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Balance of power tips toward Iran

Thanks for at least admitting that your Gulf brothers are responsible for creating ISIS.

If you've read my previous posts, you'd see I have no sympathies for the Gulf.
Do you know what also is a failure? Not being able to stop terrorist groups from launching big attacks in your own country.

Yes, that's a failure on the part of the security forces. What's the point of this remark? It's not offending and it's definitely off-topic. Here we were discussing Iran's assumed "regional power" status and I bring up the Iranian failures and I get foolish responses like yours where they want to bring up the fact Pakistan has been suffering from an insurgency.

Iraq is not Iran's puppet, it's a sovereign nation that was brought to a mess by Americans, again your allies.

You cannot deny that the Iraqi government had overwhelming Iranian support.

What are you talking about? You did not answer even a single question of mine.

Because they were useless derailing off-topic posts. Why are you bringing up Pakistan in a post discussing Iranian foreign policy? Iran readily supported an extremely anti-Sunni Iraqi government which eventually strengthened militant groups.

Are you denying the fact that Pakistan military is killing only Sunnis? And only and only Sunnis. Not Shia, Ismailis, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs etc tec. It is killing only Sunnis. So per your posts and reasoning, Pakistan military is a sectarian force, routing for Shia supremacy by killing Sunnis left and right.

No, because the war in the North is justified to a certain extent. And you've completely misread my posts. I have stated the basis of the Iraqi governments sectarian character is due to the fact they have attempted to deny Sunnis much political representation and have kept them out of the government. You are bringing up a completely different point. While I'm sure there are Iranian-supported radical Shi'ite groups and Iraqi military troops in Iraq right now mass-murdering Sunnis, I am not talking about them. Learn to read.
You also did not answer why you are preaching TTP ideology to Iraqis and Kurds, all the while not wanting to live under it yourself. Why are you a hypocrite? After all if TTP ideology is good for Kurds and Iraqis, it is good for you too.

Irrelevant. I have never stated that I wanted Iraqis to be under the Shariah law dictated by Al Qaeda or ISIS so I don't understand why you need to ask this question.
You are clueless. You are cutting off your own roots. Starting a Sunni-Sunni sectarian BS will not damage Iran. But it will crack the foundations of Pakistan whose founding father was Shia from father's side and a Zoroastrian from mother's side. Now keep cutting at your foundations. What do I care.

These accusations are ironic considering the fact that I have condemned both sides repeatedly who have fanned the flames of this sectarian war. Maybe you are hurt that I've simply called Iran out on it's sectarian character.

If you've read my previous posts, you'd see I have no sympathies for the Gulf.

Yes, that's a failure on the part of the security forces. What's the point of this remark? It's not offending and it's definitely off-topic. Here we were discussing Iran's assumed "regional power" status and I bring up the Iranian failures and I get foolish responses like yours where they want to bring up the fact Pakistan has been suffering from an insurgency.

You cannot deny that the Iraqi government had overwhelming Iranian support.

Because they were useless derailing off-topic posts. Why are you bringing up Pakistan in a post discussing Iranian foreign policy? Iran readily supported an extremely anti-Sunni Iraqi government which eventually strengthened militant groups.

No, because the war in the North is justified to a certain extent. And you've completely misread my posts. I have stated the basis of the Iraqi governments sectarian character is due to the fact they have attempted to deny Sunnis much political representation and have kept them out of the government. You are bringing up a completely different point. While I'm sure there are Iranian-supported radical Shi'ite groups and Iraqi military troops in Iraq right now mass-murdering Sunnis, I am not talking about them. Learn to read.

Irrelevant. I have never stated that I wanted Iraqis to be under the Shariah law dictated by Al Qaeda or ISIS so I don't understand why you need to ask this question.

These accusations are ironic considering the fact that I have condemned both sides repeatedly who have fanned the flames of this sectarian war. Maybe you are hurt that I've simply called Iran out on it's sectarian character.

Again you did not answer a single question.

As per your reasoning, Pakistan military is killing only Sunnis. Not any Shia, Ismaili, Hindu, Christian, Sikh or Zoroastrians. Only and only Sunnis. So are you implying that Pakistan army is a sectarian organization working to impose Shia supremacy in Pakistan?

You again did not elaborate on Shamsi Airbase and how many Sunnis were killed during its operation.

Also, did you know that Muhammad Ali Jinnah was actually a Shia on his father's side and a Zoroastrian on his mother's side? This is one of the reasons, TTP does not recognize the Pakistani government as Islamic (among many other reasons). Like you here, TTP has often called out on Pakistan's sectarian character, rationalizing its attacks on Pakistani military. Do you agree with TTP?
Also, did you know that Muhammad Ali Jinnah was actually a Shia on his father's side and a Zoroastrian on his mother's side?
He was a shia but he was not a Zoroastrian at all. His wife was, but even she converted before marriage.
Irony is both of you are complaining about terrorism while the state of Iran is sponsoring militants, and mass-murdering regimes. No point comparing Tunisia which has had rogue citizens running off to join the Islamic State to Iran which is exploiting the Shia faith to send thousands of fighters from across the region to Syria and Iraq. Compare yourselves to Saudi Arabia or Qatar, not Tunisia.
Did the Israeli propaganda ministry send you to make comments like this ? :lol:

No need to respond to such propaganda claims made by clowns like you. Same old repeating $hit.

The Iranian puppet government in Iraq lost massive swathes of land with Gulf-supported proxies making huge gains. Is that not an Iranian failure?

1.It seems terrorist supporters admits Persian gulf arab piss states supporting terrorists.
2.We just got into Yemen, making Saudi Wahabia our new neighbour :lol:... Checkmate you terrorist.
3.Both gov in Damascus and Baghdad were about to fall but prevented by Iranian backed militias
4.You didnt succeed in anything rather just killing and beheading civilians
5.Security improvement in Iraq is developing... Shia militias will kick the *** of sunni terrorists all the way back to their mothers wombs in Saudi wahabia
6.You wont win, Iran is here to stay and to win... you must live with it... failure to comply will result in you and your brothers getting killed
7.Nothing in Middle East has changed since 2011... infact Iranian support and involvement even grew bigger :lol:
8.Again checkmate
9.^^ Above is the result of a few braindead sunni terrorist actions who lack political and strategic knowledge.
10.Surrender or recieve the death blow
Did the Israeli propaganda ministry send you to make comments like this ? :lol:

No need to respond to such propaganda claims made by clowns like you. Same old repeating $hit.

This seems to have become a token response by you Iranians. When you read something you don't like, it becomes propaganda.
1.It seems terrorist supporters admits Persian gulf arab piss states supporting terrorists.

I'm not a terrorist supporter. If you want to know, I hate this petty stone-age sectarian war in the Middle East and equally despise Saudi and Iranian mullahs who have played with the faith of the millions.

2.We just got into Yemen, making Saudi Wahabia our new neighbour :lol:... Checkmate you terrorist.
3.Both gov in Damascus and Baghdad were about to fall but prevented by Iranian backed militias

Yemen was a singular case.
Acting as if Syria and Iraq are a victory? Give me a break! The Iranian-supported governments have been significantly weakened and Iran has had to openly resort to supporting radical Shi'ite militant groups. That is how low it's had to go because of its tremendous failure in Iraq and Syria.

5.Security improvement in Iraq is developing... Shia militias will kick the *** of sunni terrorists all the way back to their mothers wombs in Saudi wahabia

I'll briefly remind you that both Libya and Afghanistan took several years of bloody war with countless deaths and setbacks but eventually ended with the ousting of both regimes. Don't get your hopes up too high.
10.Surrender or recieve the death blow


As per your reasoning, Pakistan military is killing only Sunnis. Not any Shia, Ismaili, Hindu, Christian, Sikh or Zoroastrians. Only and only Sunnis. So are you implying that Pakistan army is a sectarian organization working to impose Shia supremacy in Pakistan?

Read the rebuttal. I already pointed out I do not consider the Iraqi government sectarian because of its military operations but because of the fact that they've denied political representation to the Sunnis and kept them out of government. I'll repeat that again. They've denied political representation to the Sunnis and kept them out of government. And again. They've denied political representation to the Sunnis and kept them out of government. You obviously can't get a short sentence into that thick skull of yours, can you?

You again did not elaborate on Shamsi Airbase and how many Sunnis were killed during its operation.

You first asked me about why Shamsi Airbase was used. I responded to that perfectly. You did not ask me to elaborate or tell you how many Sunnis died, nitwit.

Do you agree with TTP?

No. Is that enough for you? Or do I need to write "No" a dozen times in bold with italics and fully underlined so you can clearly interpret what I said?

Seems to be alot of terrorists here claims honor and innocence.;)

However,we all know that ISIS came after Shias' extremism & crimes toward Sunnis and their shitty policy whether in Syria or Iraq.So, the responsible for what happened /still happening are Al-Maliki ,Alassad,other shias militias and IRAN by supporting and sharing killing innocents .

ISIS doesn't represent Sunnis,they're extremists .If all Sunnis were to be like ISIS we will not see shitty countries mess with Sunnis anywhere.They have to thank Allah that not all Sunnis are extremists like ISIS or their countries were under Caliphate now .:lol::lol:

We know who killed / still killing Sunnis and who spread troubles in Arabs land .Also,we're clearly know whose trying to control some Arabic countries by throwing them in civil wars.:agree:

Their end is imminent.
Well I'd say Iran should turn its attention back to Yemen. See, it's one thing to gain the advantage another to hold it .

Can't provide link as I am new but Google suicide attacks in Sanaa and you'll get what I am typing about.
No one will win in this sectarianism that is engulfing in the Middle East.

It will only increase the mayhem, despair, the orphanages, wounded, the dead, and hatred amongst Muslims.

It will render Muslim states as failed states - which will be easily manipulated by every outsider who wants to keep them in that status.

Instead of being obsessed about it, it may be time we seek a way out of this. Just keep in mind both Shia and Sunni are fellow Muslims, and until Mahdi comes, we will always be divided into sects.
No one will win in this sectarianism that is engulfing in the Middle East.

It will only increase the mayhem, despair, the orphanages, wounded, the dead, and hatred amongst Muslims.

It will render Muslim states as failed states - which will be easily manipulated by every outsider who wants to keep them in that status.

Instead of being obsessed about it, it may be time we seek a way out of this. Just keep in mind both Shia and Sunni are fellow Muslims, and until Mahdi comes, we will always be divided into sects.

This is best response summed it up, perfect example for other thriving Muslim nations and Non-Muslim nations why avoiding already engulfed Arabia-Iranian full-scale fostered sectarian wars in ME is the best move for them.

Quoting beautifully said by @Imran Khan, "Stay away from the fire"
I kept being surprised by the lack of knowledge coming from Turkish members on this forum.

I'm talking about real, credible growth in scientific output. Iran's produces more documents than Turkey, more articles, reviews and conference papers and its documents are more cited than Turkey's. International Science Ranking therefor puts Iran above Turkey when it comes to scientific output, as seen in this link. Iran also has highest patent activity in OIC with 6,527 applications. Iran also ranks the first in the Islamic world in having the best national higher education system, as seen in this ranking:


You can read the report here if you want: http://www.universitas21.com/RelatedFile/Download/279

Its not only about Syria. And don't be mistaken, the countries you mentioned tried hard to uproot Assad, by providing rebel groups with weaponry, Turkey opening up its border to fighters, GCC-countries pouring billions into these groups, as well as providing them with tactical advice, etc. The fact that Iran, with limited tools, has managed to keep Assad's in power is a testimony of Iran's strategic planning, military ingenuity and understanding of the region.

Wrong. Many figures with Iran have stated that Iran's influence in the region is unprecedented, and that Iran is basically an empire today, reaching all the way to the mediterranean. And not only Iranians by the way. Here a couple of quotes:


"I promise you Gadi … you will not have a single day of grace. The Middle East is disintegrating. States are collapsing. An empire is charging into this vacuum – Iran.''

Luitenant colonel Ralph Peters (ret.):

''Iran is piling one brick on the other. As I’ve warned on Fox News and Charles Krauthammer described — eloquently — in The Washington Post, today’s Iranians, with their Persian heritage, are on the march as surely as were the armies of Xerxes 2,500 years ago. Desperate for a legacy, our president obsesses about a deal (no matter how wretched) on Iran’s nuclear program, while ignoring Iran’s aggression across the Middle East. In his recent State of the Union message, the president even defended Iran against Congress and further sanctions.''

Pulitzer Prize-winner Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post:

''Iran’s emerging empire

While Iran’s march toward a nuclear bomb has provoked a major clash between the White House and Congress, Iran’s march toward conventional domination of the Arab world has been largely overlooked. In Washington, that is. The Arabs have noticed. And the pro-American ones, the Gulf Arabs in particular, are deeply worried.''

Former mayor of New York Giuliani:

''Iraq, Syria and Yemen could become part of a "new Iranian empire" if the U.S.-led coalition is successful in defeating the Islamic State (ISIS), former New York City Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Fox News' America's Newsroom. "If you allow Iran to help you defeat ISIS, which we seem to be doing ... one [enemy] gone, and (allow) a new Iranian empire, which is what the Iranians are trying to do and have been trying to do from the beginning — nobody's looking at that, and they should," Giuliani said Tuesday.

I still make fun of Iran's unveilings if I think is being conducted in a absurd and ridiculous way, which often happened during Ahmadinejad's era. But at least I can make the distinction between these unveilings and Iran's credible growth in military self-sufficiency, and the progress it has made in several terrains, such as missile technology, its air defense system, submarine technology, drone technology, cyber warfare capabilities, radar technology, etc. This progress is not only claimed by me, but by various military experts such as Cordesman, Uzi Rubin, Tal Inbar and others who know what they're talking about. You should read these reports, in stead of spending your precious time on the internet making unsubstantiated claims.

Iran's economy has been plagued by significant embargoes, sanctions, etc. Despite all that, Iran's industrial output still is far ahead of many countries in the region, including Turkey and Azerbaijan. The latter even has to acknowledge that its citizens annually travel to Iran to buy cheaper food and enjoy Iran's relatively good health care system. I think I've showed you these articles before.

How come Dr.Thrax name is attached to the post you quoted, when it was TurAr who posted exact same thing?
Unless TurAr posted it with a sock account (Dr.Thrax) out of mistake, deleted it, and the posted the same post with his regular account.
Is that the reason Dr.Thrax was banned, because it was a sock account?

A secular turk pretending to be a Syrian FSA supporter. Honestly, I wouldnt be suprised.
lol what a new low, even for him. :rofl:
How come Dr.Thrax name is attached to the post you quoted, when it was TurAr who posted exact same thing?
Unless TurAr posted it with a sock account (Dr.Thrax) out of mistake, deleted it, and the posted the same post with his regular account.
Is that the reason Dr.Thrax was banned, because it was a sock account?

A secular turk pretending to be a Syrian FSA supporter. Honestly, I wouldnt be suprised.
lol what a new low, even for him. :rofl:


When I'm not using my main account SOHEIL, I use TurAr and Dr. Thrax
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