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Breaking news: IRGC fired multiple missiles to northeast of Iraq

apparently the central office of Kurdistan democrat party has been targeted, drones have been hovering over the area.
Mostafa mouludi and Khaled Azizi current and ex general secretary of this party are among the casualties.

منابع کُرد عراق: دفتر مرکزی حزب دمکرات(HDK) هدف موشک قرار گرفت

If it has been Iran, then it's a good lesson for the terrorist leaders, Iran wont allow any safe heaven for them.

Destruction of major PDKI leadership in ONE swift blow. Incredible Intel and planning by Iran here.

Should've used more firepower than a handful of rockets.
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So far, this is the list of killed members: (there are more)
deceased terrorists.jpg

Desperate Americans have arrived at the scene!
Iran rockets Kurdish parties' headquarters in Kurdistan Region’s Koya
The first missile hit the party’s headquarters at 10:42 a.m. while around 40 of its members were meeting to discuss preparations for its 17th party congress. So far, 14 of its members are known to have died, but others buried under the rubble are yet to be identified.


A team made up of Americans and Germans has arrived at the scene to investigate, Wanawsha said.
The first missile hit the party’s headquarters at 10:42 a.m. while around 40 of its members were meeting to discuss preparations for its 17th party congress. So far, 14 of its members are known to have died, but others buried under the rubble are yet to be identified.


A team made up of Americans and Germans has arrived at the scene to investigate, Wanawsha said.

Probably they want to know what kind of stuff they are dealing with...
Any ideas how this will play out in terms of the choosing of a PM. Erdogan was wise enough to limit operations before the elections. I am wondering if this will polarize options and decisions even more.

You had a bunch of fanatics with pitchforks and torches burning in the South. Now this in the North. Was the timing smart?
Likely upper echoleons of IRGC only approved Fajr use and not Zelzal or F-110 to contain possible political fallout.

The strike was ment as a warning.

If they wanted to truly do a decapication strike they would have F-4’s drop 1000lb PGM onto the building.
To be honest these animals just like men they are old and dead ideology who think they can make comeback

These scums who founded by the soviet communist and dogs in Iran to be used against Iraq and Turkey they were abandoned by Stalin after they were used as toilet paper they think that their old terrorist tribal group creation is still accepted by people today

@Shapur Zol Aktaf
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