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Blasts Heard in Baghdad Amid Reports of Rockets Landing in US Embassy


Come ban these Pakistani trolls. They have to make every thread about Pakistan or else they can’t sleep at night.

A thread about Iraq, they still have to turn it into a thread about Pakistan

There was a discussion about Iraq-Pakistan relations and you started flinging sh~t for no reason. That is relevant to this thread and you began derailing it by taking it strictly toward Pakistan. Have a read:

These Pakistanis on this board have an obscene obsession about who is friendly with them and who secretly wants to touch their buttholes.

It is weird man. I have never seen a more paranoid group of people.
I know how you guys love walking on american flags. I thought to give you some suggestions

You just joined today. So god knows when you got banned and what fake account your using to hide your real ID you troll.
Flooding and mass death is a regular occurance in dirty bunghole Indonesia.

Your here sh1t talking when the Chinese are stealing your islands and embarrassing your nation. It's pathetic have fun being a Chinese colony in 20 yrs.
nope china's isn't stealing our island lol, some water territirial issue not island hahahahahah
General Qassem Soleimani, the all powerful commander of the IRGC Quds Force, issued stern warnings to the Pakistani government and its military establishment. “I have this question for the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbours and do you have any other neighbour left that you want to stir insecurity for," Gen Soleimani was quoted as saying.

Pakistan First!

That's not a threat you absolute degenerate. The fvcking IQ in this thread is bringing mine down too.

He's asking a legitimate question, there was no warning or "threat" like the Pakis in this thread are wailing about. Take control of your borders and stop allowing balochi terrorists to slaughter Iranian border guards from your soil.
There was a discussion about Iraq-Pakistan relations and you started flinging sh~t for no reason. That is relevant to this thread and you began derailing it by taking it strictly toward Pakistan. Have a read:


you brought that up you troll. The user you asked even said who cares as it was OFF TOPIC. But you kept going on and on about Saddam did this and Saddam did that.

what relevance does that have in a thread about Iraqi attacks?

OFF TOPIC. You want to talk about Iraq-Pakistan relations go open a thread about Iraq-Pakistan relations in Iraqi forum or **** forum. Don’t hijack a thread about ongoing geopolitical event to talk about random bullshit
He's asking a legitimate question, there was no warning or "threat" like the Pakis in this thread are wailing about. Take control of your borders and stop allowing balochi terrorists to slaughter Iranian border guards from your soil.

Why are you here... If we are pakis???

Bomb! Bomb! Bomb Iran!

General Qassem Soleimani, the all powerful commander of the IRGC Quds Force, issued stern warnings to the Pakistani government and its military establishment. “I have this question for the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbours and do you have any other neighbour left that you want to stir insecurity for," Gen Soleimani was quoted as saying.

Pakistan First!

So he asked a question about Pakistan military objectives. Where is this talk that he said He’s going to attack Pakistan? Has Iran and Pakistan ever exchanges direct military fire?

Answer is no to both. So stop getting your feelings hurt. Pakistan government didn’t, but you did.

you brought that up you troll. The user you asked even said who cares as it was OFF TOPIC. But you kept going on and on about Saddam did this and Saddam did that.

what relevance does that have in a thread about Iraqi attacks?

OFF TOPIC. You want to talk about Iraq-Pakistan relations go open a thread about Iraq-Pakistan relations in Iraqi forum or **** forum. Don’t hijack a thread about ongoing geopolitical event to talk about random bullshit

I was asked about Saddam's actions and that's how it continued. I was trying to figure out why a Pakistani was so invested against Iran that he was overlooking Saddam's actions that's why it was brought up and you wanted to start nonsense when it didn't involve you.
So he asked a question about Pakistan military objectives. Where is this talk that he said He’s going to attack Pakistan? Has Iran and Pakistan ever exchanges direct military fire?

Answer is no to both. So stop getting your feelings hurt. Pakistan government didn’t, but you did.

He attacked Pakistan and sunnis. I just responded.. go back re-read the thread.

Anyways... In my opinion Iran is in a pickle.

I am not going to loose any sleep on this general's death. Not should any Pakistani... Of any sect.
dude you can't even differentiate a dispute over water or over land, island is clearly a land body LOLOLOL>OL

Who cares? I don't give a damn, territorial waters is still territory, whatever. Go project your nations failures over at the Chinese section instead of acting like a monkey indon over here.
I was asked about Saddam's actions and that's how it continued. I was trying to figure out why a Pakistani was so invested against Iran that he was overlooking Saddam's actions that's why it was brought up and you wanted to start nonsense when it didn't involve you.

Again you are problem here. And you derailed a thread with off topic bull****.

Let me ask you something since you are too stupid to comprehend basic things.

Why are you asking on an Iranian sub-forum in a thread about attacks ongoing in Baghdad about Iraqi-Pakistan relations?

Like I said, you took this thread off-topic on purpose. You made it about Pakistan when there was not a .0001% reason why Pakistan should even be brought up.

You deserve to be banned for taking a thread off topic and causing all the other Pakis to join your stupid crusade about making everything about Pakistan.

I got nothing else to say to you troll. You have been exposed.
Baloch FC should dig themselves in at the western border. I have a bad feeling that they will do something on this side too.

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