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'Black Flag of Jihad will Fly over London': Alarm over UK-born Iraq Fighters' Threat

What business does U.S have in Iraq or Afghanistan?

What do you think? Please don't ask sarcastic questions. USA looks out for its interests but what do Muslim countries do apart from fighting and killing each other?
this madness should be stopped here ... ISIS/ISIL are non human elements they are doing nothing which is teaching of islam or Our prophet muhammad pbuh
What do you think? Please don't ask sarcastic questions. USA looks out for its interests but what do Muslim countries do apart from fighting and killing each other?
No need to debate further, I understand your level of thinking already! so this is not gonna go anywhere :stop:
Sooner or later British authorities will have to deport a large portion of hostile population. Anyone who is a British citizen but seek to kill British citizens and harm Britain in anyway need too be kicked out of UK. These ******** are making life hard for ordinary Muslims like me, we don't want anything to do with this bullshit and this fake Jihad.

I really hope this filth of the society never return to the United Kingdom, I hope they are killed in Iraq and Syria. If I ever come across any of these lunatic in UK, I would be more then happy to help the British authorities get rid the scum of the earth.

The underlined part is the one that worries me most.
All this gross misuse of Religious BullShit to justify what is plain and simple Terrorism is causing great Polarisation all around. There will be a reaction and it is likely to gain in virulence. Then the "blow-back" will singe (or worse) straight and simple folks with absolutely no connection to this bunch of Religious Lunatics.
The underlined part is the one that worries me most.
All this gross misuse of Religious BullShit to justify what is plain and simple Terrorism is causing great Polarisation all around. There will be a reaction and it is likely to gain in virulence. Then the "blow-back" will singe (or worse) straight and simple folks with absolutely no connection to this bunch of Religious Lunatics.

We have seen these things happen in other nations and the results were not good. Innocent people always get caught between idiots fighting over religion, land, money etc.
The Caliphate is on the rise my friend.

I don't understand why people, use Caliphate word.... I mean who will be the Caliph ? by whose authority ? Which countries is gonna accept their religious authority ?

ISIS can name it self as a Caliphate but for the rest of the sane world, they will remain as rag-tag terrorists.
It is time however , that UK government does a proper clampdown on areas like Birmingham and east London; clean up the muck, deport what can be deported and jail what is too dangerous to let loose in the world.

Most of them can't be deported. They have that Brit passport. Same thing is happening in Canada. Getting a passport even today is easy. Where do you think they all come from? Drive Taxis day long, work in a Halal chippy and wollah preach jihad in a local mosque. It happens in almost every mosque. I remember once i was in a mosque, led by a Somalia origin Imam, man, i am not sure how he survives everyday. Was uttering absolute non-sense. Like scary stuff. No wonder they are fighting in Middle-East.
haha, they struggle to make progress in deserted areas of desert where the people are so weak that they flee, I think 99% of anyone attempting this will be arrested on entrance to the UK, the other 1% within a few month.

The British security services have information on almost everyone, they have stopped so many attempts, even in my small Welsh town there was a house with a few extremists in that was raided a few years back not long before they planned on attacking and they are now imprisoned, they think far to highly of themselves.
No this is not a clash of civilization.

You are right. But what saddens me that about women and children of that area, I mean the countries covering that area. Starting from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Palestine, Afghanistan. Now after WWII, these countries have faced some sort of external as well internal wars. I mean each and every citizen of these countries have faced a certain time of their entire life living in some sort of refugee camps. This saddens me. May be those fighting as ISIL/ISIS have also spent some of their childhood in tents. So they have no sense of peace. They have seen violence in their childhood and therefore they are violent as adult. The today's children will also act like that when they grow. Only the women and the then children will suffer.

@Jaanbaz @rockstar08
I totally agree, and you know what caught my attention in this Article was the 'Black Flag', you remember that Hadith about it right? ;)

Did it cross your mind that the people who say this sort of thing have read the hadith too, and they are exploiting it to tap into the psyche of gullible Muslims?

These people have no legitimate beef whatsoever. More Muslims die of water shortage or disease than has ever been killed by the 'oppressors', I wish these clowns would dedicate their wasted lives to help people where it is needed - but that would be boring.

As for Muslims becoming strong again and bringing back the caliphate, what pride is there in biting the hand that feeds you and gives you that strength? Especially the UK jihadis, there is nothing but shame in their actions.

Also, why would we expect any caliphate gained by horrific violence and injustice to be any different from what Taliban created in Afghanistan? These jahils can never be the foundation for a prosperous, fair civilisation.
Lastly ISIS is also going to raise Black Flag on ISS (International Space Station)!!.....:D
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