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Breaking news: IRGC fired multiple missiles to northeast of Iraq

Iran confirms missile attack against opposition group bases in northern Iraq
9 September 2018 13:53 (UTC+04:00)

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) confirmed that has fired missiles against the bases of armed opposition groups in northern Iraqi city of Koya.

In a statement on Sept. 9, the IRGC said that has targeted bases of a “filthy and criminal group,” when the party leaders sat for a meeting and a “terrorist training center” with seven short range surface-to-surface missiles.

Yesterday, some local media outlets reported that at least 11 killed and dozens more were wounded in missile attack on headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) and the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) in Koya, 60 kilometres east of Erbil city.

The IRGC said that has destroyed the center of conspiracy against Iran’s national security in the operation.

Tens of leaders and major operational elements of the group were also killed and wounded in the operation, according to the IRGC.

The operation was carried out by Missile Unit of IRGC Aerospace Force with participation of the drone unit of IRGC Ground Forces, the statement said.

Yesterday IRGC also announced that its forces have killed six members of a terror team in the western province of Kurdistan on Sept. 7.

An IRGC statement read that the killed were members of PJAK terrorist group, an offshoot of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

According to the statement, the terrorist team attacked a border post in Iran’s western province of Kurdistan back in July.


IRGC published the drone footage:
اطلاعیه سپاه در تشریح عملیات موشکی علیه تروریست‌ها؛
پاسخ های کوبنده تر در صورت تکرار شرارت

drone footage 1.jpg
drone footage 2.jpg

IRGC even knew which room!
Iran confirms missile attack against opposition group bases in northern Iraq
9 September 2018 13:53 (UTC+04:00)

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) confirmed that has fired missiles against the bases of armed opposition groups in northern Iraqi city of Koya.

In a statement on Sept. 9, the IRGC said that has targeted bases of a “filthy and criminal group,” when the party leaders sat for a meeting and a “terrorist training center” with seven short range surface-to-surface missiles.

Yesterday, some local media outlets reported that at least 11 killed and dozens more were wounded in missile attack on headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) and the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (PDKI) in Koya, 60 kilometres east of Erbil city.

The IRGC said that has destroyed the center of conspiracy against Iran’s national security in the operation.

Tens of leaders and major operational elements of the group were also killed and wounded in the operation, according to the IRGC.

The operation was carried out by Missile Unit of IRGC Aerospace Force with participation of the drone unit of IRGC Ground Forces, the statement said.

Yesterday IRGC also announced that its forces have killed six members of a terror team in the western province of Kurdistan on Sept. 7.

An IRGC statement read that the killed were members of PJAK terrorist group, an offshoot of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

According to the statement, the terrorist team attacked a border post in Iran’s western province of Kurdistan back in July.


IRGC published the drone footage:
اطلاعیه سپاه در تشریح عملیات موشکی علیه تروریست‌ها؛
پاسخ های کوبنده تر در صورت تکرار شرارت

View attachment 497582 View attachment 497583

IRGC even knew which room!

They used older generations

Impact :


As you can see they were in a castle !!!

But they had no idea what's coming for them :lol:
اختصاصی: اطلاعات جدید از عملیات موشکی سپاه علیه تروریست‌ها در اربیل/ شلیک ۷ فروند موشک فاتح۱۱۰ از فاصله ۲۲۰کیلومتری
به گزارش خبرنگار دفاعی خبرگزاری تسنیم، روز گذشته سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی با 7 فروند موشک زمین به زمین کوتاه‌برد فاتح 110 ــ B، مواضع تروریست‌های حزب دموکرات کردستان را با موفقیت هدف قرار داد.
این عملیات مهم، توسط یگان موشکی نیروی هوافضای سپاه انجام شده است و همزمان پهپادهای نیروی زمینی سپاه پاسداران نیز در آن مشارکت داشته‌اند.
تصاویر و فیلم‌هایی که توسط تروریست‌ها از این عملیات موشکی منتشر شده است، نشان می‌دهد که موشک‌های با دقت بسیار بالا به اهداف اصابت کرده و منجر به هلاکت بسیاری از سران و نیروهای این گروهک تروریستی شده است.
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Oh cmon ... We are talking about two different places !

2 for the castle

4 for training camp >>>

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View attachment 497603

in the VOA report that i posted before did you notice that the Americans said they told the Iraqis that the missiles were fired from Iraq soil, because if they were firing from Iranian soil, our radars would have track them . The Americans could not track the fateh 110B missiles and, therefore, they thought they were fired of Iraq soil.:lol::lol:
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Important points: Accuracy of the two of the Fatehs seems to have been below 10m. The building complex is too large to have been hit accidentally in that section and still killed those commanders. Furthermore the second missile lands too close to the first missile.
One explanation is that the 12 year old B variant was in a GPS/GLONASS mode "for peacetime use".
Another one is that at least two of those missiles were Fateh Mobin with terminal guidance to enable such a low CEP.
The 5 other missiles could have been INS guided Fathe-110B with 200-500m CEP to demonstrate firepower and shock. The 5 others might have hit a military target too which has not been released. The Fathe-110B has to be used against a larger area target when using its original INS or alternatively in a secondary GPS/GLONASS mode to hit such small targets as in this operation.
Is there a drone footage for the other 5 missiles? One of them seems to have failed after launch. It goes sideways in a different direction.
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