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Bangladeshi kid beated to death by BSF

lool i already mentioned in a similar thread on here how countries tend to become resentful/racists/hateful towards others who are more poorer than them or when they become wealthier/richer. This can be seen in the way Hong Kong chinese resent their fellow brothers from the mainland since they view them as uncivilized(thought he mainlanders now seem to be getting richer than them, which makes them even more angry.lol:lol:) thats without mentioning those from poorer south east asian countries who they look down even more upon, same withTaiwanese looking down on filipinos/indonesians immigrants in their own country, South Koreans looking down on Chinese,vietnamese/south east asians countries, Chinese looking down on Vietnamese,Indians(to some extent though.lol), Singaporeans looking down on Indonesians,malaysians, even Vietnamese look down on Cambodians,laotians :lol:, and Japanese looking down on all Asians.:rofl:

So we shouldnt blame only Indians since they are not alone in this case,even though the Indians look down on Bengladesh,Nepal etc. Even though i admit the way these BSF treats the Bengladesh immigrants is rather inhuman/barbaric even for the east Asian countries i mentioned ealier.:disagree: Hopefully they will change their way/manners with time(though im not optimistic about that either, seems it will only get worse.lool). The lesson in all this is that a country and its leaders should always strive as much as possible to make their country prosperous/improve their living standards and invest in the developmentof the country as a whole. Since as bad/unfair as that might sound, countries/people tend to look down on poorer/weaker countries, for nobody looks down on the rich/wealthy/prosperous countries like Japan, U.S, EU , Canada , Australia etc.In fact people all over the world look up to these countries/respect them(i can attest to this myself when i visited several countries in Asia and Africa). Yes i know we humans are kind of weird in our behaviour , but thats the sad truth bros.:(
we have open border with nepal but not with bangladesh because they are tooo much :D
we have open border with nepal but not with bangladesh because they are tooo much :D

lool i never said otherwise, i was just making a point that richer/wealthier countries look down upon their neighbours when they are poor/backward. Its same with the many African countries i myself visited in Africa. for example, Equactorial guinea was once a very very poor/backward country back in the 70s to early 90s and even their president didnt even have a plane to travel and its their neighbouring country Cameroon president who used to loan his private plane/jet to equactorial guineas preseident for him to be able to travel overseas for business trips etc, and there were lots of Equactorial guineans immigrating in neighbouring Gabon, Cameroon and congo brazaville for better life. But all these changed when they discovered oil in their coast, after this they began attarcting global companies who invested in the country maassively to explore/extrcat the oil, now the country is the 3rd largest producer of oil in Africa and one of the wealthiest country in Africa, with GDP per capital higher than even some eastern european countries and growing rapidly. Now they are notorious for ther racism/resentment towards other countries in Africa who try to immigrate into their country for better life/work etc. They even lynch/kill some of them at times, even those with legal papers are still harassed. This is something me myself i witnessed this when i traveled there for visit, but they still venerate/looked up to me as white british man(same with other europeans/american businessmen/workers there).:disagree:

Another example is the case of Angola, they were once embroiled in a brutal civil war(the longest in Africas history back then) for more than 30 years(it finished only as recently as 2002), which killed millions, and made their people seek refuge to neihhbouring countries of which Congo Kinshasa welcomed them with the largest number of refugees and gave them refuge/food they could. But when Angola discovered oil(trouble for their neighbours.lol), they started getting wealthy overnight and things started to change giving their small population(just 21million people, with africa's largest oil producer). After this they started also getting arrogant and resentful/hatred towards other african countries who immigrated there for jobs/better life.lool Now they are against other african immigranst coming to their country to 'take their jobs/pollute their country'.lool:disagree: But they welcome our people in the west/U.S/Australia etc since they look up to us. There are many other examples i can give.lol

Its same case with India and other similar countries in Asia, i have witnessed this first hand in many countries i have been to. Doesnt matter whether you are a nuclear power or whatever, as far as you are poor/backward relative to your neighbours you will still be looked down on. So i would say Wealth/prosperity in most cases breads resentment towards other poorer/weaker neighbours, but the exception is they still look up to us as white/rich/developed world. Im not being a white supremacist or whatever, just making an observation. Its sad but true:agree::bounce:
lool i already mentioned in a similar thread on here how countries tend to become resentful/racists/hateful towards others who are more poorer than them or when they become wealthier/richer. This can be seen in the way Hong Kong chinese resent their fellow brothers from the mainland since they view them as uncivilized(thought he mainlanders now seem to be getting richer than them, which makes them even more angry.lol:lol:) thats without mentioning those from poorer south east asian countries who they look down even more upon, same withTaiwanese looking down on filipinos/indonesians immigrants in their own country, South Koreans looking down on Chinese,vietnamese/south east asians countries, Chinese looking down on Vietnamese,Indians(to some extent though.lol), Singaporeans looking down on Indonesians,malaysians, even Vietnamese look down on Cambodians,laotians :lol:, and Japanese looking down on all Asians.:rofl:

So we shouldnt blame only Indians since they are not alone in this case,even though the Indians look down on Bengladesh,Nepal etc. Even though i admit the way these BSF treats the Bengladesh immigrants is rather inhuman/barbaric even for the east Asian countries i mentioned ealier.:disagree: Hopefully they will change their way/manners with time(though im not optimistic about that either, seems it will only get worse.lool). The lesson in all this is that a country and its leaders should always strive as much as possible to make their country prosperous/improve their living standards and invest in the developmentof the country as a whole. Since as bad/unfair as that might sound, countries/people tend to look down on poorer/weaker countries, for nobody looks down on the rich/wealthy/prosperous countries like Japan, U.S, EU , Canada , Australia etc.In fact people all over the world look up to these countries/respect them(i can attest to this myself when i visited several countries in Asia and Africa). Yes i know we humans are kind of weird in our behaviour , but thats the sad truth bros.:(

It is unfortunate that people still have such backwards thinking, the xenophobiasm that is exuded by communities. Lastly, I want to correct you, buddy. It is wrong to assume and judge that Japanese look down on 'All Asians'. This is not true at all. Sure there be some Japanese that will exude prejudice, but that is not true for all. Let us not generalize.

Going back to the thread, however, border security forces should be more humane in how they execute their duties. Less use of force and more effective policy such as securing physical structures that can prevent cross-border interplay should be aggressively pursued. This way one can see less instances of these fatal shootings, beatings in the border.
It is unfortunate that people still have such backwards thinking, the xenophobiasm that is exuded by communities. Lastly, I want to correct you, buddy. It is wrong to assume and judge that Japanese look down on 'All Asians'. This is not true at all. Sure there be some Japanese that will exude prejudice, but that is not true for all. Let us not generalize.

Going back to the thread, however, border security forces should be more humane in how they execute their duties. Less use of force and more effective policy such as securing physical structures that can prevent cross-border interplay should be aggressively pursued. This way one can see less instances of these fatal shootings, beatings in the border.

Well, yes you are right, but im not generalizing, im just making an observation, and what i mentioned/said unfotuntately is more or less true for a large part(though im not saying all people in these countries are like that, far from it, of course there are several people who dont hold such views).

Yes i absolutely agree with your last point though. i must confess the stories i have red/heard about these Indian border security guards, they seem to behave like babaric illiterate cave men towards bengladesh immigrants than normal professional border security guards like we know from other countries even in south east Asia. i have so many not so good stories about the way they treat these illegal immigrants, so much so that its hard for me to even know this is the so called 'world's largest democracy'. Hopefully things will change as these countries improve their living standards/develop. Though that again remains to be seen.lol So until then we just have to expect the worse and hope for the best.:undecided:
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Considering that Japan has strategic relationships with both Bangladesh and India, instances of border violence between Bangladesh and India is sensitive for us. I am deeply empathetic to any instance of border violence as this is not conducive to regional harmony and antithetic to development. I long to see a more amicable relationship apparatus between Bangladesh and India. This will lead to a more stable, dynamic South Asian Region.
Considering that Japan has strategic relationships with both Bangladesh and India, instances of border violence between Bangladesh and India is sensitive for us. I am deeply empathetic to any instance of border violence as this is not conducive to regional harmony and antithetic to development.

U mean your opinion on PDF would have effect on Japan-India relations? o_O
U mean your opinion on PDF would have effect on Japan-India relations? o_O

Of course not, I'm just one man. But overall, Japanese people do look favorably on both India and Bangladesh. Both nations are our partners in South Asia. Its not good to hear your partners fighting and it discourages business activity...
It's ok. So what if they kill us, humiliate us or look down upon us. We can not protest against our master because they liberated us from evil Pakistan.
Of course the 1971 genocide was carried out against Bengalis by Pakistan and the highly moral Hindus liberated Bangladesh :lol: See brother what you think was a liberation was actually a separatist and terrorist movement sponsored by india .See the amount of hatred these people have for you .
Of course not, I'm just one man. But overall, Japanese people do look favorably on both India and Bangladesh. Both nations are our partners in South Asia. Its not good to hear your partners fighting and it discourages business activity...

I pray to Allah (swt) for my country to detach itself from India and not termed as a partner of India. But Japan has been a trustworthy partner of BD. Btw i don't blame japan for having a cozy relation with india. Its a big enough power to set its own policy and look after its interest.
Well, yes you are right, but im not generalizing, im just making an observation, and what i mentioned/said unfotuntately is more or less true for a large part(though im not saying all people in these countries are like that, far from it, of course there are several people who dont hold such views).

Yes i absolutely agree with your last point though. i must confess the stories i have red/heard about these Indian border security guards, they seem to behave like babaric illitrate cave men towards the bengladesh more than normal professional border security guards like we know from other countries even in south east Asia. i have so many not so good stories about the way they treat these illegal immigrants, so much so that its hard for me to even know this is the so called 'world's largest democracy'. Hopefully things will change as these countries improve their living standards/develop. Though that again remains to be seen.lol So until then we just have to expect the worse and hope for the best.:undecided:

Definitely there should be more emphasis to train BSF to use less deadly force, if possible. These mechanisms only serve in the conflagration of border relations. Period.
lool i never said otherwise, i was just making a point that richer/wealthier countries look down upon their neighbours when they are poor/backward. Its same with the many African countries i myself visited in Africa. for example, Equactorial guinea was once a very very poor/backward country back in the 70s to early 90s and even their president didnt even have a plane to travel and its their neighbouring country Cameroon president who used to loan his private plane/jet to equactorial guineas preseident for him to be able to travel overseas for business trips etc, and there were lots of Equactorial guineans immigrating in neighbouring Gabon, Cameroon and congo brazaville for better life. But all these changed when they discovered oil in their coast, after this they began attarcting global companies who invested in the country maassively to explore/extrcat the oil, now the country is the 3rd largest producer of oil in Africa and one of the wealthiest country in Africa, with GDP per capital higher than even some eastern european countries and growing rapidly. Now they are notorious for ther racism/resentment towards other countries in Africa who try to immigrate into their country for better life/work etc. They even lynch/kill some of them at times, even those with legal papers are still harassed. This is something me myself i witnessed this when i traveled there for visit, but they still venerate/looked up to me as white british man(same with other europeans/american businessmen/workers there).:disagree:

Another example is the case of Angola, they were once embroiled in a brutal civil war(the longest in Africas history back then) for more than 30 years(it finished only as recently as 2002), which killed millions, and made their people seek refuge to neihhbouring countries of which Congo Kinshasa welcomed them with the largest number of refugees and gave them refuge/food they could. But when Angola discovered oil(trouble for their neighbours.lol), they started getting wealthy overnight and things started to change giving their small population(just 21million people, with africa's largest oil producer). After this they started also getting arrogant and resentful/hatred towards other african countries who immigrated there for jobs/better life.lool Now they are against other african immigranst coming to their country to 'take their jobs/pollute their country'.lool:disagree: But they welcome our people in the west/U.S/Australia etc since they look up to us. There are many other examples i can give.lol

Its same case with India and other similar countries in Asia, i have witnessed this first hand in many countries i have been to. Doesnt matter whether you are a nuclear power or whatever, as far as you are poor/backward relative to your neighbours you will still be looked down on. So i would say Wealth/prosperity in most cases breads resentment towards other poorer/weaker neighbours, but the exception is they still look up to us as white/rich/developed world. Im not being a white supremacist or whatever, just making an observation. Its sad but true:agree::bounce:
Your post is very funny.:-)
Considering that Japan has strategic relationships with both Bangladesh and India, instances of border violence between Bangladesh and India is sensitive for us. I am deeply empathetic to any instance of border violence as this is not conducive to regional harmony and antithetic to development. I long to see a more amicable relationship apparatus between Bangladesh and India. This will lead to a more stable, dynamic South Asian Region.

i swear Japan should employ you as their foreign minister/diplomat nihonji, you sure know how to talk/say diplomatic words and walk out of tough situations, even me have difficulties cornering you my friend. kudos, you are good.:enjoy: in another life you would have been a really good friend of mine if we met/lived in same city.:cheers:

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