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Big attack on Chaman Border crossing

The taliban are decentralized to be sure. This time the local insolent child will get a proper thukai at the hands of our artillery and army aviation.
They need to use drones and fixed wing aircraft
The decentralized afghan taliban have added many splinter groups to multiply their manpower. Some local insolent children are taking commands from hostile agencies. Now this time they will get a proper thukai from artillery and army aviation inshaAllah. Afghan Taliban are turning into warlords in the far off areas. Their power is getting dispersed! Indian battle groups in the East wants additional infantry divs to be deployed at western borders
Another clash? Something isn't right. This looks like a rogue group within the Taliban doing this. Many ANA troops joined their ranks after the fall. Could be them. Regardless, may Allah grant the soldiers protecting the border the strength and will to defend against all types of attacks like these. Ameen.
When the ISI is busy hunting journalists and stripping elderly politicians naked, Pakistan's enemies will strike at the borders... and why should they not? You also removed Gen. Faiz who was on good terms with the Afghan leadership.

Who should we blame? Oh! I have an idea. Let's blame Imran Khan and his watch. Let's blame it on the people you forcibly removed from their seats while they were performing.

Who wants to applaud ISI and General Bajwa yet again? Anyone? Let's clap for people who harmed this motherland, but since we cannot criticise their failures and wrongdoings, we humbly present our claps. From the citizens you F* every day, please receive appreciation for doing your jobs well.

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