroy meaning of Islam.
If you watch video they belive they are doing Allahs work and fighting kuffers so they achieved martyrdom and now will go in heaven.

That is why I always say good Muslims must get control back of Islam religion from these nutcases. This brainwashing is impossible to cure and will destroy meaning of Islam.
That's Afghani version of Islam. Their Islam only teaches them killing, destruction and plunder.
No wonder they still living in dinosaur era.
If you watch video they belive they are doing Allahs work and fighting kuffers so they achieved martyrdom and now will go in heaven.

That is why I always say good Muslims must get control back of Islam religion from these nutcases. This brainwashing is impossible to cure and will destroy meaning of Islam.
It has happened in the past. Read about Khawarij. Same brutality, same thinking.

They will be defeated again.
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