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Burqa ban sparks violence across Paris

go to your respective countries if you dont agree with french law...
remember about the underwear bomber, could we ban underwears???

and there are car bombers also, so about your views we should also ban cars??? :nana:

reply must
you said wearing bikini and bra in public, I assumed 'only' bikini and bra not some other garment on top that hides them...
we cant avoid any bomber, but at least identify them if they wear bikini or travel in car... :undecided:
But when officers approached the unnamed woman, passers-by became involved in a 'riot' and police used tear gas and flash-ball shots to disperse them, according to a police source.
'The police were attacked' the source told Le Parisien newspaper. 'They were insulted and beaten, including punches'.
Two men aged 23 and 37, including a cousin of the young veil-wearer, were arrested and placed in custody under suspicion of violence and public order offences.
In the end, 40 riot police had to be called to the area to restore order, said the source.

Quite interesting.

In the end, it may likely become a scenario like in some European countries where these areas become no go areas for police and even ambulance and fire brigade (and even Police) need protection to enter.

Very little respect for the law of the land among these communities.
you said wearing bikini and bra in public, I assumed 'only' bikini and bra not some other garment on top that hides them...
we cant avoid any bomber, but at least identify them if they wear bikini or travel in car... :undecided:

How many of terrorism activities since 9/11 involved a burqa??? Show me if you have any reliable source :undecided:

What about if a terrorist uses a sikh pagri and false breed to hide his identity??? :undecided:

reply must

Quite interesting.

Very little respect for the law of the land among these communities.

First think about your own land.......LoL
How many of terrorism activities since 9/11 involved a burqa??? Show me if you have any reliable source :undecided:

What about if a terrorist uses a sikh pagri and false breed to hide his identity??? :undecided:

reply must
They key thing is they hide your face and identity...
Apart from face veil, rest of the muslim dress does not hinder identifying somebody.
Am talking about small petty crimes, not terrorism only.
sikh pagri cant hide your identity neither a false beard, law enforcement agencies can identify even with them.

I dont think if you want to rob a bank, you will wear sikh pagri or a beard.. :chilli:
How many of terrorism activities since 9/11 involved a burqa??? Show me if you have any reliable source :undecided:

What about if a terrorist uses a sikh pagri and false breed to hide his identity??? :undecided:

reply must

it's not only against terrorism, but against all kind of criminal and illegal activity.covering the face for anonymity is very usual among people who do criminal activity, not even security cameras can recognise a suspect after. all this is posted and debated here you just need to go through it.
it's not only against terrorism, but against all kind of criminal and illegal activity.covering the face for anonymity is very usual among people who do criminal activity, not even security cameras can recognise a suspect after. all this is posted and debated here you just need to go through it.

my point is that there are hundreds of ways of doing crimes, so why only against veil???
my point is that there are hundreds of ways of doing crimes, so why only against veil???

I have posted 3 times already the law, which is neutral to the type of device you use to cover your face. why you insist it is islamic veil only?
my point is that there are hundreds of ways of doing crimes, so why only against veil???

who says only against vail ?? there are hundreds of security measures,laws, restrictions France just like another country takes to prevent the crime from happening , if happened then catch the criminal, at various levels and fields.
The problem is that the hysteria around the burqa has emboldened vigilantes across France who attack Muslim women, even sending them to the hospital. The Muslim community is reacting to this hysteria which has been drummed up around a non-issue. I don't agree with the Muslim violence but, when people see their women being abused, it is bound to happen.

I don't agree with that either, show me some documentation of the French acting first in violence towards Muslim women simply because they are wearing facial coverings.
These issues will remain until France decides not to host unproductive hostile populations. Th East Asian tigers are roaring ahead while France worries about some irrelevant issues.
Its prety simple actually. You don't want to follow their laws, leave. Nobody is stopping them from going to places where the culture is more in sync with what they follow.
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