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Bihar alliance without a single elected Muslim

Again I agree with you but they can't win even 10% of seats in parliament even if all of them vote for 1 party and in the process, 1 party will become rich but, the other side with 90% seats will form the govt and will not give a damm to the people represented by 10% seats.

The latest example is Bihar they used to vote for nonmuslim Bihari parties and some Muslim candidates get ministerial births but not they voted for a Muslim party and lost even those ministerial births .

And in India, even Muslims themselves are a divided lot .......

Bottom line is Muslim parties will damage the prospects of Muslims and will benefit the so called non-muslim parties

We know

What I am trying to tell you is that those ministerial births would be useless because neither the BJP nor Congress has done anything for Indian Muslims for 70 years

The other parties haven't even given a damn to the 20% muslims of India

Indian Muslims are getting nothing for being a vote bank for theses parties

A Muslim party may not get power but it can be a cohesive force to pull together hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims and put together a Indian Muslim agenda as opposed to a Indian one

This can represent Indian Muslims externally outside India too and put together resources and a voice for Indian Muslims when they are attacked within india
To your disappointment there are 24 assembly seats in Bihar where muslims are the single largest religious group counting for 47% of the population. But these Indian Muslims decided to vote for their local issues rather than on religious lines.. that should be a shut up call for your concern here
don't kid yourself
A Muslim party may not get power but it can be a cohesive force to pull together hundreds of millions of Indian Muslims and put together a Indian Muslim agenda as opposed to a Indian one

There is no need in India for a Muslim party the same way that there is no need for a Hindu party. What India needs are progressive leaders who happen to be Muslim, and Owaisi is not a progressive.

Secondly, Owaisi's party AIMIM ( which is called the B Team of BJP ) and other "Muslim" parties like SDPI and IUML should not have displayed tribalist tendencies and instead should have banded under an umbrella coalition with the various groups and movements in India that represent other oppressed and progressive elements like Dalits, farmers, students, women, socialists / communists etc. But did those "Muslim" representors of Muslims do that ? No. What have these decades-old so-called Muslim parties in India done for the betterment of Indian Muslims other than slowly create a Talibanic, ghettoized, self-harming environment ?
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How is this relevant to Pakistan's defense? We know Muslims are 4th Class citizens in India.
There is not a single Muslim in the ruling alliance, and there are no elected Muslims in over half the provincial assemblies.
Why do the enemy members on this forum get so defensive?
Pakistan has nothing to do with the status of Indian Muslims other than their role in the formation of our nation. There is nothing Pakistan can do for Indian Muslims and Indian Muslims do not want even our verbal sympathy.
It is a temporary phase. In twenty years Indian Muslims will be history. In fact an obituary for them has already been written:

Yogi sitting on stage and supporting this, listen all..

This was some years ago, before Yogi became CM, and he hasn't expressed shame and regret even now.
because this is exactly what BJP is doing, based on their ideology, nautaki Yogi himself has preached on stage exactly the same agenda. Maha Priest nautaki and Modi amit etc are terrorists elected and praised by Indians.
because this is exactly what BJP is doing, based on their ideology, nautaki Yogi himself has preached on stage exactly the same agenda.

Perhaps off-topic here but the latest nautanki is BJP-ruled states talking of bringing laws against "Love Jihad". Should that be the most urgent topic for them ? What about for example the various atrocities against Dalits ? The President himself, Ramnath Kovind, is a Dalit. But he is also a BJP man, contradiction though that is. He has failed to see historic, Brahmin-led atrocities against his community and seems powerless to tell his party about this. And he and his wife have been victims of discrimination by Brahmin priests : read here. Yet his failure to act.
Perhaps off-topic here but the latest nautanki is BJP-ruled states talking of bringing laws against "Love Jihad". Should that be the most urgent topic for them ? What about for example the various atrocities against Dalits ? The President himself, Ramnath Kovind, is a Dalit. But he is also a BJP man, contradiction though that is. He has failed to see historic, Brahmin-led atrocities against his community and seems powerless to tell his party about this.

Atrocities and crimes committed against Minorities, other religions and lower casts are main features of Hindu Rashtra envisioned by BJP led Govt. Brahman is ultimate Master of All Indians.

Fake Love Jihad propaganda is not new and it is out of fear of increase in Muslim population. Hindu Rashtra aspirants are fearful of Muslims, if number increases, Indian Muslims will show these Vedic Supa Powa nautakies their real place,

Fear makes you do crazy stuff.
The continued spread of hindutva extremism

Marginalisation of Indian Muslims

Only option is Partition, India is a communal shithole

Indian Muslims need to push for areas of majority and create local micro economies separate from the hindutva
IF Growth of Muslim population leads to demand of second partition of India, then not single Muslim will able to survive let alone live in any Indian Hindu majority state.
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Growth of Muslim population leads demand of second partition of India, then not single Muslim will able to survive let alone live in any Indian Hindu majority state.

Are you advocating Mass murder of Muslims inIndia? No wonder you low castes voted for mass murderer Modi.
Perhaps off-topic here but the latest nautanki is BJP-ruled states talking of bringing laws against "Love Jihad". Should that be the most urgent topic for them ? What about for example the various atrocities against Dalits ? The President himself, Ramnath Kovind, is a Dalit. But he is also a BJP man, contradiction though that is.
Don't trying to do overtime as Dalit activist, since Dalits knows well the motive of Muslims behind doing so.

I don't actually get this suicidal habit of Muslim trying hard to become pro-dalit activists. I know it comes naturally to you as part of Hinduphobia and anti-Brahmin sentiment but this suicidal. And I'll explain why?

As Indian Muslims, u guys know very well that in every Hindu-Muslim riots, its a Dalit work(killing,maiming raping and burning... etc) against Muslim, often on their initiatives and sometime on behalf the upper caste Hindus.

Still Indian Muslims would never condemn crimes Dalits do against Muslims but would rather blame Hindutva as usual, so this make Dalit go scot free and Dalits too thinks Musmils are too afraid to take their names.

At the same time, for heaping abuses on Hindutva, causes greater Islamophobia among upper caste Hindus which in turn fuel anti-Muslim violence and again in turn give s Dalit chance to attack vulnerable Muslims. It's vicious circle.

My advice to muslim is remain neutral in Hindu caste divides and don't become Mama of Dalits or be anti-brahmin as it only greaters the chances of anti-muslim violence where every Hindu including Dalit unites up against Muslims. @xeuss @Baibars_1260 @Joe Shearer

Are you advocating Mass murder of Muslims inIndia? No wonder you low castes voted for mass murderer Modi.
No, just cautioning Pakistanis not to wish another partition of India on communal lines, if anything it'll burden up Pakistan with far more refugees than it can ever imagine. Another partition of India would be the worst nightmare for everyone in this region.
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Don't trying to do overtime as Dalit activist, since Dalits knows well the motive of Muslims behind doing so.

Do Dalit leaders Chandrashekhar Azad and Jignesh Mevani know that ? :)

I know it comes naturally to you as part of Hinduphobia and anti-Brahmin sentiment but this suicidal. And I'll explain why?

1. I don't have Hinduphobia. I just speak against Hindutva. Is that wrong ?

2. Even the Hindu-born Kanhaiya Kumar is against Brahmanvaad.

As Indian Muslims, u guys know very well that in every Hindu-Muslim riots, its a Dalit work(killing,maiming raping and burning... etc) against Muslim, often on their initiatives and sometime on behalf the upper caste Hindus.

No, I don't know that. Maybe you are true in some cases. There is after all the BJP's Dalit unit.

The below man became well-known in the world during the Gujarat riots. I am sure you have seen the pic. The shot on the right is him now :


Perhaps he is a Dalit and did this in 2016 :
A middle-aged man who repairs shoes on a street corner in Ahmedabad and who has slept for many years on the pavements of the city is one among the hundreds who joined the Azadi Kooch, the protest march from Ahmedabad to Una village in Gir Somnath district against the public lashing of Dalit men for skinning a dead cow. He declares that he will work for Dalit-Muslim unity. His name is Ashok Mochi.

Fourteen years earlier, when angry mobs surged through the streets of Ahmedabad, burning and looting the homes and shops of their Muslim neighbours and murdering and raping thousands, this man’s face stamped itself indelibly in public memory. The man himself slipped quickly back into oblivion, from where he was resurrected recently. And therein lies a remarkable tale.

Still Indian Muslims would never condemn crimes Dalits do against Muslims but would rather blame Hindutva as usual, so this make Dalit go scot free and Dalits too thinks Musmils are too afraid to take their names.

Again, did Chandrashekhar Azad and Jignesh Mevani ever voice anti-Muslim sentiment ?

My advide to muslim is remain neutral in Hindu caste divides and don't become Mama of Dalit and anti-brahmin as it only greater the chance of anti-muslim violence where every Hindu including Dalit unites up aganist Muslims.

Well, I am a communist and have the tendency to speak against oppression anywhere, including in India against Dalits.
IF Growth of Muslim population leads to demand of second partition of India, then not single Muslim will able to survive let alone live in any Indian Hindu majority state.

It's inevitable

India is a communal shithole,, you can't trap hundreds of millions of people who are not represented by hindutva parties or politics

This is the beginning

Indian Muslims need to focus now and plan
Do Dalit leaders Chandrashekhar Azad and Jignesh Mevani know that ? :)
Both of them want to use Muslims like Congress and other secular parties or Dalit party like BSP have been using Muslim as 'vote bank' for last 70 yrs.

Frankly speaking Muslims shd hv better equation with OBC groups like Yadav and Jatts than Dalits since Dalits are competitors of Muslims for similar resources and opportunities on the ground.
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