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Balance of power tips toward Iran

That is because you have nothing to be bring in the discussion. You know what I stated is completely true but you're too much of a propaganda instrument to admit it. I don't blame you, you probably get paid to come here spreading Erdogan propaganda.
Stop talking cheap, lol....

You started with accusing and didn't backed your claims with any type of proof, source or valid arguments.

Instead you are accusing me with spreading Erdoğan propaganda while i didn't talked of him in this for once. Also people of this pretty much knows me, that i'm most critical about the Erdoğan.....

So, your slander and taqqiya against me was expected....from an mullah. I like Iranians but mullahs like your are just low as a human being.
I suppose you're another of them whom believes in the concept of Moderate rebels vs extremist rebels. They are all from the same tree. But you're too deluded to see that.

No, I see that. That's why I'll always lump you and your crackpot mullahs with the Saudis. You're no better than the Saudis. If anyone is deluded, it's you.

ISIS came out from the action of these Turks, Saudis and their American masters and they continue to suppose their terrorist brethren to even this day.

ISIS has existed since the early invasion of Iraq.
As I stated, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. You're deluding yourself on purpose.
ISIS came out from the action of these Turks, Saudis and their American masters and they continue to suppose their terrorist brethren to even this day.
I suppose you're another of them whom believes in the concept of Moderate rebels vs extremist rebels. They are all from the same tree. But you're too deluded to see that.

Yeap, nobody knows what he is talking about but only this mullah....all praise him... :lol:
. Selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and Iran ?!?! Pakistan does not manufacture first class weapons. Even JF-17 is basically a Chinese fighter, with Russian engine and assembled in Pakistan. Al-Khalid is also MBT2000 basically a Chinese tank.
Then we better start manufacturing. Start thinking like the Americans, French and Germans instead of fanatical mullahs scrawling on cave walls.

We must have friendly relations with Central Asia and Middle East

Central Asia, yes. Middle East countries, no.
Lol, another Iranian with wet dreams....well come to the forum. :lol:
The fact that you even do not understand what geomaterislism are in this situation then? You have prejudices against Iranians? Now I'm not Iranians to the root, but for themselves. Unfortunately, it is fact and not fiction, they are in practice the resistance's influence who control Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and last but not least Yemen.
No more divisions and wars in Middle East. We fully support keeping peace, starting negotiations and not starting any wars. Does that mean Pakistan decision not to join Saudi Arabia against Iran was wrong ? Why do you make these aggressive claims ?
I hope so, but it does not finance and wage war against terrorism while, just to think about.
it is fact and not fiction,
Fact is,your country would be totally irrelevant in the region, but you do have one relevance, and that ist he act you are a transit route for ISIS.

Sir, i'm so sick of your self-proclaimed facts..... :)

Why not even one of you can make a point without saying "Hey, i say this stuff and you have to accept it as a fact, then you have to accept what i said because they are based on my fact..... infact you have to accept everything that i said because they are all facts"....... seriously guys, what's wrong with you :lol:
You make a huge mistake if you think that geographical expansion will lead to that power also getting stronger. All this Iranian spending on terrorists in Syria and Iraq is having a huge burden on their economy. Also this kind of aggressiveness won't help them with negotiating with the Americans.

Actually this kind of behavior only hurts Iran. They are causing problems in Syria for the US, Israeli and the Turks. They would be very stupid to give Iran the luxery of a nuke so they can threaten to wipe out Israel as they said many times. Probably I see harsher sanction on Iran coming. They are only getting more aggressive and humanrights in Iran is the worst in the world. They are hanging homo's and women with non-sense excuses but most of the hanging is politically related.

I see the region even destabilizing even more. This will go on until Iran wasted all of its money. Probably the reason why the US let's the conflict in Syria and Iraq continue so Iran can waste all of its money and military assets before they go in and strike Iran in the heart. They applied the same strategy in WW2. They first let the Germans and allies fight each other and then they rushed in to give the lethal blow and have nice clean victory.
Okay kid, I suppose that is all you can keep replying with? You lack the anything else to add?
I don't blame you. We both know how irrelevant your country is. You're just trying too hard to save face.

Sweet, you never had any arguments, now you don't have your own words... and trying to use my words. :lol:

But, i congratulate you.... you didn't use "fact" this time :rofl:
Sir, i'm so sick of your self-proclaimed facts..... :)

Why not even one of you can make a point without saying "Hey, i say this stuff and you have to accept it as a fact, then you have to accept what i said because they are based on my fact..... infact you have to accept everything that i said because they are all facts"....... seriously guys, what's wrong with you :lol:

If these facts are so false then they should be easy for you to debunk them no? But of course you can't. The only thing you can do is talk about the general questions I've raised rather than address them.:rofl::lol:

What a pathetic strategy. :crazy:
Being isolated from the "world"? Your American masters do not represent the world. Iran's relation with the Americas ended right after the overthrow of the Shah.

I'm off to bed. Educate yourself until tomorrow:

  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1696 – passed on 31 July 2006. Demanded that Iran suspend all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and threatened sanctions.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737 – passed on 23 December 2006 in response to the proliferation risks presented by the Iranian nuclear program and, in this context, by Iran's continuing failure to meet the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors and to comply with the provisions of Security Council resolution 1696 (2006).[7] Made mandatory for Iran to suspend enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and cooperate with the IAEA, imposed sanctions banning the supply of nuclear-related materials and technology, and froze the assets of key individuals and companies related to the program.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747 – passed on 24 March 2007. Imposed an arms embargo and expanded the freeze on Iranian assets.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1803 – passed on 3 March 2008. Extended the asset freezes and called upon states to monitor the activities of Iranian banks, inspect Iranian ships and aircraft, and to monitor the movement of individuals involved with the program through their territory.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1835 – Passed in 2008.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 – passed on 9 June 2010. Banned Iran from participating in any activities related to ballistic missiles, tightened the arms embargo, travel bans on individuals involved with the program, froze the funds and assets of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines, and recommended that states inspect Iranian cargo, prohibit the servicing of Iranian vessels involved in prohibited activities, prevent the provision of financial services used for sensitive nuclear activities, closely watch Iranian individuals and entities when dealing with them, prohibit the opening of Iranian banks on their territory and prevent Iranian banks from entering into relationship with their banks if it might contribute to the nuclear program, and prevent financial institutions operating in their territory from opening offices and accounts in Iran.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1984 – passed on 9 June 2011. This resolution extended the mandate of the panel of experts that supports the Iran Sanctions Committee for one year.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 2049 – passed on 7 June 2012. Renewed the mandate of the Iran Sanctions Committee’s Panel of Experts for 13 months.
Sanctions against Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If these facts are so false then they should be easy for you to debunk them no? But of course you can't. The only thing you can do is talk about the general questions I've raised rather than address them.:rofl::lol:

What a pathetic strategy. :crazy:

Rouhani is gay and this is a fact... disprove it...... what do you carry in your skull. :lol:
My "argument " is very clear.

Iran is an irrelevant country in the region with no influence. Can you debunk this statement?

Now, I suppose you want to repeat my questions another 100 times instead of answering it :rofl:

Fixed that part for you... think it as i'm saying.
Rouhani is gay and this is a fact... disprove it...... what do you carry in your skull. :lol:

This shows your level of intellect and maturity.It shows you're just immature with no ability to be involved in a proper discussion. :disagree:

Fixed that part for you... think it as i'm saying.

Your American masters clearly disagree with you. Considering how they have admitted to Iranian influence.
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