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Balance of power tips toward Iran

What actions? Be specific. You honestly think Pakistan is in any position to make threats against Iran?

Lets remember Iran is struggling on several fronts in the Middle East while having the "honour" of being reviled by most of the world community.
Your "master chess-players" were crushed in Afghanistan where you failed to establish a Shia proxy state and you've only managed to "succeed" in Syria (a war-torn country ruled by a mass-murdering regimes), Iraq (a war-torn country ruled by a weak, incompetent and corrupt government desperately competing with the Kurds and ISIS), Yemen (a war-torn country), and Lebanon. Yes, Iran is a superpower! Congratulations! When will you take on the United States and crush the West with the power of Allah?
Iranian influence in the region will continue to grow and grow. There is nothing anybody can do about that. Iran's influence in the region is already unparalleled.
The Americans are realising that fact and they have started to accept it. Not that whether they accept or not matters.

Americans will have to learn to deal directly with Iran instead of their futile provocative attitude thus far.

The facts is that Iran is the only real power in the region. All these other countries like saudis and Turkey have no influence. The saudis are just a puppet which attempt to gain influence by pumping oil money into terrorists groups like ISIS and al Nusra, in the end of course these same groups end up threatening saudis themselves and net effect is more influence for Iran as you can see in Iraq and Syria. The Saudis are simply too incompetent to be seen as a regional power, it is because of this lack of capability that they have been moaning so much about the Houthi take over of Yemen.

As for the Turks, lol, I honestly do not see any reason why they should be seen as even a regional player never-mind a regional power.
If someone can give me a reason why Turks are anything to even consider in the region that I'll be in your debt.

@Daneshmand @SOHEIL @ResurgentIran @yavar @kollang @haman10 @Kiarash @Others

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

the Turks are very much a regional power in a strategically important part of the world.....Iran and Turkiye are both fairly large countries with a similar sized population - population that is young and educated. More benefits by cooperating with eachother. West wants to see Muslims divided.
Read what Mosavi wrote. He wants to remap Middle East.

What he says is not a state policy of Iran is it? Gaining influence is not that easy nor is dividing nations.
Just remember this, Iran would not have a iota of influence in any country if there were not people in that country whom were so acceptant to Iranian influence. Look at Yemen. You think Iran would have influence in a country so far away from it if the Houthi did not want Iran's presence there?
our Americans master did not muster the guts to undergo such adventurous acts against Iran kiddo. Rest assured, no other country will have the guts to do what the Americans could not.
Why should they .....your planes dropping from the sky, your people dying because of no medicine. Iranian doctors coming to Turkey for better wages. Iranian girls working as prostitutes in Turkey (i can give some links if you won't believe me). Your former allies like Russia even turned back on you...you soldiers & generals are dying everyday in abroad......Your economy dropped like fly...

Why should they bear the cost of another war. Did they warred against NK ?
I stopped replying to your retarded comments for a reason. It's like discussing with a kid. Let grown ups discuss and you just be a spectator, okay?

Grown-ups? You fling accusations back and forth, parroting and regurgitating the same lines over and over again. How about you stop with the ad-hominem and respond? Then we'll decide who is the child. How does supporting violent militias which are doomed to die down equate to influence?
the Turks are very much a regional power in a strategically important part of the world.....Iran and Turkiye are both fairly large countries with a similar sized population - population that is young and educated. More benefits by cooperating with eachother. West wants to see Musliems divided.
With the crazy mullahs in the power....nobody will cooperate with them other than NK.
the Turks are very much a regional power in a strategically important part of the world.....Iran and Turkiye are both fairly large countries with a similar sized population - population that is young and educated. More benefits by cooperating with eachother. West wants to see Muslims divided.

Bro, all I want is example why they are regional powers? How? Why?
They are not a regional power. Having a large population is not what makes you a power.
With the crazy mullahs in the power....nobody will cooperate with them other than NK.

That's the best Iran will ever do. Mark my words, if tomorrow, a country like Saudi Arabia or Qatar turned its back on the US, countries like China and Russia would chuck Iran down the gutter and become chums with them. What this fool, @The Last of us, doesn't realize is that despite his slightly-alarmed denials that money doesn't matter at all, it is the most important asset for a country and even a resented country like Saudi Arabia will be ten times more attractive than Iran.
And that is why they're negotiations with Iran right now? Because they don't have to?
Because it is cheap to do so....
Your terrorists state
I thought, explained it to you earlier, here we go again.
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
State Sponsors of Terrorism
Subcommittee Hearing: State Sponsor of Terror: The Global Threat of Iran | House Committee on Foreign Affairs - Ed Royce, Chairman

should concentrate on letting in ISIS through its borders and
Nobody, is letting nobody. If you have proof show it. If you don't have any proof shut your trap.

Saying "This is a fact"....won't make it reality. Or every one would make a claim and say it "this is a fact"...

Like my Rouhani example.

sending Torkish women to be prostitutes for ISIS (I can give some links if you won't believe me).
Yeap, show it. If you can't show it. Leave the forum if you have some balls.

Your comments are very weak and only make you look foolish, tork.
You can never back up your claims while i can back my claims when it got of my mouth.

That's the difference between you and me, mullah boy. I rely on proofs and solid arguments while you rely on taqqiya and slander.

Sop quoting and tagging me with you moronic comments man.
You are the only moron in the thread, you are shame for all Iranians. :lol:
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Your Americans master did not muster the guts to undergo such adventurous acts against Iran kiddo. Rest assured, no other country will have the guts to do what the Americans could not.
yes our american masters so love turks .so they supported egyptian sisi prevent mb governments in every where support pkk and pyd i hope your wars against regional countries dont sink iranian sources and shit economy:lol:
Bro, all I want is example why they are regional powers? How? Why?
They are not a regional power. Having a large population is not what makes you a power.
Make your objection to annalists. :lol:

Regional power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turkey's Foreign Policy: An Aspiring Regional Power's Quest for Status | Middle East Institute
Turkey as a Regional Power | Stratfor

Do you know the meaning of the annalist, mullah boy ?
@The Last of us What's the point of this discussion? wasting time and insulting each other?
@Sinan Seriously, you are becoming really annoying with your trolling, and you are not helping anyone. If you are really enlightened, try to solve problems in your home country. There are tons of them.

Agreed ! First we rejected joining Saudi Sunni front against Shia Iran. Now we see Iran wants a war with these aggressive claims. We should keep our options open.

Pakistan has not many options, except for only 1 logical option which is minding your own business.
As for your tork women being ISIS prostitutes, I am more than happy to provide you with them outside this forum.
I sleepy will only answer this one.

Like, i slander you can only lie slander. and like i said if i say something i can prove it i'm not like you.

and just from one agency....you filled our country with your prostiutes... :disagree:

Those sources do not state turkey is a regional power but aspires to be one, at which you fail miserably. Try again, turk.
Taqqiya again.... you would call sun purple... such a liar you are.
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