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'Black Flag of Jihad will Fly over London': Alarm over UK-born Iraq Fighters' Threat

Can u please share it?
And Ibn Majah, al-Hakim and Abu Nu'aym narrated from Thawban [radhiyallahu 'anhu] that he said:
"The Messenger of Allah [sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam]:
"Three will fight where your treasure is, each one the son of a khalifah. But it will not go to a single one of
them. Then, the black banners will come out of the east and kill you as no people have ever been killed.
Then, the khilafah of Allah, the Mahdi, will come, so when you hear of him then go to him and give the
bay'ah to him, even if you must crawl over ice. For he is Allah's khalifah, the Mahdi.
And Ibn Majah, al-Hakim and Abu Nu'aym narrated from Thawban [radhiyallahu 'anhu] that he said:
"The Messenger of Allah [sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam]:
"Three will fight where your treasure is, each one the son of a khalifah. But it will not go to a single one of
them. Then, the black banners will come out of the east and kill you as no people have ever been killed.
Then, the khilafah of Allah, the Mahdi, will come, so when you hear of him then go to him and give the
bay'ah to him, even if you must crawl over ice. For he is Allah's khalifah, the Mahdi.
There is another hadith which elaborate forces rising from Syria with black flags. Im trying to get from google
On a more serious note, I believe this division between Sunni & Shia will decide where Islam will choose to stand for the next few decades. It's evident that Terrorist Organizations are getting stronger and more aggressive within this age of Information & Tech. Iran's already sent 500 of its elite Revolutionary Guards to protect their interests in Baghdad and Najaf as this ISIS menace is known for desecrating Holy Shrines. Iran's Military is on standby; willing to move in and full-out invade IRAQ on the request of the Iraqi PM, of course.

The US is ready to co-operate with Iran and we may end up seeing direct Civil & Military cooperation between the West and Iran as the British Embassy reopens in Tehran after three years. Seems like the world is coming together to realize the Menace of 2014 is stronger than what it was back in 2001.

The funny thing for me is how Saudi's started defecating their pants realizing that after years of funding these "Jihadi" sunni groups, there may be a chance that ISIS would attempt to stir things up in Saudi Arab; an already volatile and rocky Monarchy where people are started to reject the Notion of living under KINGS in 2014. ISIS has clearly objectified Iran as its "Next" Target and if this group becomes a key strategic player, they won't stop unless they've occupied the holiest shrine in all of Islam; Mecca. Hence why the saudi gift of Billion Dollars "Free of Cost" to Pakistan; expecting just only a MILITARY DIVISION of the Pakistan Armed Forces to protect their sorry asses from the upcoming turmoil.

IMO Time has come for the world to decide where they stand in 2014. I foresee a U.N based Operation in several locations deep inside the Middle-East to eradicate the roots of "Religious" Terrorism. No amount of success however will be achieved without the help and support of the Shia and Sunni communities, agreeing to set aside their differences and going head-on towards a Terrorism Free Mid-East.

It all started from their Sir that is the main source as always yes brutality of Assad and Arab Spring had now the main role but it all started from Israel Palestine issue 9/11 main reason was issue of Palestine Sir as long as USA and west supports it war will not stop Sir that is always the core issue for hundred of years if they will not end support soon they would fight this war in their streets Sir Palestine issue is number one problem all others are secondary

Does it occur to you that they view Israel as a sort of a guarantee against people like you?

The one thing that can weaken Israel is adoption of institution-centered approach and adoption of representative government. But likes of you can not comprehend that. Instead, you do exactly what is most counter-productive and try to dictate terms from a position of weakness.

Look at all the strong countries in the Muslim world. They are the ones with democracy and attendant institutions. Look at countries that have no respect from anywhere. Those are the ones with struggling and random steps nowhere close to stable institution-building, forget democracy. Jihadists do not see this. They are VERY busy destablizing their own homes for sake of ideology that does not work anymore.

Let us drop it here. I can imagine you are going to come back with some sort of response, and I can guess what it might be. But I am not going to get into it. I just wanted to clarify what I see as counter-productive, flawed, and unworkable world-view.
Does it occur to you that they view Israel as a sort of a guarantee against people like you?

The one thing that can weaken Israel is adoption of institution-centered approach and adoption of representative government. But likes of you can not comprehend that. Instead, you do exactly what is most counter-productive and try to dictate terms from a position of weakness.

Look at all the strong countries in the Muslim world. They are the ones with democracy and attendant institutions. Look at countries that have no respect from anywhere. Those are the ones with struggling and random steps nowhere close to stable institution-building, forget democracy. Jihadists do not see this. They are VERY busy destablizing their own homes for sake of ideology that does not work anymore.

Let us drop it here. I can imagine you are going to come back with some sort of response, and I can guess what it might be. But I am not going to get into it. I just wanted to clarify what I see as counter-productive, flawed, and unworkable world-view.
Israel is a guarantee that war will enter Europe and USA Israel is a guarantee that as long as it exists no peace can come in the world and those so called strong Muslim countries they are also going to face ISIS type things really soon sir write it the ideology has worked and will work but if governments are afraid of it because of their western interests they will fall and fall badly one by one now the game has begun and it would not stop may get slow may get faster but not stop
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ISIS and the other variants of these Terrorists scums can't even raise their "Chaddi" in Middle-East, let alone a "Black Flag" in Europe. These Virgin Teenagers are simply high on their infinite supply of Hormones and will be soon crushed like the scum that they truly are. God willing, ALL terrorist organizations under the banner of Kalma will be terminated. Down with Fascist Islam!

While I appreciate your thoughts , your post and thank it too, given the number of wheels within wheels among the Muslim nations , I doubt if such thoughts will ever turn to reality.

ISIS/ ISIL are not a group of ' virgin teenagers' - no where close.

They are well financed, motivated , organised terrorists who have thanks to the mess in Syria grouped to threaten the world in a such a manner that if not controlled asap they will make the civilised world to its knees.
Israel is a guarantee that war will enter Europe and USA Israel is a guarantee that as long as it exists no peace can come in the world and those so called strong Muslim countries they are also going to face ISIS type things really soon sir write it the ideology has worked and will work but if governments are afraid of it because of their western interests they will fall and fall badly one by one now the game has begun and it would not stop may get slow may get faster but not stop

Ya Meray Allah.

Tujh ko kon Samjha sakta hai?
Sooner or later British authorities will have to deport a large portion of hostile population. Anyone who is a British citizen but seek to kill British citizens and harm Britain in anyway need too be kicked out of UK. These ******** are making life hard for ordinary Muslims like me, we don't want anything to do with this bullshit and this fake Jihad.

I really hope this filth of the society never return to the United Kingdom, I hope they are killed in Iraq and Syria. If I ever come across any of these lunatic in UK, I would be more then happy to help the British authorities get rid the scum of the earth.
Ya Meray Allah.

Tujh ko kon Samjha sakta hai?
Sir as long as Israel is their you will only see rise in ISIS type groups and as for Islam if a Muslim is saying ideology will not work either he is not a Muslim or he needs to see what he wants to do because in Muslim countries only Islam can work other wise chaos will increase it is now going on in Iraq but will spread to all Muslim countries if governments didn't learn the lesson and if you think you can bring peace without resolving Palestine issue go ahead I am waiting to laugh
On a more serious note, I believe this division between Sunni & Shia will decide where Islam will choose to stand for the next few decades. It's evident that Terrorist Organizations are getting stronger and more aggressive within this age of Information & Tech. Iran's already sent 500 of its elite Revolutionary Guards to protect their interests in Baghdad and Najaf as this ISIS menace is known for desecrating Holy Shrines. Iran's Military is on standby; willing to move in and full-out invade IRAQ on the request of the Iraqi PM, of course.

The US is ready to co-operate with Iran and we may end up seeing direct Civil & Military cooperation between the West and Iran as the British Embassy reopens in Tehran after three years. Seems like the world is coming together to realize the Menace of 2014 is stronger than what it was back in 2001.

The funny thing for me is how Saudi's started defecating their pants realizing that after years of funding these "Jihadi" sunni groups, there may be a chance that ISIS would attempt to stir things up in Saudi Arab; an already volatile and rocky Monarchy where people are started to reject the Notion of living under KINGS in 2014. ISIS has clearly objectified Iran as its "Next" Target and if this group becomes a key strategic player, they won't stop unless they've occupied the holiest shrine in all of Islam; Mecca. Hence why the saudi gift of Billion Dollars "Free of Cost" to Pakistan; expecting just only a MILITARY DIVISION of the Pakistan Armed Forces to protect their sorry asses from the upcoming turmoil.

IMO Time has come for the world to decide where they stand in 2014. I foresee a U.N based Operation in several locations deep inside the Middle-East to eradicate the roots of "Religious" Terrorism. No amount of success however will be achieved without the help and support of the Shia and Sunni communities, agreeing to set aside their differences and going head-on towards a Terrorism Free Mid-East.

Solution is not so easy. Until and unless there is justice given to all people living there!
While I appreciate your thoughts , your post and thank it too, given the number of wheels within wheels among the Muslim nations , I doubt if such thoughts will ever turn to reality.

ISIS/ ISIL are not a group of ' virgin teenagers' - no where close.

They are well financed, motivated , organised terrorists who have thanks to the mess in Syria grouped to threaten the world in a such a manner that if not controlled asap they will make the civilised world to its knees.

Sup brah, how's it going? My first post wasn't all that serious, the second post however, I think you missed it. Hope you're doing good :)
It is time however , that UK government does a proper clampdown on areas like Birmingham and east London; clean up the muck, deport what can be deported and jail what is too dangerous to let loose in the world.

Blasphemy! Human Rights! Wait for the Retard Brigade to show up.
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