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Breaking news: IRGC fired multiple missiles to northeast of Iraq

They can have 100000% cooperation with turkey, you think that will save from Iran's wrath? Even the americans can't do jack to protect them, nevermind turkey.
Turkey is their nemesis, Iran is not. We should only cooperate on these issues with turkey.

We have a lot of differences on many areas with Turkey, but lets never forget they have helped us in many occasions. they're a stable neighbor with potent military and economy. turkey is maybe our only stable neighbor.

And trust me, as neighbors we only bolster each other in many ways.
If the Kurdish folks want to survive with dignity, the only path is 100% cooperation with Turkey!!! Bitlisli Idris, gave Beyat to Sultan Selim without firing a single shot, and the next centuries were utterly peaceful for them....
The launch site and the landing location of all missiles

So It was 3 missiles for the Meeting area and 4 for the training bases?

Yeah, but there is a fact that one of the rockets that got out of the direction had an error and was forced to move away from the residential area and they had to activate the self destruction option. Because the people that live there said that they heard the sound of the missile explosion, and a few minutes later, several helicopters went on the top of the explosion , so it's likely that one of the missiles did not leave Iran.
But another missile was quickly deployed
He is crazy. He has been several times permanently banned. One of his permanently banned accounts is @Falon

After being super nationalist he became lunatic and trolled Iranians.
He is just Shahist lover just like pasa demirci in quora they even said other iranians is not iranian
Little do they know that Shah of Iran is not a nationalistic leader he just Rotschchild puppet
So we have a video proof of 1 precise hit of the building and one in the yard of the building
What happened with the remaining 5 missiles?
To be fair, I saw in a utube video missile impacts way distant from the buidling, I want to know if that was an error or other targets bombed?
Its suspicious the impacts of the other 5 missiles were not shown

And why this one changed trajectory? error?



Wouldnt it be more effective to send some SU-24 and bomb the building?

assuing from 7 missiles only 2 made it, I would be very disappointed with Irans missile capabilities.
I mean, they bragging how good and precise they missiles are, putting so much resources and decades of hard work into missiles, and from 7 missiles only 2 made it?
I hope Im wrong

Normal success rate for Ballistic Missiles is usually 50% of them achieving the intended CEP and of all the 7 Missiles that were fired the Headquarters was hit exactly where the meeting took place, The house of a terrorist was hit & a training compound was hit.
Of all 7 Missiles 2 of them completely failed, 2 were direct hits and likely used more advanced version that had a CEP of under 10 meters at 250km & the rest all landed within 50 meters of the target which likely puts them within ~20 meters of their intended CEP because Iran wouldn't have used it's most advanced versions against those targets

And hitting a section of a building with a width of 20 meters using a Ballistic Missile is not easy at all!!!!! Also, you have to realize that the Fatteh-110 Iran started out producing between 2002-2008 would of had a CEP's of ~200 meters at 220km and by 2008 Iran cut the CEP of the Fatteh class down to ~75 meters at 250km and this process continued fairly rapidly to a point where today Iran can target section of a building whos width is ~ 20 meters and to accomplish such a task you would need a missile with a CEP of 10 meters or less at 250km and that is not an easy task at all!

But to replace an Air Force with Ballistic Missiles Iran would need to massively increase production of solid fueled BM and for targets beyond ~600km of Iranian soil Iranian Ballistic Missiles don't really have the accuracy to replace an Air Force and even if they did the current missiles being produced need to be produced at a rate of 1000's of each class per year and producing them is one thing which may be within Iran's capability BUT being able to fuel them is currently well beyond Iran's capabilities
The "display of capability" portion of this operation was large. One of the details was that they used lower capability IRGC ground forces UAVs than IRGC-ASF UAVs for the operation. A test and display of the coordination of both forces.

Another detail was that first missile that changed course. It could be a malfunction but also a in-flight course change or a pre-programmed trajectory change to fool early warning. It was the first missile of the salvo that did this trajectory change or malfunction.

Last but not least, the attack on the camp could be for symbolic purposes: "see we hit the center of your training camp, don't challenge us again". If that is the case, the accuracy of the Fateh-110B is much higher than thought. 200m CEP was a reasonable estimate, a rather optimistic one. I have the feeling that the attack was using a "trick" namely the mentioned GPS/GLONASS INS guidance for peacetime use.
So either the F-110B change to the F-110A was mainly the added GPS capability, or the F-110B arsenal was modified with it.
The "display of capability" portion of this operation was large. One of the details was that they used lower capability IRGC ground forces UAVs than IRGC-ASF UAVs for the operation. A test and display of the coordination of both forces.

Another detail was that first missile that changed course. It could be a malfunction but also a in-flight course change or a pre-programmed trajectory change to fool early warning. It was the first missile of the salvo that did this trajectory change or malfunction.

Last but not least, the attack on the camp could be for symbolic purposes: "see we hit the center of your training camp, don't challenge us again". If that is the case, the accuracy of the Fateh-110B is much higher than thought. 200m CEP was a reasonable estimate, a rather optimistic one. I have the feeling that the attack was using a "trick" namely the mentioned GPS/GLONASS INS guidance for peacetime use.
So either the F-110B change to the F-110A was mainly the added GPS capability, or the F-110B arsenal was modified with it.

To hit the meeting would have required a Missile with a CEP of under 10 meters and Iran hit the meeting place multiple times which would have required newer Fatteh-110's that would have been able to achieve a CEP of under 10 meters at their max range!!!

And people can say what they want but achieving a CEP of 10 meters with multiple hits would be high accuracy even on a subsonic cruise missile with 700lb warhead let alone a supersonic ballistic missile with a 1000lb warhead and near the missiles max effective range!!!!!!!!

But for their 2ndar targets they wouldn't of used brand new missiles because they were 2ndary targets and really not that important

Just so people understand what that means in terms of military targets this is what a small Aircraft bunker looks like


10 meter CEP with a Ballistic Missile with 1000lb warhead is all the Precision targeting Iran would ever need to hit any fixed target with it's ballistic or cruise missiles

The rest is just a matter of how many missiles you can produce and launch!!! And it was a great message to countries within the range of the Zolfaghar and Fatteh class missiles because if they are under the illusion that in a war against Iran the U.S. can protect them then they should now also be full aware that the U.S. gave the Kurds assurances that they will protect them as well and intercept any Iranian Missile that entered Iraq's Kurdish region!
apart from being a unfriendly act. Pakistan on occasion seen this undisciplined behaviour from there border guards. To stupid to realise they as well can be vapourised by counter fire from across the border to.
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