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Ban on burkini is a manifestation of a colonizer's frustration and bigotry.

Are the french pissed because they are failing to corrupt muslims with their secular values?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • French politicians are just a bunch of lecherous perverts

    Votes: 7 21.9%

  • Total voters
Why are Indians jumping up and down to support this like they do anything against Muslims?

Why not ban cross, the bindi, the Star of David etc? Are they not a threat to secularism? Do they create division in society?
Why are Indians jumping up and down to support this like they do anything against Muslims?


Their black asses are just at risk, even more considering how timid they are in front of racists

When I was 18-19 i had an arguement with my father,saying that I don't like how things are ran in our house..."The house is mine,the way out the door is yours if you don't like it",he said.

But if your father had a system of rules in place that gave you the right to speak freely, dress the way you saw fit and be free to hold different beliefs and values as you are a individual.
And then changed the rules and punished you because he didn't like the way you dressed, what you said , the values you held you could accept it as long as he didn't pretend to give you freedom to do these things and worst still hypocritically point fingers at someone else across the street because they too deny people the right to dress, speak or hold their own values
Burkahini as analogous to oppression, backwardness for some western countries, just as bikini is analogous to being naked to most Islamic countries. I find it silly on both ends.
And then changed the rules and punished you because he didn't like the way you dressed, what you said , the values you held you could accept it as long as he didn't pretend to give you freedom to do these things and worst still hypocritically point fingers at someone else across the street because they too deny people the right to dress, speak or hold their own values

Muslim people must understand that freedom of speech does not mean we should tolerate medieval and abhorent practices such as the opression of women.You must practice your religion within the rule of law and decency.

I would punish those wearing burqa,burqini with heavy jail sentences.
You are in France,what did you expect ?
Your religion,your values aren't above those of the République. If you think so,you just landed in the wrong country.
Now,everyone that doesn't like France,its laws can go to another country that suits them better.
Exactly! Go to Saudi and you can't enter to Mecca region if you are non muslim, You can't eat if Muslims are on fast. Your women can't drive but Muslims want to change everything in US/UK/Europe as per their convince. I will suggest take your thoughts and go from where you come, Adapt or Exit. Period.
Muslim people must understand that freedom of speech does not mean we should tolerate medieval and abhorent practices such as the opression of women.You must practice your religion within the rule of law and decency.

I would punish those wearing burqa,burqini with heavy jail sentences.

You must understand women are not oppressed in islam

Brainwashing women to believe that nakedness, lewdness, sexual promiscuity is freedom is one of the biggest cons the western world has pulled on women.

They have conned women into giving into every male desire
Easy sex -men want that
Women dressed like whores- men want that
Lewd women - men like that
Big breasts, fat *** on display- men love that
The list goes on

A coincident dont you think that everything men want or like is exactly what female freedom is

In islam their are guidelines, admittedly burkha is not stipulated as a requirement but it is within the guidelines
Women dont act like whores, they dont dress to please men or pander to their desires

Sex is within the boundaries of marriage within which both men and women have guidelines to protect each other

Once again humans and muslims are imperfect so you will get poor implementation but islam has a good set of guidelines for a free women not pandering to men as a s3x object

Banning muslims for not dressing to pander to mens fantasies is discrimination, abd if thats tge way you want to go then fine but dont bull shit about democracy and freedom
Why are Indians jumping up and down to support this like they do anything against Muslims?
Our society is very different to the muslim fundamentalist group-think you have in islamic countries. While many women may find bikinis inappropriate from a socially conservative 'eastern' point of view, there are also those who are liberated from social conservatism and will make the choice to dress how they want at a beach or any other place as they see fit, and they're not going to be burnt at the stake for it.. so, not all of the non 'western/christian' world is crazy regressive Islamists.
Our society is very different to the muslim fundamentalist group-think you have in islamic countries. While many women may find bikinis inappropriate from a socially conservative 'eastern' point of view, there are also those who are liberated from social conservatism and will make the choice to dress how they want at a beach or any other place as they see fit, and they're not going to be burnt at the stake for it.. so, not all of the non 'western/christian' world is crazy regressive Islamists.

You have a gang rape epidemic, enormous caste bias trying to con the westerners about india is one thing, but trying to fool other south Asians?:disagree::lol:
You have a gang rape epidemic, enormous caste bias trying to con the westerners about india is one thing, but trying to fool other south Asians?:disagree::lol:
you can keep trolling if you want but facts are than urban Indian society is socially very liberal compared to places like Pakistan and Saudi etc
You have a gang rape epidemic, enormous caste bias trying to con the westerners about india is one thing, but trying to fool other south Asians?:disagree::lol:

These Indians are proven to be number 1 enemy of Muslims by their behaviour on this forum.

Luckily they will never have true power in this world and so outside places inside India and occupied
Kashmir, they cannot do much damage.
You are in France,what did you expect ?
Your religion,your values aren't above those of the République. If you think so,you just landed in the wrong country.
Now,everyone that doesn't like France,its laws can go to another country that suits them better.
What happened to Human rights ? It's not being exercised when it's about Muslims, right ?
It represents extreme objectification and oppression of women, it should be banned just like US banned Confederate flag.

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