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Breaking news: IRGC fired multiple missiles to northeast of Iraq

Earlier today, we executed 3 terrorists from the same organization, despite all of west oppositions:
Executions of three Iranian Kurds an outrage - amnesty

and now this missile attack on their headquarter and the loose of their senior commanders!

I can truly understand the pain that C.I.A, MOSSAD, and MI6 are bearing right now, the loose of beloved ones is always painful! it's really a big butthurt.

So please accept my condolence in your ar$es!

no he is not


This is why I say the missile is not precise enough.

At least for my taste.
I may be stingy but I like when we spend some money every rial of it well spent and no waste.

Correct me if I am wrong,

But Firing F-110 or Scud would require restricting international airspace notifications in Iraq as it is widely used by civilian and military aircraft.

It would be a major heads up to Kurdish insurgents.

The strike was not ment to be a total decapication strike. But rather a warning.

Furthermore, the use of BM’s could cause international uproar and aid propaganda efforts against Iran’s BM arsenal.

Furthermore, Iran needed to test the war conditions of its artillery rockets.
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Correct me if I am wrong,
But Firing F-110 or Scud would require restricting international airspace notifications in Iraq as it is widely used by civilian and military aircraft.

Nope, it's not obligatory.. During the combat use of missiles it is foolish to warn the enemy.
For example, during the strike against ISIS in Deir ez Zor there were no warnings.
Well it should be cleared that no terrorist attacked is tolerated, thx IRGC.
Nope, it's not obligatory.. For example, during the strike against ISIS in Deir ez Zor there were no warnings.
In that case Iraqi officials were informed in advance ...

IRGC drones filmed the attack ... Wait for more fun :D

Probably other targets ... Or fooling the probable air defences !
As it seems in the clips it hit the yard and wave of explosion had destroyed the building .. 5 meters CEP ..
Well it should be cleared that no terrorist attacked is tolerated, thx IRGC.

In that case Iraqi officials were informed in advance ...

As it seems in the clips it hit the yard and wave of explosion had destroyed the building .. 5 meters CEP ..

Again !

You can see one of the rockets penetrated the building perfectly ...

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