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Bangladesh bid for closer ties with China irks India

Sri Lanka buys arms from Pakistan/China, then India has a problem.

Nepal gets closer to any other regional country then India has a problem.

Bangladesh acts in its own interests and gets closer to China then India has a problem.

Bottom line is : Its no more than botched bullying by India.

Can u provide a link where an Indian official is cited objecting to defence deals between Sri Lanka and Pakistan.
I know many bangladeshis here who prefer Bangladesh having greater ties with India.What Bangladeshis in this forum fail to understand is the tremendous capability India has to boost the country.

There are quite a few of us here from difrent back ground. You find me one that oppose close relation with china while you will be lucky to find 1 that support close relation between bd-bharat. Do not live in fool world.

China is a proven friend while you are a proven enemy. :smokin:
And also I think bharat is Jealous because it has no friends in the neigborhood......:lol::rofl::rofl:

We have a friend who back stabbed us in 1962. We thought we have a new friend in 1971, which was just a mirage.

If I go by your words we don't have a single friend in our neighborhood. Still we are ahead of them, excepting China.

You should focus on strengthening your country, don't focus on anything else.
There are quite a few of us here from difrent back ground. You find me one that oppose close relation with china while you will be lucky to find 1 that support close relation between bd-bharat. Do not live in fool world.

China is a proven friend while you are a proven enemy. :smokin:

Proven enemy, ya right you mean the time we helped you guys out of the genocide, and helped you create the very existence of BD?
Ya, India has been such an enemy!!
China is a proven friend while you are a proven enemy. :smokin:

See kid i guess it is in your and your country's interest to be friendly with INDIA.....and when did china proved itself to be a friend...hmmm may be in 71-->when your country east pakistan was renamed BANGLADESH....you did asked for their help didn't you...:hitwall::hitwall:
By friends you mean Pakistan, China and Bangladesh?

My friend, while on a India bashing spree, you always forget that your nonsensical arguments are always excused. BD is too small to be a concern, let alone a threat. You can try that in 2050.

Thank You.

You have a very short sight. :tdown:I hope indian polician are not as short sight as you. China can become a UN secure member in 1973 is bcoz many you so-called "small power" supported us. and china can stand against US is also bcoz there are many you so called "some power" are standing behind us. This just some example. Have you ever heard that "quantity changing lead quality changing(I dont know how to say it exactly in english.)" ?
Any you so called "small power" will become the biggest power when you need them.
thebrownguy said:
Novice09 said:
We have a friend who back stabbed us in 1962. We thought we have a new friend in 1971, which was just a mirage.

If I go by your words we don't have a single friend in our neighborhood. Still we are ahead of them, excepting China.

You should focus on strengthening your country, don't focus on anything else.
Proven enemy, ya right you mean the time we helped you guys out of the genocide, and helped you create the very existence of BD?
Ya, India has been such an enemy!!
See kid i guess it is in your and your country's interest to be friendly with INDIA.....and when did china proved itself to be a friend...hmmm may be in 71-->when your country east pakistan was renamed BANGLADESH....you did asked for their help didn't you...:hitwall::hitwall:

Actually I born in 77 so I neither have any recolection of 71 nor care much about it. I like to stay in 2010 and would like to protect the interest of mordern bd. We get along with China just fine and that is because we have mutual respect and trust in place. Such high qualities are absence among bharati ruling class. :smokin:
We have a friend who back stabbed us in 1962. We thought we have a new friend in 1971, which was just a mirage.

If I go by your words we don't have a single friend in our neighborhood. Still we are ahead of them, excepting China.

You should focus on strengthening your country, don't focus on anything else.

All alone On my Own
At all costs
May be one hurdle may be lots.
Actually I born in 77 so I neither have any recolection of 71 nor care much about it. I like to stay in 2010 and would like to protect the interest of mordern bd. We get along with China just fine and that is because we have mutual respect and trust in place. Such high qualities are absence among bharati ruling class. :smokin:

For the first bold part - So you need to work extra hard. Go back in time, browse history. Try to gain an insight of how BD was created and the situation that guaranteed BD was liberated and thus millions saved. According to you and some posters here, India is your enemy. But it was India who helped you create a nation from a land that you THEN termed as foreign. While the attitude of India and Indians have not changed, propaganda and lies seems to be the low life attack you guys got in here. Look around you, they ain't working very well.

For the second bold part - Your Government does not say that. And I do not believe that you are so very an intellectual so as to define high qualities of Bharat's ruling class. You might find it pinching you way up, but this is the same Bharati ruling class that has created an economy which is the 2nd fastest growing in the world, even in this times of recession. For the military side of it, I leave it to you to atleast do some googling.
Its a fact that all small and weak nations are used by big powers, in one way or another. Call it friendship, call it brotherhood, call it sheer dominance or call it commonality of interests, its all the same. The bigger powers do all of it, in any way and every way, by hook or by crook, to eat the whole pie. The weaker nations know about the real deal but since they cant touch the pie themselves( because of obvious reasons) let alone eating it all, are therefore happy to eat the left over, which they are even able to digest. So in the end, even knowingly that they wont get the maximum out of it but whatsoever comes their way will at least not let them starve to death, makes them happy with it. Only those who are economically developed or somewhat developed are scrubbed to a lesser extent.

Saying to stay neutral is easy then doing it. Its practically the hardest thing to do out their ( Can a poor villager negate the orders of the landlord??) but if achieved, as their are some exceptions, can lead the country directly to the highway of prosperity.

Its a harsh reality but the only way known to the world because of its practicality. That is a why Bangladesh is no exception. The only best possible thing to do in such a situation is, to let the biggest take best bite and not the bigger, although sounds weird but its the only way to make the maximum out of it. The bigger can be compensated somewhere else, although it would make alot of noise and complains about it. If the case is reversed, the only looser will be the host party.

So its wise and make sense If Bangladesh lets China to peruse its peaceful interests in their country, which can also line in with its own.

Two more important things to note are, The intent of the approaching Country and the other is the capability and (more importantly) the competencies of those who want to compete.

BTW India is also in race with other powers of using Bangladesh .

Would like to know the difference between concern and Threat in this case.



As a citizen of tiny BD your posts about BD depress me most of time though your analysis is rational. I like your posts and wish to see you as a TT mem soon.

BTW, Can you write something which can make me think that BD is not any feeble country? I know it’s tough. LOL, I just kidding, no need alter your thinking as your thinking is right about BD.

As a citizen of tiny BD your posts about BD depress me most of time though your analysis is rational. I like your posts and wish to see you as a TT mem soon.

BTW, Can you write something which can make me think that BD is not any feeble country? I know it’s tough. LOL, I just kidding, no need alter your thinking as your thinking is right about BD.


Hi brother,

My posts are not meant to disrespect Bangladesh and spread depression and disparity among the Bangladeshi brothers here. My posts are generally an attempt to reflect both sides of a picture, and depict the realities that prevail.

Its depends upon the audience which side they want to pic and believe. I have the same views about my own countries discrepancies. It would be dishonest if i do not present in what I actually believe.

In most of my posts regarding Bangladesh i try give the solutions after I point out the problems, thus i think i dilute the feelings of depression by figuring out the way forward.

Anyhow I have taken a note of your suggestion, and would try to avoid posting in Bangladesh related Issues as much as possible. I really apologize for my previous posts where I might have hurt your feelings, unknowingly.

And regarding the TT comment. I am really thankful for those kind words. Its only the Admins discretion, and they can judge better who is worthy of that position. My personal View is to post quality and rational, TT or no TT, the rule applies in general. Thanks again,


Hi brother,

My posts are not meant to disrespect Bangladesh and spread depression and disparity among the Bangladeshi brothers here. My posts are generally an attempt to reflect both sides of a picture, and depict the realities that prevail.

Ufffffffff. I know it very well. Please, do not feel hesitation as we know well that you are well wisher of BD.

Its depends upon the audience which side they want to pic and believe. I have the same views about my own countries discrepancies. It would be dishonest if i do not present in what I actually believe.

In most of my posts regarding Bangladesh i try give the solutions after I point out the problems, thus i think i dilute the feelings of depression by figuring out the way forward.

I like your posts and wonder to see your comprehension power about the ground reality and also about BD. I can say surely that you understand BD's situation more than many BDans. It was hard to believe (if I would not join in PDF) that many Pakistani people know well about us and also think about us like you, Jana and others even we do not have very close mutual relation.

Anyhow I have taken a note of your suggestion, and would try to avoid posting in Bangladesh related Issues as much as possible. I really apologize for my previous posts where I might have hurt your feelings, unknowingly.

Uffff........you got me wrong again. Please do not stop posting about BD. I am sure that you know well about BD and you analysis are important for us. So think about Bangladesh after PK. I did not hurt by your post ever, moreover, I was impressed by your post.

And regarding the TT comment. I am really thankful for those kind words. Its only the Admins discretion, and they can judge better who is worthy of that position. My personal View is to post quality and rational, TT or no TT, the rule applies in general. Thanks again,

I think mods will consider you as a TT member soon and many senior members are agree with me. I think.

oooohhhhh i feel so THREATENED..:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Who cares, you become scared or not because of BD-China relationship. But, your political and military leaders certainly become scared. They understand the geopolitical matters.
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