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Bangladesh bid for closer ties with China irks India

Sino-Bangladesh road link: Ignore India's undesirable reaction

By Mohammad Zainal Abedin, USA

A report of The Assam Tribune(March 23, 2010), regarding India's discontent over the outcome of the recent visit of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to China drew my attention. The daily virtually uncovered India's undesirable reaction on Bangladesh Prime Minister’s visit to China. Media made several speculative reports in advance saying that India did not desire that Sheikh Hasina should visit China. The assumption of the media becomes true if one looks into a report of The Assam Tribune. The Assam Tribune’ uncovered the real sentiment/or reaction of Indian government.

Here's the Link to the news item : The Assam Tribune Online

The daily said (quote):

(1)Bangladesh's bid to forge closer ties with China by offering transit rights and seeking to establish road and rail links between Chittagong and Kunming has irked India.

(2) According to sources, what had upset India was Dhaka's offer of the same trade and transit facilities like access to Chittagong Port to China. (3)

Dhaka has agreed to allow Beijing to use its Chittagong Port facility, as it was offered to India. The Government of Bangladesh has offered to upgrade the facility, enhancing its efficiency and capacity. Further, Bangladesh has sought China's assistance for its proposed deep sea port in the Bay of Bengal, as part of the Look East Policy initiated by the previous BNP regime, sources said.

(4) During the last visit of Prime Minister of Bangladesh to India, it was agreed that India, Bhutan and Nepal would be allowed to use Chittagong and Mongla Ports and now with China joining the race, New Delhi is faced with a whole new scenario, sources added.

(5) Sources said the proposed Chittagong-Kunming railway and road links via Myanmar is crucial to India's interest. China proposed to up link through Myanmar, which has been accepted by Bangladesh, sources said.

All the above sentences incidentally manifest the idea and policy of Indian government. And these also unearth India's hegemonic designs against Bangladesh. This sentiment indicates to one truth that India does not believe that Bangladesh reserves the right to act according its own will ignoring India's roadmap and dictation.

India has no real cause or right to express its concern regarding the understanding of Bangladesh and China to link both the countries through road and railway.

Bangladesh is a sovereign country to enter in any deal with any country suiting its interest. India also claims that Bangladesh is its friendly country. But our friendship with India does not mean that we will not be able to develop or maintain the same relation with any country, including China. More interesting matter is this India also maintains cordial relation with China. The trade transaction between the two countries justifies this reality.

In 2004, India's total trade to China crossed US $13.6 billion, with Indian exports to China touching $ 7677.43 million and imports from china at US $ 5926.67 million. Bilateral trade touched about $20 billion (Rs 9,000 crore) during this financial year in 2006-78, rising from $18.7 billion in 2005-06. The People’s Daily (Online) on January 19, 2009 said, China's trade with India, its 10th trade partner, reached 51.78 billion US dollars in 2008, up 34 percent year-on-year. In 2010 the volume of trade will certainly increase. Gradual increase of trade transactions proves that both the countries have cordial relation. India even signed some military deals with China. If India can develop and maintain such relation with China how India becomes angry when we try to develop our relation with China. The reality is this India cannot tolerate that Bangladesh should the same relation with China.

India frequently spoke in favour of connectivity and Sheikh Hasina responded to the India theory of connectivity. Neither India, nor its northeastern States, is landlocked. Still Sheikh Hasina despite huge opposition and condemnation in the country agreed to provide corridor and port facilities to India. Both the gestures are contrary to the geo-economic interest and traditional policy of Bangladesh right from Sheikh Mujib to Khaleda Zia. Sheikh Hasina when endeavours to connect Bangladesh to China through Myanmar, India stood against such connectivity. India's contradictory policy only uncovers its ugly face before the international community and distances India from the Bangladeshi people.

India's reaction nakedly uncovered one truth that India does not really recognize Bangladesh as sovereign country. It is ready to allow us so much power that will suit only its (India's) strategic and global interest, not beyond that. Those who including Sheikh Hasina, treat India as trusted friend of Bangladesh got a chance to comprehend what type of Bangladesh actually India wants. India desires that Bangladesh is to act in line with India's dictation and its global and strategic plan, policy and interest.

New Delhi's displeasure with the turn of events in distant Beijing found reflection in 37th India-Bangladesh Joint River Commission meet that concluded late on Friday (19 March) evening, without signing of the joint declaration. An understanding was reached to sign an agreement later this year.

A statement was issued at the end of the two-day conference, which touched on the broad issues discussed at the meeting. To soothe India Dhaka immediately sent its Foreign Secretary, Mijarul Quayes to New Delhi to re-assure that its interest would not hurt in anyway.

I dont find any logic why India was upset. It is astonishing India seems to consider Bangladesh as its satellite State? Does Bangladesh have no sovereignty? Our relation with India must not act as bar to develop same warmly relation with China, America or any other mighty nation of the world. India should not forget that Bangladesh is a sovereign independent country and enjoys the right to develop friendly relation with any country of its choice suiting its own strategic and economic interest.

Does India want to say that it will develop and maintain warm relation with all the countries, but Bangladesh will maintain it only with India or according to the prescription of India and not beyond that? For this reason it flared up in anger and reacted violently.

Assam Tribune ventilated India's anger in the following way, New Delhi's displeasure with the turn of events in distant Beijing found reflection in 37th India-Bangladesh Joint River Commission meet that concluded late on Friday evening, without signing of the joint declaration.This statement of the Assam Tribune uncovers the extent of India's anger and the hollowness of Indian friendship with Bangladesh.

As regards to India's opposition to Chinese entrance to our seaport I should say Bangladesh Prime Minister certainly did not commit to India that no other country, including China, will be allowed to use Chittagong Port. Chittagong Port is exclusively ours. It is we to decide how to use its facilities in the best maximum way to develop and safeguard our strategic and economic interest. Should we construct a deep seaport only for India, or its northeast region? If we ever agree to such idea, it will simply mean Bangladesh is not a sovereign country, rather an Indian territory having a government and a flag.

India's reluctance to the outcome of Sheikh Hasina's visit undermines our interest and sovereign status. India, in fact, poses to send us one message that whatever India says overtly, it covertly nurses an intention of treating Bangladesh as its subservient or client State. Under the cover of friendship India virtually dares to treat us as it slave.

What India cannot tell us in public is that if there is a road or railway connection between China and Bangladesh, our dependence on India will diminish to the minimum level. And India will not be able to control our market and policies according to its will. Through such link Bangladesh will develop its trade transactions also with Thailand and other Southeast Asian nations. Now India does its monopoly business in Bangladesh. It fixes the rate of its commidities and imposes it on Bangladesh.

On the other hand India using this monopoly business let loose its stooges to propagate to create such a belief among the Bangladeshis: asking how we will exist if India seals its border and stops exporting its commodities to Bangladesh.

On several occasions India shamelessly put covert and overt embargo on exporting its commodities to Bangladesh. Anytime India can stops its export to collapse the country and its government and compel our government to swallow undue and suicidal agreements undermining our interest and sovereignty. We have no other alternative but to use our border with Myanmar. Once we will be able to open our border to eastward it will end India's monopoly business and its master-like attitude. More importantly such link will jeopardize India’s dream to put Bangladesh into its pound. These are the main reasons of India's furious reaction.

India wants to behave with Bangladesh in the same way as it does with Bhutan. India must set aside such dangerous policy. The Ganges will be blooded if India goes ahead with such design. Bangladeshis will surely frustrate such dream of India at any cost.

All patriots in Bangladesh possess the same idea. India should comprehend this reality that our policy must not be of that type what India wants at the cost of our national interest, sovereignty and independence. It is not our duty to protect India's strategic interest at the cost of our country. India must not forget this reality that we did not liberate our country from Muslim Pakistan to become the slaves of the Hindu India. I do not make such comment out of communalism, rather out of patriotism.

India's reaction indicates it will leave no stone unturned to undo the outcome of Prime Minister's visit to China. The success of Hasina’s visit will entirely depend on how speedily and aptly the Sino-Bangladesh road link is established. It will depend on Hasina government's sincerity and ability of removing all the hazards and ignoring Indian pressure by constructing the road link as soon as possible much before the expiration of her present term as Prime Minister.

This will create an honorable position for her in our history. This will also delete the blame that Sheikh Hasina and her party are the tools of India. This will also decide her fate in the next election. She will be branded as pro-India if she fails or lingers the construction of the road. There is no room of procrastination over the implementation of the understanding that Chinese government and she reached during her visit to China. The entire nation with keen interest observes whether she avails the chance or derails it.

ur prime minister supports close ties between India nad Bangladesh.Thankfully she has brains

BD-India relationship is basically based on mutual suspicion. It is because India overplays its DADA role and expects us to be submissive. Whoever may be the PM of BD, he/she understands that BD needs to smile broadly in front of India.

Not only Begum Hasina, but any BD PM will keep India at bay with sweet talking while engaging to pursue a diplomacy of friendship with others who may not be regarded as friends of India.
BD-India relationship is basically based on mutual suspicion. It is because India overplays its DADA role and expects us to be submissive. Whoever may be the PM of BD, he/she understands that BD needs to smile broadly in front of India.

Not only Begum Hasina, but any BD PM will keep India at bay with sweet talking while engaging to pursue a diplomacy of friendship with others who may not be regarded as friends of India.

Things are changing now. Give some time to AL.

Well a port & a train service china to BD is a good start

Who knows JF17 thunder ? Block 1 in BD Airforce

BD lies in great location
BD-India relationship is basically based on mutual suspicion. It is because India overplays its DADA role and expects us to be submissive. Whoever may be the PM of BD, he/she understands that BD needs to smile broadly in front of India.

Not only Begum Hasina, but any BD PM will keep India at bay with sweet talking while engaging to pursue a diplomacy of friendship with others who may not be regarded as friends of India.

Did GOI issue a official statement expressing its displeasure?, like it does for any conflict of interest events with Pakistan and China. The North block is quite vocal. Your views would be interesting.
Did GOI issue a official statement expressing its displeasure?, like it does for any conflict of interest events with Pakistan and China. The North block is quite vocal. Your views would be interesting.

Stumper, Some of the BD members live in Hate - India mode 24/7 and a few Pakistani members love encouraging them. Lets just wish BD well and ignore the nuts.
I would be wary of building very close ties with China. All trade with them should be done via sea and air cargo, not build a connected road between the two countries. It's madness on the part of Bangladesh this.
And Indians are superior?
Do you seriously want the Chinese to establish a road and rail link to Bangladesh? They are ugly as f**k. They will change the genetic composition of Bangladesh over time. I'd rather commit suicide. We have had a terrible misfortune of being located near these people and their kind in the Northeast of India already.
Do you seriously want the Chinese to establish a road and rail link to Bangladesh? They are ugly as f**k. They will change the genetic composition of Bangladesh over time. I'd rather commit suicide. We have had a terrible misfortune of being located near these people and their kind in the Northeast of India already.
You didn't answered my question brada.

Bangladesh-China road link will bring down transportation cost of goods and it will give a great boost on Bangladesh-China mutual relation.
Do you seriously want the Chinese to establish a road and rail link to Bangladesh? They are ugly as f**k. They will change the genetic composition of Bangladesh over time. I'd rather commit suicide. We have had a terrible misfortune of being located near these people and their kind in the Northeast of India already.

Another Bangladeshi with Indian IQ. :lol:
Do you seriously want the Chinese to establish a road and rail link to Bangladesh? They are ugly as f**k. They will change the genetic composition of Bangladesh over time. I'd rather commit suicide. We have had a terrible misfortune of being located near these people and their kind in the Northeast of India already.

bwahahahahahahahahahahahah .

i thought you will come up with some logic but seems your are just wasting our time
BD has to choose one.........if it is China,then it will have to let go all that its getting from India
whats the big deal here................
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