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Blasts Heard in Baghdad Amid Reports of Rockets Landing in US Embassy

Again you are problem here. And you derailed a thread with off topic bull****.

Let me ask you something since you are too stupid to comprehend basic things.

Why are you asking on an Iranian sub-forum in a thread about attacks ongoing in Baghdad about Iraqi-Pakistan relations?

Like I said, you took this thread off-topic on purpose. You made it about Pakistan when there was not a .0001% reason why Pakistan should even be brought up.

You deserve to be banned for taking a thread off topic and causing all the other Pakis to join your stupid crusade about making everything about Pakistan.

I got nothing else to say to you troll. You have been exposed.

Stay mad. :enjoy:

FYI at no point was I rude to you the same cannot be said for you. Carry on. :bunny:
Who cares? I don't give a damn, territorial waters is still territory, whatever. Go project your nations failures over at the Chinese section instead of acting like a monkey indon over here.
OH MY GOD BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, so you just realize that none of our land actually occupied by PLA??????????

Iran directed attack on US embassy in the greatest of all FAils. iranian turd HHAHAHAHAHAH
Why Pakistani patriots should not mourn the Pakistan hating Iranian General:

Iran threatens action against Pakistan-based terrorist groups
TNN | Updated: Mar 4, 2019, 17:10 IST
“I have this question for the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbours and do you have any other neighbour left that you want to stir insecurity for," Gen Soleimani was quoted as saying.

That's how fake news works. This is neither a warning, nor a threat, but an opinion/complaint. Just analyse the sentence:

“I have this question for the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbours and do you have any other neighbour left that you want to stir insecurity for,"
He attacked Pakistan and sunnis. I just responded.. go back re-read the thread.

Anyways... In my opinion Iran is in a pickle.

I am not going to loose any sleep on this general's death. Not should any Pakistani... Of any sect.

Go back and re-read the thread? You mean the thread that was about Iraqi attacks in Baghdad that you made about Solemani and Pakistan?

Stop taking threads off topic. I don’t care if Solemani said he would butcher the entire country or if Pakistan said they would nuke every Iranian city. This thread is not about either topics so stop hijacking threads.

That's how fake news works. This is neither a warning, nor a threat, but an opinion/complaint. Just analyse the sentence:

“I have this question for the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbours and do you have any other neighbour left that you want to stir insecurity for,"

Just like Israel. We are surrounded by crazies... Afghan Crazies, Iranian Mullah Terrorists, and Hindutva Extremist.

We are the only beacon of hope in the region. A true plural open hearted people. You don't know us.

Pakistan First!
That's how fake news works. This is neither a warning, nor a threat, but an opinion/complaint. Just analyse the sentence:

“I have this question for the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbours and do you have any other neighbour left that you want to stir insecurity for,"

And then the guy got roasted in a neighboring country for creating unrest. Karma :D
Again you are problem here. And you derailed a thread with off topic bull****.

Let me ask you something since you are too stupid to comprehend basic things.

Why are you asking on an Iranian sub-forum in a thread about attacks ongoing in Baghdad about Iraqi-Pakistan relations?

Like I said, you took this thread off-topic on purpose. You made it about Pakistan when there was not a .0001% reason why Pakistan should even be brought up.

You deserve to be banned for taking a thread off topic and causing all the other Pakis to join your stupid crusade about making everything about Pakistan.

I got nothing else to say to you troll. You have been exposed.
This whole forum is about Pakistan. PAKISTAN DEFENSE FORUM, can you read yanky doodle?.
And then the guy got roasted in a neighboring country for creating unrest. Karma :D
Being killed is part of the job the risk, giving his life for the region, losing his life in a cowardly attack which even according to many americans was not according to the rules.

When Isis was bringing "rest" to Iraq, he was causing "unrest" by resisting ISIS and today tens of thousands Iraqis mourned for him. Iraqis seem to have loved his unrest I guess.
Name one general being loved and mourned like this in a neighbouring country.
A leader doesn’t need to be in Iraq to order attacks. Are you stupid or do you not know How chain of command works?

Iraqi militas have already spoken so I trust their words more than an Internet Armchair General telling an Iranian about 3 days of mourning.

More you open your mouth, bigger the idiot you look. Iraqi militias leaders will finalise their plans in Iran after Soleimani's funeral! You don't discuss important things like war on Twitter! You don't issue important orders on WhatsApp! Smooth-brained Idiot! This forum has really let the standards slip with daft teenage keyboard warriors posting tweets and low quality one-liners. Don't quote me again!
That's how fake news works. This is neither a warning, nor a threat, but an opinion/complaint. Just analyse the sentence:

“I have this question for the Pakistani government: where are you heading to? You have caused unrest along borders with all your neighbours and do you have any other neighbour left that you want to stir insecurity for,"
Oh shove it. It was threat and Iran will pay
Just like Israel. We are surrounded by crazies... Afghan Crazies, Iranian Mullah Terrorists, and Hindutva Extremist.

We are the only beacon of hope in the region. A true plural open hearted people. You don't know us.

Pakistan First!

I'm actually the laughing rn, go kill your daughter for showing ankle to her cousin. Better yet add another 50 million people to your country. I'm sure Pakistan is definitely the next China.

Even India's supapowa 2020 claims are more believable then Pakistan being any beacon of hope, beacon of terrorism or honor killings maybe lol.
Being killed is part of the job the risk, giving his life for the region, losing his life in a cowardly attack which even according to many americans was not according to the rules.

When Isis was bringing "rest" to Iraq, he was causing "unrest" by resisting ISIS and today tens of thousands Iraqis mourned for him. Iraqis seem to have loved his unrest I guess.
So killing innocents from Yemen to Afghanistan is not cowardly?.
So killing innocents from Yemen to Afghanistan is not cowardly?.
thousands kids died in Yemen by US-backed saudi attacks, biggest famine. Not caused by Iran at all because there are no Iranians living or fighting in Yemen.
Iran killing innocents in afghanistan? ok. :/

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