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Breaking news: IRGC fired multiple missiles to northeast of Iraq

I aint watching that.

Pakistan is committed in rooting out terrorism of any sort
really ?? since 2013 the number of attacks has increased by each year

Pakistan Chief State Balochistan Chattha: the terrorist Abdul Sattar Rigi is in our custody May 2014
really ?? since 2013 the number of attacks has increased by each year

Pakistan Chief State Balochistan Chattha: the terrorist Abdul Sattar Rigi is in our custody May 2014

You would be suicidal to fire a bullet in anger at Pakistan.
Looks like PPK getting asses whopped

I clearly have not followed international war news that much

1 missile and PKK leadership gone
We're done with the bullshit of terrorist scum. we should have opted for massive Aerial Attack or at least a couple of dozen Fateh110/ MOBIN.
this attack was limited and apparently just a warning. although more than 11 rats are killed and dozens injured
Why waste jet fuel while we have such accurate missiles Haman jan? I'm amazed.

It's not Fajr-5C !
Could they be Ya Ali? You can see the booster go off route in one case

One of the rockets in that attack completely changed its route, is this possible for the Fajr 5 rocket?
That was a booster that was released from main missile body
It looks like only one rocket hit the target but that was deadly
10.57 p.m.
Khalid Wanawsha, a member of the KDP-I politburo, told Rudaw: “Today around 10:42, a huge sized missile landed at our base hitting the salon of our meeting hall, and the second landed in the front courtyard, and the third one here. Until now, we know of 14 martyrs. There some people missing, we do not know whether or not they are under the rubble of these ruins and a large number were wounded.

My conclusion is that thee missiles have hit one site, one directly on the building, one in the front where they have parked their cars (and they didn't show) and one in the back (the big hole in the ground).

The remaining terrorists have fled the scene immediately, that's why they don't know whether their members are dead or alive.

Terrorists deliberately showed only one target site (partly) and censored two others, that means they want to hide the scale of their their looses.

In one video a missile's path changes, so either it went viral or it has been a booster.

scale of attack is beyond those six missiles (launch of short range rockets):
rocket remnant.jpg

Tweeter has created official account for terrorist groups and at the same time closes pro Iranian accounts with the excuse of being related to Iranian government.

google is a terrorist organization.
Confirmed up to now 13 dead
Heath ministry of Iraqi Kurdistan.
Any ideas how this will play out in terms of the choosing of a PM. Erdogan was wise enough to limit operations before the elections. I am wondering if this will polarize options and decisions even more.

You had a bunch of fanatics with pitchforks and torches burning in the South. Now this in the North. Was the timing smart?

Yes ... They wanted to attack our border guards yesterday ... We wiped out the planners !
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