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Breaking news: IRGC fired multiple missiles to northeast of Iraq

Not powerful enough to be that useful also don't forget we don't have access to the satellite to be able to use military channels and when your speed pass a threshold the civillian channels stop working .
Honnestly if you would have said something like painting the room with laser it was more plausible.
Actually it's a very plausible scenario, by hacking a cellphone you can access to their voice, to their connections, you could use it's GPS to locate the meeting room (out of 72 rooms), data could have transferred through it's Internet connection to anywhere in the world.
Actually it's a very plausible scenario, by hacking a cellphone you can access to their voice, to their connections, you could use it's GPS to locate the meeting room (out of 72 rooms), data could have transferred through it's Internet connection to anywhere in the world.
You can't use it as a targeting point for the missile

They've done a lot of the work for the Avionics, Navigation, weapons systems, sensors & com's but Iran's UAV program needs to be a far greater necessity and better funded and the production of larger, faster & more maneuverable UCAV's need to become a far greater priority

Because if in the future they achieve the capability to mass produce a portable Quantum Communications and mass produce them at a relatively low cost they will completely remove the countries need for any manned fighters altogether. Hell having manned fighters at that point would be more of a disability rather than a capability because if your capable of cracking Quantum Com's then you can build fighters that can achieve speeds, altitudes & maneuvers that the human body simply can't handle with pilots sitting safely inside bunkers that have instant secure coms which would work better than having a pilot inside because then you will have the autonomy, security, instant reaction time and all the other advantages of a manned fighter without the stresses of flight or fear of death and all the other disadvantages of manned fighter without the need to loose complete autonomy to an automated AI controlled UCAV

The main problem with Quantum Com's, Quantum processing & data storage is that unless your the one producing it, in theory any country selling those devices to you could potentially have instant access to all the data you store, process & communicate so in that regard you really don't have a choice but to build and mass produces those devices yourself at least for any device that requires any type of security

All and all it means within the next 2 decades the front line fighters for most advanced countries will be Quantum com UCAV's & Spacecrafts and add to that quantum processing and future 3D printers and advanced countries will be able to produce UCAV's in far greater numbers making airpower far more vital than it is today
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