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Ban on burkini is a manifestation of a colonizer's frustration and bigotry.

Are the french pissed because they are failing to corrupt muslims with their secular values?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 46.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • French politicians are just a bunch of lecherous perverts

    Votes: 7 21.9%

  • Total voters
More and more municipalities are banning the 'burkini'.
Within one week,7 municipalities located in the coasts took the same steps. (Including several yesterday only.)
More and more are planning to do so.
From northern France,to the south and to Corsica. Socialists or Republicans. @Luffy 500
More and more municipalities are banning the 'burkini'.
Within one week,7 municipalities located in the coasts took the same steps. (Including several yesterday only.)
More and more are planning to do so.
From northern France,to the south and to Corsica. Socialists or Republicans. @Luffy 500

And so Europe starts to lurch to the right and destroy the freedom of choice built up after centuries.

ISIS and the like have Europe by its balls, keep pushing snd watch the European's begin to implode destroy the union, repeal their laws and devour their values which made it bareable

I give it another 10 years before EU collapses, right wing parties and politics begin to **** Europe
You are in France,what did you expect ?
Your religion,your values aren't above those of the République. If you think so,you just landed in the wrong country.
Now,everyone that doesn't like France,its laws can go to another country that suits them better.
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Those are the values of your republic and these bans are in contradiction to those values. Keep this up and soon your country will be no better than Iran and KSA.

The State has no business to tell people what they should and should not wear.


I wonder if this also bars Catholic nuns from visiting beaches?


Sir, What are your thoughts on this?
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Seems like the French want to band their own grandmothers from the beach!... hmm less to do with culture more with secular extremism.

Having said that... I fully support the French ban!

I will go further, i will fully support fresh ban on the Hijabi, ban on the Muslim type beards, even the terrorist like south Asian Shalwaar Kameez, the turban, the sari etc.

It it their country. ... they have the right to impose anything they want! Other minorities that cannot adapt should leave and build their countries back home. The Europeans have every right to preserve their culture. Islam according to them is not compatible. Leave!

Just remember to ban the French when you get back. :)

Muslim people must understand that freedom of speech does not mean we should tolerate medieval and abhorent practices such as the opression of women.You must practice your religion within the rule of law and decency.

I would punish those wearing burqa,burqini with heavy jail sentences.
Your grandmother was wearing a burkini... go piss on her grave before pissing on other people...

your Allah has no right to decide laws of France.
Likewise you have no right to decide laws on muslims
Likewise you have no right to decide laws on muslims

France has right to decide laws for everyone living in France including Muslims . All you can do is criticize it and you have all rights to do so .
France has right to decide laws for everyone living in France including Muslims . All you can do is criticize it and you have all rights to do so .
You have no right to pass laws in muslims not living in your countries.

France should kick out all muslims... they don't belong there...

Ironic to call yourself Cherokee when partly your people in North America wiped out its native.

And we should sell oil for gold..no more oil for us$. break the West welfare dependence on Muslim resources ... end the petro-dollar dependence
France should kick out all muslims... they don't belong there...

And we should sell oil for gold..no more oil for us$. break the West welfare dependence on Muslim resources ... end the petro-dollar dependence

Again that's your opinion and you are completely entitled to it . In the meantime France will make billions selling weapons, cars and high tech machinery to Middle east .

France should kick out all muslims... they don't belong there...

And we should sell oil for gold..no more oil for us$. break the West welfare dependence on Muslim resources ... end the petro-dollar dependence

Again that's your opinion and you are completely entitled to it . In the meantime France will make billions selling weapons, cars and high tech machinery to Middle east .
Again that's your opinion and you are completely entitled to it . In the meantime France will make billions selling weapons, cars and high tech machinery to Middle east .
Again you are entitled to your opinions... in the meantime while hords of Isis sympathizers fill you with terror in your own towns.

When the clash of civilizations occurs ... don't expect a receptive audience in the Muslim world for your products or language... as we aligne with china

Muslims need to take back the openess of thought, excel in education, open thought, and become an open tolerant society to all. On the other hand, France needs to drown in their phobias ... in their xenophobia... it's their nature... we need to get rid of the Isis fithna and come together... the interesting thing is that the new generation of Muslim youth are waking up to the sins of their fathers... while the European youth are heading the other way... nice. This forum is a small reflection of that.
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Again you are entitled to your opinions... in the meantime while hords of Isis sympathizers fill you with terror in your own towns.

When the clash of civilizations occurs ... don't expect a receptive audience in the Muslim world for your products or language... as we aligne with china

Muslims need to take back the openess of thought, excel in education, open thought, and become an open tolerant society to all. On the other hand, France needs to drown in their phobias ... in their xenophobia... it's their nature... we need to get rid of the Isis fithna and come together... the interesting thing is that the new generation of Muslim youth are waking up to the sins of their fathers... while the European youth are heading the other way... nice. This forum is a small reflection of that.

If this forum is any sort of reflection muslim youth infact any youth is doomed :D .
You have no right to see any woman naked you rapist Indian.

He has a right to see his wife naked if she permits.:D How do you know he is a rapist? Rapes take place in Pakistan as well. Does that make all Pakistanis rapists?
Bangladeshis are like dogs. first they created a terrorist organisation and with supported of Indias, destriyed their own cou try Pakistan.

after that only thing they did is breed like rats and fill every corner of their cou try and started running ti tiger country for jobs like shameless bustards.

now these pigs want to impose their masters vlue on our countries.... bangladesh was much better under Pakistan. no wonder now even Pakistanis dont like Bangladesh.

He has a right to see his wife naked if she permits.:D How do you know he is a rapist? Rapes take place in Pakistan as well. Does that make all Pakistanis rapists?
as far as i know. muslim women have biggest "assets" in the world. :D

muslim guys are lucky :D

i had one Muslim GF, she was an arab from Jordan. we "enjoyed" eachother's company. toobad shes now merried to cuck from Algeria. :lol:
If this forum is any sort of reflection muslim youth infact any youth is doomed :D .
You don't know anything about our youth and what our thoughts and conversations are. This is pakistan's probably top non-official forum where islamaphobe and Indian hinduvta are given a voice. It is a reflection of our openess to have opposing views. On the other hand can you imagine a wahaabi extremist being given an open Mic on an American top military forum or an Israeli top forum? Probably not.

Even if my analysis above is incorrect, i know the following is true... from within my muslim community and my people there is big change occurring where we are realizing we were too naive in interpreting the threat from khawaarji zealots and the shia - Sunni garbage conflict. You don't know this because outside of online forums u guys know nothing about us on a personal level.

People like to berate pakistan for its poor record on minorities... i say you have to consider the following there is hardly any law and order in Pakistan (especially in rural areas and certain urban centres)... where one can literally get away with murder... yet, you don't see major assaults against minorities and they have all their rights (by and large)... if the opposite were to become true in Europe... where the police was taken out of the equation and there are no consequences... even for a few days... you will see mass scale massacres of minorities especially muslims... because the true hate and fear lies elsewhere
Its good Europe enacts discriminatory laws it helps the xenophobes here and kind of helps us reply to EU when they criticize our HR record out of the blue :D

Why are indians jumping up and down they are the first to be discriminated anywhere because of their brown skin

Bangladeshis are like dogs. first they created a terrorist organisation and with supported of Indias, destriyed their own cou try Pakistan.

after that only thing they did is breed like rats and fill every corner of their cou try and started running ti tiger country for jobs like shameless bustards.

now these pigs want to impose their masters vlue on our countries.... bangladesh was much better under Pakistan. no wonder now even Pakistanis dont like Bangladesh.

as far as i know. muslim women have biggest "assets" in the world. :D

muslim guys are lucky :D

i had one Muslim GF, she was an arab from Jordan. we "enjoyed" eachother's company. toobad shes now merried to cuck from Algeria. :lol:
I have a suspicion you are from the Bhojpori California

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