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Breaking news: IRGC fired multiple missiles to northeast of Iraq

Makes sense for Iran to use the old variants of F-110. It allows Iran to deplete it’s old storage before they reach expiration and must be dismantled.

Win-Win situation. Older variants were probably used in the dier-zor attack in Syria as well.
Important points: Accuracy of the two of the Fatehs seems to have been below 10m. The building complex is too large to have been hit accidentally in that section and still killed those commanders. Furthermore the second missile lands too close to the first missile.
One explanation is that the 12 year old B variant was in a GPS/GLONASS mode "for peacetime use".
Another one is that at least two of those missiles were Fateh Mobin with terminal guidance to enable such a low CEP.
The 5 other missiles could have been INS guided Fathe-110B with 200-500m CEP to demonstrate firepower and shock. The 5 others might have hit a military target too which has not been released. The Fathe-110B has to be used against a larger area target when using its original INS or alternatively in a secondary GPS/GLONASS mode to hit such small targets as in this operation.

I would disagree about IRGC demonstrating fire power because I wouldn't believe that IRGC would show off missile power targeting indiscriminately at large population area risking killing or/and injuring civilians. Definitively CEP is very small to be coincidental with two missiles that fell almost next to each other.
Do you know what the drone that Iran use to spy at this base?


Makes sense for Iran to use the old variants of F-110. It allows Iran to deplete it’s old storage before they reach expiration and must be dismantled.

Win-Win situation. Older variants were probably used in the dier-zor attack in Syria as well.

Nope ... B-313 zolfiqar used ...
Fateh-110 is one fucking effective weapon!

First impact:

Second impact:

Most probably Fateh Mobin battle tested !

I'm allowed to call him retarded.

@Rukarl Hey retard, Is this seem a 300-500 meters error margin to you?
He is crazy. He has been several times permanently banned. One of his permanently banned accounts is @Falon

After being super nationalist he became lunatic and trolled Iranians.
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اختصاصی: اطلاعات جدید از عملیات موشکی سپاه علیه تروریست‌ها در اربیل/ شلیک ۷ فروند موشک فاتح۱۱۰ از فاصله ۲۲۰کیلومتری
به گزارش خبرنگار دفاعی خبرگزاری تسنیم، روز گذشته سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی با 7 فروند موشک زمین به زمین کوتاه‌برد فاتح 110 ــ B، مواضع تروریست‌های حزب دموکرات کردستان را با موفقیت هدف قرار داد.
این عملیات مهم، توسط یگان موشکی نیروی هوافضای سپاه انجام شده است و همزمان پهپادهای نیروی زمینی سپاه پاسداران نیز در آن مشارکت داشته‌اند.
تصاویر و فیلم‌هایی که توسط تروریست‌ها از این عملیات موشکی منتشر شده است، نشان می‌دهد که موشک‌های با دقت بسیار بالا به اهداف اصابت کرده و منجر به هلاکت بسیاری از سران و نیروهای این گروهک تروریستی شده است.
Do you think they had marked the location with laser through the drone that was flying above? I'm still shocked! Accuracy is within centimeters!

in the VOA report that i posted before did you notice that the Americans said they told the Iraqis that the missiles were fired from Iraq soil, because if they were firing from Iranian soil, our radars would have track them . The Americans could not track the fateh 110B missiles and, therefore, they thought they were fired of Iraq soil.:lol::lol:
It's probably because of their depressed trajectory. It is faster than normal trajectory and harder to detect or counter:


I think it was a very good heads up for all Iran enemies.
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