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Blasts Heard in Baghdad Amid Reports of Rockets Landing in US Embassy

YouY kin sided with kaffirs to attack Pakistan. Iran is not a friend in iur books

I'm actually the laughing rn, go kill your daughter for showing ankle to her cousin. Better yet add another 50 million people to your country. I'm sure Pakistan is definitely the next China.

Even India's supapowa 2020 claims are more believable then Pakistan being any beacon of hope, beacon of terrorism or honor killings maybe lol.
Show your real flags african
Being killed is part of the job the risk, giving his life for the region, losing his life in a cowardly attack which even according to many americans was not according to the rules.

When Isis was bringing "rest" to Iraq, he was causing "unrest" by resisting ISIS and today tens of thousands Iraqis mourned for him. Iraqis seem to have loved his unrest I guess.
Name one general being loved and mourned like this in a neighbouring country.

Just because you believe in your regime sponsored bedtime lorries does not mean free thinking minds around the globe believe the same. Good night :-)
Here we have a bunch of Pakis, an indon ape monkey. And a menagerie of other nationalities who have nothing

This is exactly what you get when you mess with others on individual and national level.
Like the Iranian Mullahs do?

Lol... Seriously, why are you here if you hate Pakistanis so much?... It's kinda pathetic... Lol.

Pakistanis are hostile to everyone here, but you guys appear to have a hard-on for Iranians in particular. Your people always show their true colours in situations like this, I've noticed this, always barging in with disrespect, trying to make everything about yourselves like women on their periods. Constantly dickriding Americans who bomb your people and violate your territorial integrity like they own the place regularly.
Pakistanis are hostile to everyone here, but you guys appear to have a hard-on for Iranians in particular. Your people always show their true colours in situations like this, I've noticed this, always barging in with disrespect, trying to make everything about yourselves like women on their periods. Constantly dickriding Americans who bomb your people and violate your territorial integrity like they own the place regularly.

You were the one who said:
1. All Sunnis in Germany are terrorists
2. Beating women for showing ankle
3. Pakki
4. Pakistan is regional issue
5. Pakistans have hard-on for Iran... (usually means an attraction ... But anyways..)

Why are you here????... No Iranian forums from. Iran where you can speak openly??? With multiple opions ... Here we can say "F Zardari, F any thing"... True freedom... Here on Pakistani forum..... A .pk domain

Here in a Pakistani forum you will find...
1. Zionists
3. Iranian - pro or anti
4. Pro Pakistani army ... Anti army
5. Even some Hindutva
6. Pakistani pro this party or anti any party
7. Liberals
8. Conservative

... Pity you can't find an Iranian forum with such diversity.... Even if an forums aren't as diverse as us!!!

Americans who bomb your people and violate your territorial integrity like they own the place regularly.

We took care of that... Too bad you are behind the times... And we always come out in one piece. Ameen.
You were the one who said:
1. All Sunnis in Germany are terrorists
2. Beating women for showing ankle
3. ****
4. Pakistan is regional issue
5. Pakistans have hard-on for Iran... (usually means an attraction ... But anyways..)

Why are you here... No Iranian forums from. Iran where you can speak openly??? With multiple options ... Here we can say "F Zardari, F any thing"... True freedom... Here on Pakistani forum..... A .pk domain

1. All sunnis in Germany are not terrorists, but all terror attacks in Germany have been carried out by Sunnis.
2. A hyperbole maybe, but Honor killings are notorious in Pakistan. There's no denying that.
3. ****???
4. They are, your nukes and instability is a concern for neighbouring states.
5. There's no sexual undertones (but what do i know lol), it's just that Iran lives rent-free in the minds of many Pakis here.

I don't speak Farsi I am just a huge advocate for anyone who stands up to Zionism and US global terrorism, and this is the most interesting thing happening lately. Plus from what I hear from Iranian members Iranian forums are run by shahfags and leftists who ban any pro-IRI opinions.
1. All sunnis in Germany are not terrorists, but all terror attacks in Germany have been carried out by Sunnis.
2. A hyperbole maybe, but Honor killings are notorious in Pakistan. There's no denying that.
3. ****???
4. They are, your nukes and instability is a concern for neighbouring states.
5. There's no sexual undertones (but what do i know lol), it's just that Iran lives rent-free in the minds of many Pakis here.

I don't speak Farsi I am just a huge advocate for anyone who stands up to Zionism and US global terrorism, and this is the most interesting thing happening lately. Plus from what I hear from Iranian members Iranian forums are run by shahfags and leftists who ban any pro-IRI opinions.

Not really. Pakistan is like Israel in many ways.Surrounded by crazies. It has to withstand and counter Hindutva Extremist from India to the East, the shady Iranian Mullah fundamentals to the West, and a failed Afghan terror nation to the West.

It is the only nation that has on a macro scale a civilized approach.

It certainly has issues... But who doesn't.

On the whole it is a strong nation that knows how to survive and is a nation full of diversity and world's most big hearted people with immense talent. We know we have no other option if you look at the fires currently sweeping India, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, and perhaps soon Iran.

Problem is.. you don't know us. Except from BBC, CNN, Fox, RT or even Press TV. ... Maybe that works in favor for us.
Pakistanis are hostile to everyone here, but you guys appear to have a hard-on for Iranians in particular. Your people always show their true colours in situations like this, I've noticed this, always barging in with disrespect, trying to make everything about yourselves like women on their periods. Constantly dickriding Americans who bomb your people and violate your territorial integrity like they own the place regularly.

Buddy take a quick hike from this forum now before I bury you into the ground. It is outrageous that you have the audacity to come to a Pakistani forum and insult us in this pathetic manner.

If there is any person here disrespecting it is you. Quickly piss off because you don’t want me getting warmed up here.
Plus from what I hear from Iranian members Iranian forums are run by shahfags and leftists who ban any pro-IRI opinions.

Exactly... You have more fault lines than we do.

Just look here... We can say anything. Those Iranian forums are hosted in USA ISP. Then you have pro-Mullah forums hosted by Iranian ISPs.

Here you have a Pakistan defence.pk hosted by Pakistan... And just look at the freedom!!!

We allow even Iranian extremists like you... To even go as far as call us names.

We truely exalted ones... A true superior hearted people with openess and diversity.

That is why people hate us so much
. Jealousy.
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Again you are problem here. And you derailed a thread with off topic bull****.

Let me ask you something since you are too stupid to comprehend basic things.

Why are you asking on an Iranian sub-forum in a thread about attacks ongoing in Baghdad about Iraqi-Pakistan relations?

Like I said, you took this thread off-topic on purpose. You made it about Pakistan when there was not a .0001% reason why Pakistan should even be brought up.

You deserve to be banned for taking a thread off topic and causing all the other Pakis to join your stupid crusade about making everything about Pakistan.

I got nothing else to say to you troll. You have been exposed.

Stop using the word “Pakis”. Just because this is a sub forum doesn’t mean that you can start ridiculing Pakistanis.
Just because you believe in your regime sponsored bedtime lorries does not mean free thinking minds around the globe believe the same. Good night :-)
I'm asking you a question and telling you the facts.
This is the reality, no general from a country is mourned like this in other country. So it means Iraqis love his deeds. Lol americans were asking, is this Iran or Iraq? we should leave if this Iraq.


Come ban these Pakistani trolls. They have to make every thread about Pakistan or else they can’t sleep at night.

A thread about Iraq, they still have to turn it into a thread about Pakistan

It is funny you tag @waz. He is also a Pakistani.

What we need to do on this forum is quickly finish this sub forum BS. The amount of trash that this sub forum attracts is beyond comprehension.
It is funny you tag @waz. He is also a Pakistani.

There is difference between being a smart educated Pakistani and a Pakistani troll.

So you should probably edit your comment because you are inferring that @waz is also a troll.

Stop using the word “Pakis”. Just because this is a sub forum doesn’t mean that you can start ridiculing Pakistanis.

I am on my phone so it’s an abbreviation to save time. Not sure how an abbreviation of your own country’s name is a “ridicule”.
There is difference between being a smart educated Pakistani and a Pakistani troll.

So you should probably edit your comment because you are inferring that @waz is also a troll.

You didn’t make that distinction in your first post. It is an eye opener this attitude that I am seeing from garbage like you.

I am very familiar with this attitude from your kind. It doesn’t surprise me the way you are behaving. I have seen and heard it all before. Keep going because at the end of the day you are only going to hurt yourself. The facts on the ground speak volume.

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