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Bihar Results: 19 Muslim Candidates Win, 5 Less from 2015, Even as AIMIM Wins 5 Seats

Jihadi john etc are individual. But brahmins are a racist vermin. Your nuremberg trials are not far off. You are telling me about boston brahmins ? try saying that to someone from new england and see whether they take it as a slur or praise. That word was coined as a slur - you can always get anything from internet which puts a positive spin.
"In her book Elite Families, Betty G. Farrell writes, "Visiting Boston for the first time in the 1830s, Harriet Martineau noted that it was 'perhaps as aristocratic, vain, and vulgar a city, as described by its own "first people," as any in the world.' "

Americans pride on their protestant egalitarianism . When some of them started behaving like aritocrats they immediately labelled them as "brahmins" to show their unhappiness.

And look at how unpleasantly you respond to my posts - just like a sneaky brahmin. No acknowledgement that hindus themselves in india see you as snakes and your hold on to your power primarily through your forked tongue speaking this here and that there. And clearly looking at responses you beleive in nazi like brahmin superiority. There will be a special hell fire for you lot.

I couldn't care any less for what the Americans think or say.

I have provided the dictionary definition of a "Brahmin" and that itself exposes your lies and caused you so much butt hurt.

All you have done is shown how the lower class hate the upper class in the US. Not that they hate "brahimns".

Here is another one,


the absolute god of hindus
a member of a social and cultural elite
or a slang term used between friends(like bro, or man)

e.g. hey brahman, whats up?

Here is another one,

The Boston Brahmins, those who are descended from the first wave of Protestant English settlers to New England, are effectively extinct.

Here is another one,

noun [ C ]


/ˈbrɑː.mɪn/ US/ˈbrɑː.mɪn/

US (also Brahman)

a member of a group of people who hold a high social position and who are usually well educated, especially people from the northeastern states of the US:

e.g. In Florida, the formal Boston Brahmin looks as out of place as a New England pine in the Everglades.
I couldn't care any less for what the Americans think or say.

I have provided the dictionary definition of a "Brahmin" and that itself exposes your lies and caused you so much butt hurt.

All you have done is shown how the lower class hate the upper class in the US. Not that they hate "brahimns".

Here is another one,


the absolute god of hindus
a member of a social and cultural elite
or a slang term used between friends(like bro, or man)

e.g. hey brahman, whats up?

Here is another one,

The Boston Brahmins, those who are descended from the first wave of Protestant English settlers to New England, are effectively extinct.

Here is another one,

noun [ C ]


/ˈbrɑː.mɪn/ US/ˈbrɑː.mɪn/

US (also Brahman)

a member of a group of people who hold a high social position and who are usually well educated, especially people from the northeastern states of the US:

e.g. In Florida, the formal Boston Brahmin looks as out of place as a New England pine in the Everglades.

Well whatever @letsrock said is correct. India's lacking innovation is due to these cartel Brahmins. They get into all the high positions in all the institutions in India. And suck money for generations. They don't let other people to get into there. Why do you think some of the HAL, DRDO simple projects going on for decades. Situation is bad in north India as most of political parties are occupied by these Brahmins.
Well whatever @letsrock said is correct. India's lacking innovation is due to these cartel Brahmins. They get into all the high positions in all the institutions in India. And suck money for generations. They don't let other people to get into there. Why do you think some of the HAL, DRDO simple projects going on for decades. Situation is bad in north India as most of political parties are occupied by these Brahmins.

Every fool is entitled to his opinion.

So is every Racist.
I couldn't care any less for what the Americans think or say.

I have provided the dictionary definition of a "Brahmin" and that itself exposes your lies and caused you so much butt hurt.

All you have done is shown how the lower class hate the upper class in the US. Not that they hate "brahimns".

Here is another one,


the absolute god of hindus
a member of a social and cultural elite
or a slang term used between friends(like bro, or man)

e.g. hey brahman, whats up?

Here is another one,

The Boston Brahmins, those who are descended from the first wave of Protestant English settlers to New England, are effectively extinct.

Here is another one,

noun [ C ]


/ˈbrɑː.mɪn/ US/ˈbrɑː.mɪn/

US (also Brahman)

a member of a group of people who hold a high social position and who are usually well educated, especially people from the northeastern states of the US:

e.g. In Florida, the formal Boston Brahmin looks as out of place as a New England pine in the Everglades.

Elites are obviously well educated you dimwit but that doesnt mean they are not blood sucking parasites who are value destroyers. No - the rest of americans are not low class - that was a label given not to all high class americans but a particular small cabal of elite americans in boston who are especially unpleasant and snooty. Do you really think any christian american would enjoy the label of brahmin esp in an era when hundreds of them working like servants for british.
For a guy who pretends casteism came only from british you defenitely defend brahmins a lot. You guys cant speak a single truth cant you ?
Elites are obviously well educated you dimwit but that doesnt mean they are not blood sucking parasites who are value destroyers. No - the rest of americans are not low class - that was a label given not to all high class americans but a particular small cabal of elite americans in boston who are especially unpleasant and snooty. Do you really think any christian american would enjoy the label of brahmin esp in an era when hundreds of them working like servants for british.
For a guy who pretends casteism came only from british you defenitely defend brahmins a lot. You guys cant speak a single truth cant you ?

I do't have to "pretend". YOU have to pretend caste came from Hinduism.

Just wanted to highlight one of the winners of the recent elections

He is one of the CPI(ML) candidates a hardcorev lerft part. Name/surname always doesn't signify a person to be muslim.
Yes in Eastern India muslims follow casts, a Sayed will not marry in Ansari. This is one of the curse which muslims has inherited from hindu caste system.
He is one of the CPI(ML) candidates a hardcorev lerft part. Name/surname always doesn't signify a person to be muslim.
Yes in Eastern India muslims follow casts, a Sayed will not marry in Ansari. This is one of the curse which muslims has inherited from hindu caste system.

LOL. Pretty shameless of you to blame your "caste" system on the Hindus and not on the British who introduced them in India.

Can you show in a SINGLE Hindu scripture that mention CASTE ?
In Pakistan, we do use titles like Rajput, Jat, etc. as identifiers, but we don't believe in the caste system. For us, these are tribal markers only.

There is no caste system among Muslims, this is a lie that Hindutva cadres say there is.

The whole idea of caste is false and invented, the Aryans had no concept of this before they entered the subcontinent. Neither Afghans or Iranians had this concept, same for Pakistanis (IVC region.)

Pakistan is referred to in the Rig Veda as Veheka, and Brahmins were not allowed to stay there beyond 3 days (although we are Aryans) because of the lack of caste system and dietary laws, which were of the mixed Aryan-Dravidians of India (Ganges region.)

These caste titles were tacked on to various peoples, like for Punjabis who were landowners and fielded armies, we got named as Rajputs (which just means sons of kings.)

@Talwar e Pakistan @CatSultan @masterchief_mirza @PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @PakFactor @21st Century Vampire

What makes me laugh about the caste system is that these so called "high caste" indians LOOK EXACTLY the same as their "low caste" brethren............ :lol:
LOL. Pretty shameless of you to blame your "caste" system on the Hindus and not on the British who introduced them in India.

Can you show in a SINGLE Hindu scripture that mention CASTE ?
Lots of them, you have to study more to know them. Varnas in old time boiled down to cast and how it happened again I am telling you to read more to understand.
Lots of them, you have to study more to know them. Varnas in old time boiled down to cast and how it happened again I am telling you to read more to understand.

How many have YOU studied to claim Hindus have caste system ?

Jaati is caste, not Varna.

But since you claim Hindu scriptures, the Onus is on YOU to prove your claim.
A buch of racists discussing who is a racist. Just another day in defence.pk👍
What makes me laugh about the caste system is that these so called "high caste" indians LOOK EXACTLY the same as their "low caste" brethren............ :lol:
The better word is to use "oppressor caste" for brahmins etc and "opressed caste" for dalits. The word "high" is clearly giving delusions looking at @Nityam posts.
I do't have to "pretend". YOU have to pretend caste came from Hinduism.

Yes the word "casta" came from portuguese but caste system in india came from brahmins.
The better word is to use "oppressor caste" for brahmins etc and "opressed caste" for dalits. The word "high" is clearly giving delusions looking at @Nityam posts.

The English word 'Dalit' comes from Sanskrit 'daridra'. which means Poor.

Originally, this word din't mean any caste our out-caste. It simply meant 'poor'.

Poor Brahmins were known as 'Daridra Brahman'.

Vishnu was known as 'Daridra Narayan' (God of the poor)

'Dalit' became a caste only in British colonial age.

Yes the word "casta" came from portuguese but caste system in india came from brahmins.

Feel free to show the world "caste" in ANY HINDU SCRIPTURE.
The better word is to use "oppressor caste" for brahmins etc and "opressed caste" for dalits. The word "high" is clearly giving delusions looking at @Nityam posts.

Yes the word "casta" came from portuguese but caste system in india came from brahmins.

But how can they be "different "castes" when they are racially, genetically and physically the same?............ :disagree:
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