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'Black Flag of Jihad will Fly over London': Alarm over UK-born Iraq Fighters' Threat

yeah I agree and it's unfortunate that people can't understand the crisis and it's impact.

They understand the crises and its impact but are refusing to acknowledge it as that mean they themselves were played.
After centuries of oppression, the common Muslim is now in a place from where it can hit back. We need to tame this Badmast Hathi. It needs a feelbaan which can can point it in the right direction.

Forget about the UN/Nato. Muslims will decide their fate by themselves. I see all this as an opportunity.

The Caliphate is on the rise my friend.

Bhai, success is staring us in the face and yet we turn our backs on it because we would rather hunt obscurity than look at clarity.

There are absolutely no short cuts. There is no alternative to systems. There is no success without organization.

It would take no more than two to three decades for Muslims to over-turn situation of last 250 years, provided they resolve to establish inclusive and representative political institutions. It is THAT simple.

I am sick and tired of reactionary idiots looking at any xyz dictator with hope that he would turn out to be our Salah-ud-Din. Allah has his ways, but to me it looks as though this is not how it would work. I could be wrong - but I hate to see that we can not even try to take modernity head-on and on our own terms.

Is Islam a religion of reaction? Are Muslims reduced to mere reactionaries who never fail to fall for a Nasser, or Mustafa, or Ayub, or Musharraf, or any of those megalomaniacs. Why can we not look at Mahatir Muhammad?
ISIS and the other variants of these Terrorists scums can't even raise their "Chaddi" in Middle-East, let alone a "Black Flag" in Europe. These Virgin Teenagers are simply high on their infinite supply of Hormones and will be soon crushed like the scum that they truly are. God willing, ALL terrorist organizations under the banner of Kalma will be terminated. Down with Fascist Islam!

fascist islam?

what does Islam have to do with fascism?

Some groups/people have a strange fetish with violence. You can all ready see them quoting obscure Hadith to support more bloodshed.

lots of humanity are violent in nature

Cain killed Abel and the progeny of Cain covered the earth
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The war which Europe and USA is going to enter their countries the support of Israel for mass murder of our brothers Palestine and consistent attacks Muslim countries and than the insulting figures related to Islam have pissed of majority of Muslims and thousands are converting in Europe each day and until and unless Europe backs off from support of Israel and also stops attacking Muslims and stop being hypocrite in the name of freedom of speech and stops insulting HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW this is going to increase

so as per ur great mind Muslims are killing other muslims because USA and Europe are supporting Israel. Excellent sir !
ISIS , the Egyptian Goddess of sorcery was known to be a manipulative and deceitful trickster who used sorcery and manipulation to meet her objectives. She is known to have even tricked RA, the Supreme God of Egypt into giving her extreme power. Feared by the other Gods and Goddesses around her for her manipulation and deceit, she was the patron Goddess of sinners in ancient Egypt. This terrorist group seems to have chosen an apt name for itself :D


I don't know what Caliphate he is talking about. All I see is more destruction of Muslim countries. ISIS are playing into the hands of certain powers that wish to see more chaos and bloodshed in Middle East.

yes, you are right janbaaz
Sorry this is your problem you solve it we have enough Zarvans of our own already. Besides most of these should be going To Gulf states with their ummah brothers.

Maula Ali AS was appointed as a leader for the Ummah at Ghadeer Khum

just because wahabism has hijacked the Islamic principle of "ummat" and have confused the masses about this concept, does not mean Muslims should reject it

Cain and Abel are still killing each other.

its much more common among non-Muslims

besides the Prophet SAWAS said that in the end of times killing will increase to such an extent, people wouldn't know who is killing who
Bhai, success is staring us in the face and yet we turn our backs on it because we would rather hunt obscurity than look at clarity.

There are absolutely no short cuts. There is no alternative to systems. There is no success without organization.

It would take no more than two to three decades for Muslims to over-turn situation of last 250 years, provided they resolve to establish inclusive and representative political institutions. It is THAT simple.

I am sick and tired of reactionary idiots looking at any xyz dictator with hope that he would turn out to be our Salah-ud-Din. Allah has his ways, but to me it looks as though this is not how it would work. I could be wrong - but I hate to see that we can not even try to take modernity head-on and on our own terms.

Is Islam a religion of reaction? Are Muslims reduced to mere reactionaries who never fail to fall for a Nasser, or Mustafa, or Ayub, or Musharraf, or any of those megalomaniacs. Why can we not look at Mahatir Muhammad?
Agreed. there is indeed no success without unity and organization. these new groups are indeed reactionaries but if you know where to look then you'll see that there are others besides mercenaries and reactionaries.
It all started from their Sir that is the main source as always yes brutality of Assad and Arab Spring had now the main role but it all started from Israel Palestine issue 9/11 main reason was issue of Palestine Sir as long as USA and west supports it war will not stop Sir that is always the core issue for hundred of years if they will not end support soon they would fight this war in their streets Sir Palestine issue is number one problem all others are secondary

zarvan bhai is right
I have a religious question as i am curious to know whats happening in minds of these trouble makers
growing as a muslim child have you people had fantasy for war ? It looks like these youths badly wants a stage to express the feeling of a warrior which they entertained as a child .. Terrorist organisations are providing stage to these youths
Sir as long as Israel is their you will only see rise in ISIS type groups and as for Islam if a Muslim is saying ideology will not work either he is not a Muslim or he needs to see what he wants to do because in Muslim countries only Islam can work other wise chaos will increase it is now going on in Iraq but will spread to all Muslim countries if governments didn't learn the lesson and if you think you can bring peace without resolving Palestine issue go ahead I am waiting to laugh

You do realise, the only people laughing now are the Israelis. Iran gets entangled, Iraq is not a threat and its bye bye to Syria. SA is a friendly, Egypt is a friendly and by next year Turkey is a friendly.

I tell you, theeeeese izzzzzzz a yahooodi kaanspiraceey.
I have a religious question as i am curious to know whats happening in minds of these trouble makers
growing as a muslim child have you people had fantasy for war ? It looks like these youths badly wants a stage to express the feeling of a warrior which they entertained as a child .. Terrorist organisations are providing stage to these youths

Probably mental illness combined with religious brainwashing, low IQ's, inbreeding and fetish with violence.
These ******** are making life hard for ordinary Muslims like me, we don't want anything to do with this bullshit and this fake Jihad.

There is a certain segment of the British media and government elite which wants to make life hard for ordinary Muslims. These alarmist headlines, and regular "updates" about extremist Muslims, are part of a deliberate campaign to demonize and marginalize ALL Muslims.

That is why people like Anjem Choudhary will never ever be convicted of anything and will remain useful tools for these elites.
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