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Blasts Heard in Baghdad Amid Reports of Rockets Landing in US Embassy


Basically he is saying that Iran doesn’t want war and either does Trump.

But he says I can promise you this we have mobilized from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and he says some countries I cannot mention due to classified.

There is a response coming and I can promise you it will be strategic and long lasting and at a scale that no other country will ever think of violating such a sacred line ever again.
Basically he is saying that Iran doesn’t want war and either does Trump.

But he says I can promise you this we have mobilized from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and he says some countries I cannot mention due to classified.

There is a response coming and I can promise you it will be strategic and long lasting and at a scale that no other country will ever think of violating such a sacred line ever again.

Is it bad I want to see a war? No psycho it's just that nothing ever happens anymore. Be good to reset the world after the inevitable economic recession and power struggles.
Is it bad I want to see a war? No psycho it's just that nothing ever happens anymore. Be good to reset the world after the inevitable economic recession and power struggles.

It feels like an inevitability at this point doesn't it?

Trumps tweet literally means war since any reprisal will mean an even bigger reprisal back.
It feels like an inevitability at this point doesn't it?

Trumps tweet literally means war since any reprisal will mean an even bigger reprisal back.
He said the same things about North Korea. He can't afford a war specially if he is to blame for it.
He said the same things about North Korea. He can't afford a war specially if he is to blame for it.

I'm with you in sentiment but my gut feeling, which can be completely wrong, is telling me something different Armin-jan.

I wanna be wrong but Trump's hubris and stupidity on the global stage is quite legendary at this point. It isn't outside the realm of possibility that trump actually thinks he can get into a conflict not a war necessarily with Iran and get away with it.

Don't underestimate the apathy of the general American populace. If America can get away with the casualties of a limited conflict with Iran whilst saving face then there really isn't anything holding the U.S. back other than the possibility of this entire charade blowing way out of proportion.
Then the refueling tankers will be blown out of the sky, or even the B-2s themselves. That doesn't stop every base from al-udeid to balad from turning into an overnight mass grave.
Do u even have the slightest notion of how war is conducted?, initially the US navy will fire thousands of salvos of cruise missles taking out most of Irans air defences amongst other valuable targets. Then the Airforce will swoop in to clear what is left. If they decide to initiate ground invasion after that, troops will steadily move forward with close airsupport with the Iranian military utterly unprotected. No one can fight on ground when the enemy enforces no fly zone over ur skies.
Do u even have the slightest notion of how war is conducted?, initially the US navy will fire thousands of salvos of cruise missles taking out most of Irans air defences amongst other valuable targets.

It is quite remarkable how you asked a question then showed you are mentally retarded right after asking the question.

For the US to fire “thousands of cruise missiles” it would need

A) destroyers

B) cruisers

They would at a minimum need to travel to the Indian Ocean and preferably right up to strait in order to give the missiles as much range as possible.

So while an armada of 15+ cruisers comes up to Iran. Mr. Armchair general you just say that Iran will sit there and watch the ships come in and fire their missiles?

You are the one that has no idea how war works. Go back to Call of Duty
Do u even have the slightest notion of how war is conducted?, initially the US navy will fire thousands of salvos of cruise missles taking out most of Irans air defences amongst other valuable targets. Then the Airforce will swoop in to clear what is left. If they decide to initiate ground invasion after that, troops will steadily move forward with close airsupport with the Iranian military utterly unprotected. No one can fight on ground when the enemy enforces no fly zone over ur skies.

There is a viable counter-arguments to the salvo of cruise missiles though.

Iran has increasingly moved its most sensitive equipment into dispersed and widespread underground encampments/tunnels which are not some small function but mega-structures in a lot of ways. The tunnels themselves which have earth moving equipment inside of them that can open already half drilled holes and pop out carrying out SAM operations and retaliatory missile attacks if the main entrances are impeded.

Moreover Iran has S-300PMU2s and a litany of other CIWS and air defenses ready to mitigate any wave based American cruise missile attack.
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