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Bangladesh bid for closer ties with China irks India

It is good to see Bangladesh is extending her diplomatic ties with China good luck with this.One thing though Bangladesh should be careful that she is not used by this big power.

India is not will never be threatened by your relation with China the development is just a mater of concern for India.
Sri Lanka buys arms from Pakistan/China, then India has a problem.

Nepal gets closer to any other regional country then India has a problem.

Bangladesh acts in its own interests and gets closer to China then India has a problem.

Bottom line is : Its no more than botched bullying by India.
It is good to see Bangladesh is extending her diplomatic ties with China good luck with this.One thing though Bangladesh should be careful that she is not used by this big power.@

Same advice for India :partay: US-China thingy does ring a bell
It is good to see Bangladesh is extending her diplomatic ties with China good luck with this.One thing though Bangladesh should be careful that she is not used by this big power.

Its a fact that all small and weak nations are used by big powers, in one way or another. Call it friendship, call it brotherhood, call it sheer dominance or call it commonality of interests, its all the same. The bigger powers do all of it, in any way and every way, by hook or by crook, to eat the whole pie. The weaker nations know about the real deal but since they cant touch the pie themselves( because of obvious reasons) let alone eating it all, are therefore happy to eat the left over, which they are even able to digest. So in the end, even knowingly that they wont get the maximum out of it but whatsoever comes their way will at least not let them starve to death, makes them happy with it. Only those who are economically developed or somewhat developed are scrubbed to a lesser extent.

Saying to stay neutral is easy then doing it. Its practically the hardest thing to do out their ( Can a poor villager negate the orders of the landlord??) but if achieved, as their are some exceptions, can lead the country directly to the highway of prosperity.

Its a harsh reality but the only way known to the world because of its practicality. That is a why Bangladesh is no exception. The only best possible thing to do in such a situation is, to let the biggest take best bite and not the bigger, although sounds weird but its the only way to make the maximum out of it. The bigger can be compensated somewhere else, although it would make alot of noise and complains about it. If the case is reversed, the only looser will be the host party.

So its wise and make sense If Bangladesh lets China to peruse its peaceful interests in their country, which can also line in with its own.

Two more important things to note are, The intent of the approaching Country and the other is the capability and (more importantly) the competencies of those who want to compete.

BTW India is also in race with other powers of using Bangladesh .

India is not will never be threatened by your relation with China the development is just a mater of concern for India.

Would like to know the difference between concern and Threat in this case.


China favours seaport, Kunming-Ctg rail links
Staff Reporter

The Chinese government has given a very positive and encouraging response to Bangladesh's proposals on building a deep seaport and the Chittagong-Kunming road and rail links through Myanmar, Foreign Minister Dipu Moni said yesterday.

"We received a very positive and encouraging response from both the central Chinese government and the provincial government of Yunan on building a deep seaport and the Chittagong-Kunming road and rail links through Myanmar," she told a crowded press conference at the Foreign Ministry after the five-day visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to China which ended on Sunday.

The Foreign Minister said that China also decided to write off all loans and their interests given to Bangladesh till 2008. She, however, could not provide the volume of the loans and interests.

Asked whether China has showed interest to invest in building the planned deep sea port in Cox's Bazar, she said assistance would be needed from more than one country since the project would require huge investment.

Once the deep seaport is built, not only be China, people from other countries, including Bangladesh, would get benefit out of it. The cost of Chinese products will be lesser here than previous because of closing the distance, Dipu Moni said, adding that "China is not only a source of import but a partner of our overall development," she said.

Terming the Prime Minister's visit to China as effective, important, historic, timely and fruitful one, she said it has opened the doors of cooperation between two friendly countries.

Dipu Moni said, during the visit, both the premiers emphasised the need for building a network between the Bangladesh and China on the basis of closer comprehensive partnership of cooperation from the strategic perspective.

Chinese investment and relocation of its labor-intensive industries in Bangladesh might help reduce the trade gap. Besides, we also have to expand its export basket, she said.

Dipu Moni said Bangladesh sought cooperation of China in purchasing arms and they gave a positive response in this regard.

Referring to the three agreements and one MoU signed during the visit, she said the visit opened up a new chapter of cooperation between the two friendly counties.

The accords are: Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement with Adequate Grant, Framework Agreement for Construction of Shahjalal Fertilizer Factory, Agreement for Construction of the 7th Bangladesh-China Friendship Bridge, and MoU on Bangladesh-China Cooperation in Oil and Gas sectors.

Replying to a question on the management of Brahmaputra river that has been originated in China, the Foreign Minister said Bangladesh wants joint management of this river, which has been appreciated by the Chinese side.

Presently, the two countries would exchange data and information about the flow of the river and at one stage we would be able to work under a joint management of the river. The matter was also discussed with India, she said.

In reply to another question, Dipu Moni said Bangladesh-India Joint Rivers Commission was an advancement towards an agreement for sharing of Teesta river waters.

"There is no reason to be frustrated. We cannot term the JRC meeting frustrating also. Much progress was gained at the meeting and more will come in future," she said.

The Foreign Minister said the matter removing the trade gap was discussed during the official meeting when the Chinese side expressed willingness to provide duty-free access to more Bangladeshi products and increase the volume of imports from Bangladesh.

On the outcome of the technical committee meeting on maritime boundary dispute, she said both sides placed their proposals and expressed their own stand to resolve the dispute through discussion.

The New Nation - Internet Edition
One important information should be reconized here is that all most 100% bangladeshi prefer close relation with china including defence whearas majority bangladeshi disaprove close relation with bahrat. We are to establish just enough relation with bharat because it is our unfortunate Neighbor.
One important information should be reconized here is that all most 100% bangladeshi prefer close relation with china including defence whearas majority bangladeshi disaprove close relation with bahrat. We are to establish just enough relation with bharat because it is our unfortunate Neighbor.

:tup: Zakir brother i think close relations with China are in best interests of BD if we compare BD-Indo relations with BD-China relations due to the reason that BD and China has no mistrust for each other unlike in the other case.

I think BD should also get close ties with Nepal.

There as some reports about trade route which was not allowed by India if i am not mistaking it for someone else???
And also I think bharat is Jealous because it has no friends in the neigborhood......:lol::rofl::rofl:

By friends you mean Pakistan, China and Bangladesh?

My friend, while on a India bashing spree, you always forget that your nonsensical arguments are always excused. BD is too small to be a concern, let alone a threat. You can try that in 2050.

Thank You.
Sri Lanka buys arms from Pakistan/China, then India has a problem.

Nepal gets closer to any other regional country then India has a problem.

Bangladesh acts in its own interests and gets closer to China then India has a problem.

Bottom line is : Its no more than botched bullying by India.

Wow! And I thought we cannot bully any sovereign state.

One important information should be reconized here is that all most 100% bangladeshi prefer close relation with china including defence whearas majority bangladeshi disaprove close relation with bahrat. We are to establish just enough relation with bharat because it is our unfortunate Neighbor.

Your AL Government proves just the opposite. You are either an extremist minority or an over hyped BD national. Whatever be the case, remember BD is cracking down on all extremist elements, be mindful of that. You might just find yourself on the other side of iron bars. :lol::lol:
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I think they feel threatened.. :undecided:
I think, you are right here. But, our Indian friend Malaymisra is always here to say BD people overestimate the BD geopolitical location vis-a-vis India's defence position in the NE against China.

I think, China can do without a direct assistance from BD. But, on the other hand, India cannot resist a Chinese incursion without a direct transit of its military hardwares, men and machines over BD land in times of war.

So, too much of a good BD-China relationship is not seen that kindly by Delhi.
Would like to know the difference between concern and Threat in this case.


Concern is that when Bangladesh's relation grows closer towards China neglecting India.

Threat is when Bangladesh allows a Chinese base inside her territory.

when i said not to be used by the big power is that Bangladesh has lot to loose in this scenario.


US can't use India to be a Pawn.India is too big a Country to do that with diverse views wrt to USA.
Sri Lanka buys arms from Pakistan/China, then India has a problem.

Nepal gets closer to any other regional country then India has a problem.

Bangladesh acts in its own interests and gets closer to China then India has a problem.

Bottom line is : Its no more than botched bullying by India.

India ? Sri Lanka relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ndia and Sri Lanka are member nations of several regional and multilateral organisations such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme, South Asian Economic Union and BIMSTEC, working to enhance cultural and commercial ties. Since a bilateral free trade agreement was signed and came into effect in 2000, Indo-Sri Lankan trade rose 128% by 2004 and quadrupled by 2006, reaching USD 2.6 billion.[17][18] Between 2000 and 2004, India's exports to Sri Lanka in the last four years increased by 113%, from USD 618 million to $1,319 million while Sri Lankan exports to India increased by 342%, from $44 million to USD $194 million.[17] Indian exports account for 14% of Sri Lanka’s global imports. India is also the fifth largest export destination for Sri Lankan goods, accounting for 3.6% of its exports.[17] Both nations are also signatories of the South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA). Negotiations are also underway to expand the free trade agreement to forge stronger commercial relations and increase corporate investment and ventures in various industries.[18]

India's National Thermal Power Corp (NTPC) is also scheduled to build a 500 MW thermal power plant in Sampoor (Sampur). The NTPC claims that the this plan will take the Indo-Srilankan relationship to new level.

Indo-Nepalese relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

granted Nepal preferential economic treatment and provided Nepalese in India the same economic and educational opportunities as Indian citizens.

after the restoration of democracy, in 2008, Prachanda, the Prime Minister of Nepal, visited India, in September 2008. He spoke about a new dawn, in the bilateral relations, between the two countries. He said, "I am going back to Nepal as a satisfied person. I will tell Nepali citizens back home that a new era has dawned. Time has come to effect a revolutionary change in bilateral relations. On behalf of the new government, I assure you that we are committed to make a fresh start." He met Indian Prime minister, Manmohan Singh, and Foreign Minister, Pranab Mukherjee. He asked India to help Nepal frame a new constitution, and to invest in Nepal's infrastructure, and its tourism industry.

MOD EDIT: took the line out which wasnt required
One important information should be reconized here is that all most 100% bangladeshi prefer close relation with china including defence whearas majority bangladeshi disaprove close relation with bahrat. We are to establish just enough relation with bharat because it is our unfortunate Neighbor.

I know many bangladeshis here who prefer Bangladesh having greater ties with India.What Bangladeshis in this forum fail to understand is the tremendous capability India has to boost the country.
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