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Ban on burkini is a manifestation of a colonizer's frustration and bigotry.

Are the french pissed because they are failing to corrupt muslims with their secular values?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • French politicians are just a bunch of lecherous perverts

    Votes: 7 21.9%

  • Total voters
This is very uncivilized, in Turkey you can cover yourself or you can go in a very revealing bikini at the beach it's 100% up to the individual. In Turkey you can also go into a brothel and pay for sex or go and pray in one of the 3 abrahamic religions you believe in. It is all up to the individual, which is what democracy is all about, freedom to choose without the government going natzi on you.

This is actually very shocking, I would expect France and Italy to be more democratic.

I wonder if the world is changing, maybe the east is becoming more democratic than the west lately.

The dress code alone shows that France and Italy are now behind Turkey in democratic values.

I mention Italy as well because Markus says it's banned in Italy too.

How is it in Russia can a woman do as she wants or do they have undemocratic laws there too?
ppl should be happy that french are only banning not cutting of limbs or stoning ppl to death as punishment. These ppl who come from terrible countries are more worried how they clothe rather than appreciate the fact they do not need to fear death.

French stop banning instead they should implement public caning or stoning. when ppl miss some things they feel discriminated a lot.
When the French first colonised North Africa they found it so frustrating that all the women were wearing niqaabs. They put all their efforts into unveiling Muslim women to fit their own standard of lifestyle. For this they did extreme propaganda.

It is a sign of a colonised defeated mindset amongst Muslims that they want Muslim women to unveil and thus they defend this ban.
Their country, their culture ,their rules go to Saudi Arabia if you have a problem.
Their country, their culture ,their rules go to Saudi Arabia if you have a problem.

Saudi Arabia does not claim to be a secular, tolerant state. Let them be what they should be and make France what it should be: a tolerant country.
Don't like it, don't go there. Tolerance cannot be used as a reason to shove your religion down the throats of others...

The problem is, Muslims now is part of "Romans". They are citizens of French, not foreigner, someone for generations.

Unless France is honest to claim they are a Christian country and ban all other religions, they are one of the most hypocritical country in the world for such action.
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They are citizens of the country, and they have a right to dress as they want. Having your input in the laws of the country is called democracy.

And they will go to the beach.
hmm, can you let the people in KSA wear mini skirts and Bikinis please?

btw what the hell is this Burkini? can you wear something else to the beach? Pakistanis go to Karachi beach and neither do they wear the Burkini nor do they were a bikini, so please stop going to the two extremes and stay on the sane path.
Where did the word Burkini come from? It sounds like Burkina faso!! And why do you want to cover yourself with that ugly dress? We all want to see how beautiful you are!! :D
Interesting...I'm pretty sure you can wear it here with no problems. Just as long as you don't cover your entire face.

I think this has to do with the frustration the French PM was having with the "no wine on the table" policy during state visits. He had to accommodate it both in France and outside France...which is an insult to France since they are known for their fine wine. They are now implementing their own obnoxious rules to do a tit-for-tat.
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ppl should be happy that french are only banning not cutting of limbs or stoning ppl to death as punishment. These ppl who come from terrible countries are more worried how they clothe rather than appreciate the fact they do not need to fear death.

French stop banning instead they should implement public caning or stoning. when ppl miss some things they feel discriminated a lot.

Most muslims in france are bonafide french , born and brought up there and have north-african ancestry. Their parents and grandparent's homes were pillaged by the french to built rotten secular republic of france and their parents ran away from dysfunctional secular homelands modeled around French values . They ran away from third world liberty , equality and fraternity to first world liberty , equality and fraternity but now they realize both are same wine in different bottles. Get your history lesson right Mr. Modi worshipper. It seems RSS only has rowdy illiterates as their followers.
Most muslims in france are bonafide french , born and brought up there and have north-african ancestry. Their parents and grandparent's homes were pillaged by the french to built rotten secular republic of france and their parents ran away from dysfunctional secular homelands modeled around French values . They ran away from third world liberty , equality and fraternity to first world liberty , equality and fraternity but now they realize both are same wine in different bottles. Get your history lesson right Mr. Modi worshipper. It seems RSS only has rowdy illiterates as their followers.

If you cannot defend you just drag india into it. shows the strength of your arguments lousy fundamentalist.

Just bcos some one is born in the country does not mean they are entitled to rights. By that logic , a person whose parents are of bangladeshi origin cannot ask for bengali to be national language of france. They are french and will remain french. If he/she thinks they are discriminated they can move back to their place of origin or place where they are welcomed.
If you cannot defend you just drag india into it. shows the strength of your arguments lousy fundamentalist.

Just bcos some one is born in the country does not mean they are entitled to rights. By that logic , a person whose parents are of bangladeshi origin cannot ask for bengali to be national language of france. They are french and will remain french. If he/she thinks they are discriminated they can move back to their place of origin or place where they are welcomed.

There is no need for arguing with dogmatic secularist and hindutvadi pagans. All the argument is there in the OP. Objective fair minded people would see truth in the article and accept it while dogmatic secularist , pagans and lecherous frenchmen will come up with non-sense diatribes against islam and muslim and will call that argument. There is no need to argue with secular buffoons.
**** em, wear what you want

Ignore the ******** these people are gutless and would be the first to be racially abused, the difference being they would be too timid to respond

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