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Betrayed, Arabized

LOL. Muse hit it there.

I LOL when i see some PDF members trying so hard to distance themselves from India. Speaks of inferiority complex? :lol:

At the end of the day, some people have to realise that not everyone's aim in life is just to sit around reading the Quran and learning Arabic.

You're welcomed to do that if you wish, but in religion, there is no compulsion.

And yea, I'm proud of my own language, no need for me to learn Arabic. The Arabs wouldn't be bothered to learn our mother tongue language anyway. Think about it.

All ur posts r pro india...... and u expect us to think ur a malaysian? :)
This mindset on both sides of the border is responsible for lack off good relationship between our countries.
The thread is about Pakistan and it's apparent alliance with Arabic culture.

What are Indians trying to find here ?
All ur posts r pro india...... and u expect us to think ur a malaysian? :)

Hey, you of all people should know about my background, one of the first person to welcome me if i remember :)

I'm not pro-Indian, I'm anti-radicalization/people who think they're superior than anyone else/wannabes.

At the end of the day, i have a lot of respect for Pakistan. One of the only countries in the world created for Islam.

Anyway this thread isn't about me. You can always message me if you have anything to ask.

Have a good Aidilfitri, brah. I'm on leave the next whole week, good times :D
In this thread i dont even see 1 Pakistanis arab wanna be.......... doesnt tht proof tht rants of the OP wrong?
The problem with all this critique is the lack of definition.
I resent being "Najdized".. I would not like to give up my Kurta Pyjama, My starched Shalwar Kameez with its shawl.. or my Levi's for a thawb and Ghutrah.. Just the same as I would not like to abandon using Do-shambe for Peer-var.
However.. one must define where this "arabophobia" ends.. and "islamophobia" begins..
The need to identify with the rest of the world seems to require one to be ashamed of one's religious identity...
The need to identify with the rest of the Muslims seems to require one to be ashamed of one's cultural identity.
Somehow.. Pakistani's are inherently insecure about themselves they cannot decide which to follow.

If the culture or a part of it is un-islamic then the un-islamic culture or the un-islamic part of it should not be followed.
Ab aye na abni auqaat par arbi zadaeh? The truth is your family are from the other side - and you are as Indian as any other - but you can't live that down, wages of hate, "brother"?

I encourage you to hate the Indian more, that way you know that whenever you look in the mirror, you will see the object of your hate, on this 27th of Ramazan.

A person Living in england for too long bound to become hysterical and cynical against Pakistan And Islaam
Watched the video - one comment only.

Pakistaniyon kay paas shayad shaqal hai, par aqal nahin (may be the Pakistanis have the face, but not the brains to match it)

If you watch hundred or thousand videos in one day will your perception change hundred or thousand times?
Maybe he wants all Pakistanis to be like this woman:


laanat hain inn logoun par.

Fatima Jinnah, Begum Liaqat Ali, Nusrat Bhutto wore Saree's. Laanat hai? Saris faded from view when Gen Zia officially declared that they were "un-Islamic". :tdown:

and Bindi is worn not only in India. Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Mauritius and Southeast Asia also deocrate their foreheads. Many Kurdish women wear tattoo motifs on their forehead to ward off evil spirits and show their ethnic group. Within North Africa many tribes have used tattoo motifs to symbolize fertility especially on their forehead. Some tribes in Afghanistan still tattoo and decorate women's foreheads for cultural and traditional purposes. Aryan groom used to apply a spot of his blood on his bride's forehead, in recognition of wedlock!
Fatima Jinnah, Begum Liaqat Ali, Nusrat Bhutto wore Saree's. Laanat hai? Saris faded from view when Gen Zia officially declared that they were "un-Islamic". :tdown:

and Bindi is worn not only in India. Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Mauritius and Southeast Asia also deocrate their foreheads. Many Kurdish women wear tattoo motifs on their forehead to ward off evil spirits and show their ethnic group. Within North Africa many tribes have used tattoo motifs to symbolize fertility especially on their forehead. Some tribes in Afghanistan still tattoo and decorate women's foreheads for cultural and traditional purposes. Aryan groom used to apply a spot of his blood on his bride's forehead, in recognition of wedlock!

Repeating post no. 83:

If the culture or a part of it is un-islamic then the un-islamic culture or the un-islamic part of it should not be followed.
Many nuances in Arabic dont have equivalents..
letters can also work as words.. and vice versa.. what language will be able to mimic that accurately?
Interpretation is always according to the times. so If the interpreter keeps changing.. the original message will be lost.
and you ruin the essence.

Exactly. There are alot of words in Arabic which if translated, constitute a whole line in Urdu. Transkation can never be done word to word, and the true gist of the text and it's meaning can never be translated in a satisfying way.
Come on people. I live in Oman, and all the Pakistanis i have met, are proud to be a Pakistani, and don't see themselves as having a remote relation to the Arabs.

Oh man I was going to stay out of this post since I share no identity with Pakistan save that some of my forefathers came from what is now Pakistan. After reading your post I just have to ask you this....are you certain that you are Pakistani and not some ghora CIA-Blackwater ops agent from California posing as a Pakistani ?? :rofl::rofl:

Type in to google images the word iranian, baloch, pushtoon, afghan, turk and what you will see is fair skinned green eyed, grey eyed and some even with blondish hair.

You unfortunately are indian, you won't believe anything that is not indian.

Some pakistanis share culture and heritage with indians, not all the other half have been masters and rulers of the sub continent for over 800 years, will you deny the rule of turco afghans?

My friend even pakistanis that share some cultural ties with india are not even the same as you.
Type in to google images the word iranian, baloch, pushtoon, afghan, turk and what you will see is fair skinned green eyed, grey eyed and some even with blondish hair.

You unfortunately are indian, you won't believe anything that is not indian.

Some pakistanis share culture and heritage with indians, not all the other half have been masters and rulers of the sub continent for over 800 years, will you deny the rule of turco afghans?

My friend even pakistanis that share some cultural ties with india are not even the same as you.

Another funny fact is tht half of the indians of PDF claim their ancestors came frm Pakistan! LOL

Their media posts articles abt Pakistani men being "chick magnets" they whine abt it being frm Pak media.... untill they are shown the indian female writers reference.... and when they r confronted they come up with the same BS...
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