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Bangladesh Intelligence and RAW carry out joint operation in Dhaka

So that's worse because brown men are (??) to white men? You just proved your inferiority complex!! :woot: Thanks for proving my point.. luvs and kisses to ya typical indian mentality dude:smitten:

No, his assertion takes into consideration your assumption that 'white' are superior to 'brown' man as 'brown' men do whites lowly job. So if anyone here is suffering from inferiority complex, it'd be you.

However when he says you do 'brown' man's lowly job, he is not being racist as unlike your respected light skinned Pakistanis, we don't look down upon Bangladeshis as dark skinned people rather consider them as of same skin colored as us which offcourse doesn't matter a bull.
No, his assertion takes into consideration your assumption that 'white' are superior to 'brown' man as 'brown' men do whites lowly job. So if anyone here is suffering from inferiority complex, it'd be you.

However when he says you do 'brown' man's lowly job, he is not being racist as unlike your respected light skinned Pakistanis, we don't look down upon Bangladeshis as dark skinned people rather consider them as of same skin colored as us which offcourse doesn't matter a bull.

Hey bro, you got me wrong.

First bold part: since when did we assume that?

Second bold part: I said they are light skinned, which is true, but if you check back I never mentioned it's "good to be light skinned". All I said was that they don't bother being called brown, whereas browner indians do which is funny.

But all of a sudden what makes you think when I say "light skinned", I mean "respected light skinned" (in your own words)? It shows the whole indian mentality. Funny, isn't it?

Well I suggest we get back to the topic before it gets dirty. I don't want to pick up a fight with you, neither Bombenstrum, and you guys really don't need to get pwned just to protect the n00b ultimateracer. :cheers:
However when he says you do 'brown' man's lowly job, he is not being racist as unlike your respected light skinned Pakistanis, we don't look down upon Bangladeshis as dark skinned people rather consider them as of same skin colored as us which offcourse doesn't matter a bull.

Thanks for "not looking down on" us (it's there under your post, I can get more BDs to do that :lol:). By the way, the "we" you are using.. are you referring to "we indians" or "we bengalis"? Just curious. "We bengalis" would be the same color, no?:D

Edit: Uh oh.. it's getting dirtier. Let's get back on track guys, why is it about skin color all of a sudden? I was talking about people having inferiority complex, so I suggest you stop comparing colors bro. (no offense intended):D
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This is ridiculous. Light skin is an evolutionary adaptation to a vitamin D deficiency. Is that something to be proud of?
Thanks for "not looking down on" us. By the way, the "we" you are using.. are you referring to "we indians" or "we bengalis"? Just curious. "We bengalis" would be the same color, no?:D

Edit: Uh oh.. it's getting dirtier. Let's get back on track guys, why is it about skin color all of a sudden? I was talking about people having inferiority complex, so I suggest you stop comparing colors bro. (no offense intended):D

That if we consider Bengalis a homogeneous group. If we can consider the genetic variance Bengalis have as ignorable then by that definition we can also consider all Indians and Pakistanis(except perhaps pashtuns) as a homogeneous group. So there you have it, an Indian and a Bengali.

Answer of bold part :

Pakistanis are a more respectable bunch. So many indians I know here had reservations about being called "brown", one even told me he's more yellow than brown. No Pakistani here ever cared about being called brown even though they have a lighter complexion.

You guys are a joke on the face of the world. Your economy is booming only because since 90's you have started doing all the lowly jobs that white people won't do.
this preference for fairer skin i find it all over Asia.

I thought you meant "Asians" as in East Asians. Well I wouldn't disagree here, but it's more confined to our subcontinent (except non-punjabi Pakistan) than any other place in Asia.
this preference for fairer skin i find it all over Asia.

I'll speak for China and say this isn't the race/wanting to be white thing that may be the case elsewhere in Asia. Pale creamy skin is associated with femininity and status for women, men can be as tanned as they want.

And as far as I know there are no such issues in mongolia, japan, or korea.
That if we consider Bengalis a homogeneous group. If we can consider the genetic variance Bengalis have as ignorable then by that definition we can also consider all Indians and Pakistanis(except perhaps pashtuns) as a homogeneous group. So there you have it, an Indian and a Bengali.

Answer of bold part :

[Edit: so heterogeneous ethnicity means.. look down upon eastern part? racism again?) Okay okay, what ever you define yourself to be. lol. For me, Bangali above all. :D (not that you'd care). But by your analysis, it seems the whole world is one big race. :D:D

bold part thingy: Yes, i was talking about inferiority complex. Not just skin color as a topic, as if I give a **** about it.
What skin color has to do with Bangladesh Intelligence and RAW ? G'men back to topic please.
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