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Verdict of Arms Smuggling to ULFA Questions Bangladesh Sovereignty

1.This verdict was obviously scripted in Delhi.

2. Once BAL is cleansed out of the nation, we will again help NE FFs.That is our national interest.
who will help BNP ? good luck with that
Ha ha Times of Assam again. There is no newspaper of that name in Assam. This is another rupeenews kind of site.
Indeed its a verdict only possible in wretched colony i.e now BD. Just like most of the politically farce trials by this bastard awami regime this was also an epic farce. An indian court would have never imagined coming up with such verdict based on horrendous non-sense the way awami court did.

This is our backyard so what else you expecting from big country like India??
And only because of our involvement your country got its present name (BD).

U can also call it India's soft underbelly that india is inherently always so afraid off. There is a reason why your lunny babus always beg us for freebies.

Whenever worlds thirds biggest terror group aka Jamat will help these ULFA terrorists ... any thing is possible in Bangladesh

With the world biggest terrorist set to become India's PM, India is set to become a hell-hole.....sorry it already is one.
1.This verdict was obviously scripted in Delhi.

2. Once BAL is cleansed out of the nation, we will again help NE FFs.That is our national interest.

Every day 10 Felanis will hang on our barbed wire fence.
Every day 10 Felanis will hang on our barbed wire fence.

Not cool bro, not cool. Asad, poor chap, is just dealing with impotent rage. Poor girl that one, dragged into the line of fire by her wretched father who had no concern for her safety.
Not cool bro, not cool. Asad, poor chap, is just dealing with impotent rage. Poor girl that one, dragged into the line of fire by her wretched father who had no concern for her safety.

The "wretched" father probably underestimated the wretched Indian psyche.
The "wretched" father probably underestimated the wretched Indian psyche.

Which is something one should never do, there is such a long history clearly painting a clear portrait of our evil ways and yet he somehow assumed that he would be safe after deliberately putting himself and his daughter in our clutches. Idiocy can often be fatal, he should have known to stay clear of us, after all would you willingly enter the maw of the devil?:lol:
Which is something one should never do, there is such a long history clearly painting a clear portrait of our evil ways and yet he somehow assumed that he would be safe after deliberately putting himself and his daughter in our clutches. Idiocy can often be fatal, he should have known to stay clear of us, after all would you willingly enter the maw of the devil?:lol:

Yeah this post suits u more. Not crocodile tears as shown in this where u found the victim's father wretched and a BDshi having impotent rage:

Not cool bro, not cool. Asad, poor chap, is just dealing with impotent rage. Poor girl that one, dragged into the line of fire by her wretched father who had no concern for her safety.
Yeah this post suits u more. Not crocodile tears as shown in this where u found the victim's father wretched and a BDshi having impotent rage:

Well he was wretched, what else would you call a father who dragged his daughter in front of the proverbial speeding truck?
I've never shed a single tear for any Bdian, why should I? It is simply for the sake of apportioning blame accurately, the girl was not at fault, she simply paid the price of someone else's foolishness. This does not mean that I hold any overwhelming sympathy for her.
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