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Bihar Results: 19 Muslim Candidates Win, 5 Less from 2015, Even as AIMIM Wins 5 Seats

I have active on wikipedia for quite some time and let me educate you few realities of WP

1. RSS influenced terrorists wrote article on Tablighi jamaat's involvement in corona issue in india, got deleted several times and was noted by WK founder himself, a team effort went in restoring that controversial hindutva propaganda article and stays to this day.

2. team efforts and seniority goes into play in WK, meaning if you are senior enough you can do what ever you want and keep violating WK rules yourself and punish writers followning rules if they arn't senior. If you want something just call oother friends and you will win every argument/dispute there

3. WP is considered globally as unacademic and non reliable source, for all we know this article was written by a hindutva terrorist and street lyncher to appease his BJP/Brahmin upper caste lords.

I have active on wikipedia for quite some time and let me educate you few realities of WP

1. RSS influenced terrorists wrote article on Tablighi jamaat's involvement in corona issue in india, got deleted several times and was noted by WK founder himself, a team effort went in restoring that controversial hindutva propaganda article and stays to this day.

2. team efforts and seniority goes into play in WK, meaning if you are senior enough you can do what ever you want and keep violating WK rules yourself and punish writers followning rules if they arn't senior. If you want something just call oother friends and you will win every argument/dispute there

3. WP is considered globally as unacademic and non reliable source, for all we know this article was written by a hindutva terrorist and street lyncher to appease his BJP/Brahmin upper caste lords.


I am not seeking any education from you.

Go correct the Wikipedia page talking about Caste among South Asian Muslims. Don't waste your time with me.
In Pakistan, we do use titles like Rajput, Jat, etc. as identifiers, but we don't believe in the caste system. For us, these are tribal markers only.

There is no caste system among Muslims, this is a lie that Hindutva cadres say there is.

The whole idea of caste is false and invented, the Aryans had no concept of this before they entered the subcontinent. Neither Afghans or Iranians had this concept, same for Pakistanis (IVC region.)

Pakistan is referred to in the Rig Veda as Veheka, and Brahmins were not allowed to stay there beyond 3 days (although we are Aryans) because of the lack of caste system and dietary laws, which were of the mixed Aryan-Dravidians of India (Ganges region.)

These caste titles were tacked on to various peoples, like for Punjabis who were landowners and fielded armies, we got named as Rajputs (which just means sons of kings.)

@Talwar e Pakistan @CatSultan @masterchief_mirza @PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @PakFactor @21st Century Vampire
Great points. "Mirza" is a caste also but as you said, of zero functional relevance in the modern era that most of the world has evolved into.
As Hindutva extremists rampage the country and make it aparthied and congress in cohorts with BJP as it has failed to address the long standing plight from its muslim votebank, they are increaingly leaning towards All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) a new rising muslim party which has secured 5 seats on recently held elections in Bihar. This surprising result is now a hot debated topic in the Indian media where AIMIM is being labelled BJP tool by the congress and other hindutva elements are calling it a second rising of the Jinnah's muslim league.

Not so long ago, Congress members including Rahul gandhi and priyanka gandhi congratulated the supreme court verdict in favour of hindutva fanatics which made controversial decision of allowing constructing ram temple on the former site of the demolished Babri mosque.

Hinduism is declining in India as a result of lower birth rates than Muslims. Muslims could soon be 30-40% by 2060-2070 which is a huge amount. Pakistan needs to capitalise on this.

I really Admire Owaisi. he is the best thing to happen for Indian Muslims, atleast he doesnt have dual standards like congress/libtards.

At his best when he spoke this SITTING IN PAKISTAN :

Majority of indian muslims absolutely hate pakistan and pakistanis. Therefore, I do not care one iota about what goes on with them. As far as I'm concerned they deserve what hindu fanatics are perpetrating on them.
ps. Coward Pakistani establishment, including the current PM needs to do something about sharif badmash, bilawal khusra, and all other traitors who will leave pakistan at the mercy of our evil enemy by weakening and ultimately destroying the army. Just look at what fanatic hindus are doing to muslims and learn a lesson.
Mere bahi this is just a propaganda 🤦‍♂️
It's a dream for him. In the meanwhile, India is going change minimum age for marriage for women to 21 this year. That would mostly control child marriages as with present 18, most say 18 even if they are 16. TFR is high for uneducated and those who get married at a young age. This is going to change all that, as women will get educated at least till college with the new law and age wise they would be mature enough to say no for many kids.
It's a dream for him. In the meanwhile, India is going change minimum age for marriage for women to 21 this year. That would mostly control child marriages as with present 18, most say 18 even if they are 16. TFR is high for uneducated and those who get married at a young age. This is going to change all that, as women will get educated at least till college with the new law and age wise they would be mature enough to say no for many kids.
Lmao changing age of marriage will not prevent child marriages that are like as low as 6 years old ish in india..
Lmao changing age of marriage will not prevent child marriages that are like as low as 6 years old ish in india..

27% of girls in India are married before their 18th birthday and 7% are married before the age of 15. According to UNCIEF, India has the highest absolute.

73% of marriages already with in expected norms. 7% of marriages below 15 happen because of socio economic conditions. They need to be economically uplifted first to put an end to these practices.

Rest of 20% between 16 and 18 is where govt is targeting with raising marriage age. This is the age that allows a bride to pass off as 18 even when she is 16 or 17. I think it is a brilliant move at correcting our sub optimal human and health indicators. Teenage mothers are generally not ready for child birth and much less caring for kids. I am happy it will also benefit our Muslims.
As I said in another thread, India doesn't need a Muslim party. What India needs is progressive leaders who happen to be Muslim. And Owaisi is not a progressive.


I really Admire Owaisi. he is the best thing to happen for Indian Muslims, atleast he doesnt have dual standards like congress/libtards.

Firstly, Owaisi has regressive elements in his party like Abu Faisal. He should either remove them or correct them.

Secondly, he should disband his party. The reason, please look at the top of this post.

Thirdly, he did a most cowardly act on that stage in Bangalore when that progressive girl activist Amulya Noronha was arrested by the police just for saying "Zindabad" for all South Asian countries. Owaisi simply refused to come to her aid as she was forcibly led off the stage by the organizers and the police.

Majority of indian muslims absolutely hate pakistan and pakistanis.

I don't think there is any hate. It is just that Indian Muslims have to be visibly seen vehemently opposing Pakistan on any issue otherwise they will be called anti-nationals.
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As Hindutva extremists rampage the country and make it aparthied and congress in cohorts with BJP as it has failed to address the long standing plight from its muslim votebank, they are increaingly leaning towards All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) a new rising muslim party which has secured 5 seats on recently held elections in Bihar. This surprising result is now a hot debated topic in the Indian media where AIMIM is being labelled BJP tool by the congress and other hindutva elements are calling it a second rising of the Jinnah's muslim league.

Not so long ago, Congress members including Rahul gandhi and priyanka gandhi congratulated the supreme court verdict in favour of hindutva fanatics which made controversial decision of allowing constructing ram temple on the former site of the demolished Babri mosque.

It is only fair for Muslims to vote for parties that represent their interests. Recent events have made this even more critical. I don't think it is important that the party be a Muslim party, but as other political parties have shied away from Muslims, it is becoming apparent that AIMIM is available to fill that void.
It is only fair for Muslims to vote for parties that represent their interests. Recent events have made this even more critical. I don't think it is important that the party be a Muslim party, but as other political parties have shied away from Muslims, it is becoming apparent that AIMIM is available to fill that void.

SO what you are admitting is "Muslim interest" are divergent from "hindu interest" and "National interest".

I agree.
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