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Bihar Results: 19 Muslim Candidates Win, 5 Less from 2015, Even as AIMIM Wins 5 Seats

But They have some 72 firkas. So most of them are not represented.

you shouldn't be talking about Firqas considering even your bhagwans change in one province to another
Denial is a natural state of mind for them.

And ignorance is the latest bhagwan year 2020 in Hinduism who can't differentiate between "sects" and "caste"

Do you even wonder why we have do different words in English when both are same as per you clowns?

We follow Quran and Hadith not Wikipedia

Try again
Millions of chickens, goats and cows on a daily basis are the people full of "love and peace" ? :lol:

Those who kill cows, chickens, goats for food:

1. Muslims
2. Christians
3. Jews
4. Atheists
5. Buddhists
6. Nearly every human who has a brain cell working

Clowns who make gods of animals meant for food:

1. Hindus
2. Yup that pretty much is the list of imbeciles who make random domestic animals gods
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Go complain to wikipedia.


Kindly quote authentic Hindu scripture that makes the claim you so boldly wrote. How soon can you do it ?

Wikipedia is not a source of authentic information. Even i can write BS article about Hinduism with flimsy sources and it will get accepted. Quote an authentic source otherwise dont spew your garbage here. As for a lecture of Hinduism google it or better yet refer to your favorite Wikipedia.
You mean brahmins inject poison so that Hindus become suicide bombers and terrorists ? :lol:

Brahmins are "full of poison" because they are vegetarians and do not even eat roots like potato or Onion because plucking them kills the plant ? :lol:

Meanwhile those who kill cows in the name of religion and are responsible for the killings and eating of Millions of chickens, goats and cows on a daily basis are the people full of "love and peace" ? :lol:

Sounds totally legit.

Its like watching a pakistani movie portrayal of "evil Hindus" :lol:

Pretty sure he has NEVER even met a Brahmin in his entire life. LOL. Yet he is an expert on Brahmins and their psychology. The comedy never ends.

Dude - the entire world knows about brahmins. Here even in usa there is a term called "boston brahmins" which is a slur which means snooty elitist people who are anti-social in their interactions with others. The comparison of brahmin with a snake is popular in india and was told to me by a haryanavi hindu jat whose father works in Indian army.

Your caste system, your breast tax, your racism, your basic unpleasentness that pervades all over you is very known entity. THe only way you still live/thrive despite all that is basically through lies, deceit, chanakya like crookery. And thats a common perception of brahmins.
If you claim to have the power to edit WIkipedia then I DARE YOU to edit the page talking about Cast among South Asian Muslims.

DO THAT and then we can talk further.

LoL I have edited plenty of info on Wikipedia and even created several new pages for my company. I even once edited info on Modi Wikipedia page calling him terrorist and they didn't take down that info bcz of course i quoted it with source. It got removed after about 3 weeks later probably by indians. So please dont spread you verbal farts here.
While there is no islamic caste system or muslim caste system there is caste system among muslims esp in north india. There is also slavery in muslim societies like marituana. There is difference between Islam as religion and Islam as way of life. Though Islam as way of religion strictly forbades caste system/racism etc but as a way of life several Muslim societies have adopted these social ills. Not acknowledging this will only prevent muslims from progressing.

But whats happenning here is the sneaky fellow @Nityam who has no problems with caste system per se digging up facts around castes in north indian muslims with sole purpose of defaming islam.
According to this my caste is from a Foreign tribe who were conquerors of what is now known as India.

But In Reality my forefathers were Hindu and converted to Islam.
Interesting, have always been curious about how muslim names get assigned to people who convert from other religions.
There are common surnames in south asia that reflect people's hindu heritage (Bhatt, Bhatti, , Pandit ,etc.) but most other names sound completely alien.
Santa Claus is probably real for you as well

In Pakistan, we do use titles like Rajput, Jat, etc. as identifiers, but we don't believe in the caste system. For us, these are tribal markers only.

There is no caste system among Muslims, this is a lie that Hindutva cadres say there is.

The whole idea of caste is false and invented, the Aryans had no concept of this before they entered the subcontinent. Neither Afghans or Iranians had this concept, same for Pakistanis (IVC region.)

Pakistan is referred to in the Rig Veda as Veheka, and Brahmins were not allowed to stay there beyond 3 days (although we are Aryans) because of the lack of caste system and dietary laws, which were of the mixed Aryan-Dravidians of India (Ganges region.)

These caste titles were tacked on to various peoples, like for Punjabis who were landowners and fielded armies, we got named as Rajputs (which just means sons of kings.)

@Talwar e Pakistan @CatSultan @masterchief_mirza @PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @PakFactor @21st Century Vampire
The whole world knows about the "religions of peace" too. About "Jihadi John" and about "terror has no religion" too.

OTOH Brahmin and Guru are words used to highlight High class, education and knowledge.



  1. 1.
    variant spelling of Brahman (sense 1).

  2. 2.
    a socially or culturally superior person, especially one from New England.
    "he did not talk like the son of a New England Brahmin"

Jihadi john etc are individual. But brahmins are a racist vermin. Your nuremberg trials are not far off. You are telling me about boston brahmins ? try saying that to someone from new england and see whether they take it as a slur or praise. That word was coined as a slur - you can always get anything from internet which puts a positive spin.
"In her book Elite Families, Betty G. Farrell writes, "Visiting Boston for the first time in the 1830s, Harriet Martineau noted that it was 'perhaps as aristocratic, vain, and vulgar a city, as described by its own "first people," as any in the world.' "

Americans pride on their protestant egalitarianism . When some of them started behaving like aritocrats they immediately labelled them as "brahmins" to show their unhappiness.

And look at how unpleasantly you respond to my posts - just like a sneaky brahmin. No acknowledgement that hindus themselves in india see you as snakes and your hold on to your power primarily through your forked tongue speaking this here and that there. And clearly looking at responses you beleive in nazi like brahmin superiority. There will be a special hell fire for you lot.
Jihadi john etc are individual. But brahmins are a racist vermin. Your nuremberg trials are not far off. You are telling me about boston brahmins ? try saying that to someone from new england and see whether they take it as a slur or praise. That word was coined as a slur - you can always get anything from internet which puts a positive spin.
"In her book Elite Families, Betty G. Farrell writes, "Visiting Boston for the first time in the 1830s, Harriet Martineau noted that it was 'perhaps as aristocratic, vain, and vulgar a city, as described by its own "first people," as any in the world.' "

Americans pride on their protestant egalitarianism . When some of them started behaving like aritocrats they immediately labelled them as "brahmins" to show their unhappiness.

And look at how unpleasantly you respond to my posts - just like a sneaky brahmin. No acknowledgement that hindus themselves in india see you as snakes and your hold on to your power primarily through your forked tongue speaking this here and that there. And clearly looking at responses you beleive in nazi like brahmin superiority. There will be a special hell fire for you lot.

Open and shut case. You nailed it bro.

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