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Balance of power tips toward Iran

No, he just undertook in the same petty sectarian policies of the predecessors. Hardly comparable to the Pakistani military fighting an insurgency. You can not hide the fact that his Iraqi government discriminated against Sunnis and prevented them from political representation.

Please do not embarrass myself for pointing out the truth? At the heart of this conflict, there is this sectarian war waged by crackpot Saudi and Iranian mullahs who resent the other sect. Saddam oppressed the Shi'ites, when the Shi'ites came into power, they oppressed the Sunnis for the Saddam years, and when ISIS came into power in parts of Iraq, they oppressed the Shi'ites for a decade of oppression.

After numerous ISIS gains.

So, hypocrite, in your area it is called insurgency and in Iraq it is called sectarianism? Go get a clue from your daddy. You are too childish and hypocritical to understand what is coming out of your mouth.

The same ideology that is being fought in Iraq is being fought in Pakistan. The exact same. TTP demands the rule of Sunni Islam in Pakistan. Simple. Pakistan military is killing them. As is the case in Iraq. If your guys keep bringing in the Sunni-Sunni thing, it only damages yourself. Since Pakistan military is not killing Shias, Christians, Ahmedis, Hindus, Sikhs and Parsis. Pakistan military is killing Sunnis. Only and only Sunnis. As the Iraqi military is doing. So your hypocritical point is moot.

And you did not answer me, about Shamsi Air Base and the drone story which killed many Sunnis. Too bad. It is so "sectarian" of you.
So, hypocrite, in your area it is called insurgency and in Iraq it is called sectarianism.

Because there is no such thing as an oppressive Shia establishment trying to keep out Sunnis in the North out of the government in Pakistan.
I can admit that the people in the North are frustrated because of the government weakness, arms flowing in and lack of development. But it is not like in Iraq where two different parties are force-feeding sects into hating one another. Don't delude yourself into thinking everywhere is the same pattern.

The same ideology that is being fought in Iraq is being fought in Pakistan. The exact same. TTP demands the rule of Sunni Islam in Pakistan. Simple. Pakistan military is killing them. As is the case in Iraq. If your guys bring in Sunni-Sunni thing, it only damages yourself.

Nope. Two completely different cases because in Iraq, both sects actively partook in hating one another.

And you did not answer me, about Shamsi Air Base and the drone story which killed many Sunnis. Too bad. It is so "sectarian".
Because it is off-topic.
Propaganda. Surely @Nihonjin1051 must know that Japanese citizens were actually killed by Sunni extremists groups. Trying to show these extremists as victims is nothing more than hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, every one here can see that your behind is on fire because you are jealous of Iran.

They were killed by ISIS, wich has done a lot of damage against Sunnis than anyone else.

You want to mix (for evil purposes of course) between ISIS and Sunni Tribes Forces that are Only defending themselves and demanding their simple rights to NOT be oppressed humiliated tortured and killed by Evil sectarian Gov and their -Outside Law- savage militias.


Back to 2008 These Sunni Tribes Forces were the ones who defeated ISIS (it was IS in that time) and kicked them into the desert, in that time they (Sunnis) were promised to have their rights.

But Guess what Maliki Irani puppet has done to them ?

He did NOT only refused to give them any single right he -previously- promised them, NO But worst he continued the same policy of killing torturing displacing and humiliating Sunnis.

A policy -drawed by barbaric Iranians- that aims a Strategic Goal of Demographic Genocide against Sunni civilians, so they -Iranians- can really annexe Iraq to their Brutal Savage ''Empire'', as one of their high officials said recently that Baghdad is the their capitale (15th century policies ?).

None of Iraqi Sunni Symbols was out of this oppression, even political leaders.
In 2011 Iraqi Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi fled to Iraqi Kurdistan to avoid fabricated charges, then they sentenced him by death.

It was just an Iranian barbaric message to All Iraqi Sunnis that anyone who advocate Sunnis or says No to Iran policy, will end with the same result Even if he is a Symbol (political Figure or so ...)

After the begining of the Arab spring, Sunni Iraqis decided to demonstrate peacefully for their rights one more time.
Fore more than 10 months they were demontrating and demanding Gov to meet their rights/demands.

Guess what Maliki responded them ?

He arrested another Sunni political figure, Dr. Ahmad Al-Ulwani a parliamentary deputy, and sentenced him to death just Like Tariq al-Hashimi the Ex-Vice President.

Then, the worst, he did fired the protesters just like bashar did, killing 54 civilian.

After that, Iraqi Sunnis Tribes decied to hold arms to defend themselves against the sectarian savage Gov and their -Out Law- Irani funded militias (After all none in this world can accept sheep policy : slaughtered without defending himself).

At this stage, and after several months of the begining of the clash between Sunni Tribes and Shia Gov. , ISIS returned from Anbar Desert, and joined the fight.

Sunni Tribes, of course, it is impossible for them to fight Sectarian Shia Forces and ISIS in the same time (though they fought ISIS in the past and kicked them to the desert).

Nowadays, unfortunately , most of world medias label all Sunnis as ISIS, coz they don't know 99% of what is really happening and they take their info from Iraqi Gov and its Pro-Medias.

Take a look at this.

Iraqi Revolutionaries General Military Council' Spokesman : Maj. Gen. Mezhar Qaisi

Talking about a defensive military op. against sectarian savages.

@Gasoline @Falcon29 @Dr.Thrax @Rakan.SA
Guys, we need backup here ;)
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In Sunni territory, chapeau. ISIS has not taken over one Shiite-dominated city, whether in Iraq or Syria.

Shias might be fighting back because of fear of ISIS. Doesn't mean the Iranians didn't fail.
Because there is no such thing as an oppressive Shia establishment trying to keep out Sunnis in the North out of the government in Pakistan.
I can admit that the people in the North are frustrated because of the government weakness, arms flowing in and lack of development. But it is not like in Iraq where two different parties are force-feeding sects into hating one another. Don't delude yourself into thinking everywhere is the same pattern.

Nope. Two completely different cases because in Iraq, both sects actively partook in hating one another.

Because it is off-topic.

Not at all. TTP claims Pakistani government to be kafer government, let alone a Shia one. Frustration? Dude, your air force is bombing them. And then you come here to criticize the democratically elected government of Iraq protecting the interest of majority of Iraqis including Sunnis. Who are you?

Kurds are Sunnis and they are fighting along side Iran and Iraq against these zombies. Who are you to tell, there is an "oppressive" government there? Oppression was under Saddam.

You still did not elborate on my question of why Pakistan military is only killing Sunnis. Why Pakistan military is only after Sunnis. Why not after Shias, Ismailis, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis etc etc? What is the enmity between Pakistan military and Sunnis? It all looks so "sectarian".

And also you did not elaborate on my question regarding Shamsi Airbase which was used to kill many many and even more many Sunnis by drones. Another "sectarian" thing.

You, see hypocrite, you are in a catch-22 situation. You are as sectarian as Maliki or as Iraqi military. As sectarian as Assad. Why don't you allow TTP to impose Sunni Islam on you? Is it that bad? Are you "sectarian"? Are you a "crypto-Shia"? Lol.

They were killed by ISIS, wich has done a lot of damage against Sunnis than anyone else.

You want to mix (for evil purposes of course) between ISIS and Sunni Tribes Forces that are Only defending themselves and demanding their simple rights to NOT be oppressed humiliated tortured and killed by Evil sectarian Gov and their -Outside Law- savage militias.


Back to 2008 These Sunni Tribes Forces were the ones who defeated ISIS (it was IS in that time) and kicked them into the desert, in that time they (Sunnis) were promised to have their rights.

But Guess what Maliki Irani puppet has done to them ?

He did NOT only refused to give them any single right he -previously- promised them, NO But worst he continued the same policy of killing torturing displacing and humiliating Sunnis.

A policy -drawed by barbaric Iranians- that aims a Strategic Goal of Demographic Genocide against Sunni civilians, so they -Iranians- can really annexe Iraq to their Brutal Savage ''Empire'', as one of their high officials said recently that Baghdad is the their capitale (15th century policies ?).

None of Iraqi Sunni Symbols was out of this oppression, even political leaders.
In 2011 Iraqi Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi fled to Iraqi Kurdistan to avoid fabricated charges, then they sentenced him by death.

It was just an Iranian barbaric message to All Iraqi Sunnis that anyone who advocate Sunnis or says No to Iran policy, will end with the same result Even if he is a Symbol (political Figure or so ...)

After the begining of the Arab spring, Sunni Iraqis decided to demonstrate peacefully for their rights one more time.
Fore more than 10 months they were demontrating and demanding Gov to meet their rights/demands.

Guess what Maliki responded them ?

He arrested another Sunni political figure, Dr. Ahmad Al-Ulwani a parliamentary deputy, and sentenced him to death just Like Tariq al-Hashimi the Ex-Vice President.

Then, the worst, he did fired the protesters just like bashar did, killing 54 civilian.

After that, Iraqi Sunnis Tribes decied to hold arms to defend themselves against the sectarian savage Gov and their -Out Law- Irani funded militias (After all none in this world can accept sheep policy : slaughtered without defending himself).

At this stage, and after several months of the begining of the clash between Sunni Tribes and Shia Gov. , ISIS returned from Anbar Desert, and joined the fight.

Sunni Tribes, of course, it is impossible for them to fight Sectarian Shia Forces and ISIS in the same time (though they fought ISIS in the past and kicked them to the desert).

Nowadays, unfortunately , most of world medias label all Sunnis as ISIS, coz they don't know 99% of what is really happening and they take their info from Iraqi Gov and its Pro-Medias.

Take a look at this.

Iraqi Revolutionaries General Military Council' Spokesman : Maj. Gen. Mezhar Qaisi

Talking about a defensive military op. against sectarian savages.

Cheap Propaganda.

By the way, Tunisia has declared war on the same Sunni groups, Syria and Iraq are fighting. That makes Tunisia an ally of Assad. Good going.
Not at all. TTP claims Pakistani government to be kafer government, let alone a Shia one. Frustration? Dude, your air force is bombing them. And then you come here to criticize the democratically elected government of Iraq protecting the interest of majority of Iraqis including Sunnis. Who are you?

Kurds are Sunnis and they are fighting along side Iran and Iraq against these zombies. Who are you to tell, there is an "oppressive" government there? Oppression was under Saddam.

You still did not elborate on my question of why Pakistan military is only killing Sunnis. Why Pakistan military is only after Sunnis. Why not after Shias, Ismailis, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis etc etc? What is the enmity between Pakistan military and Sunnis? It all looks so "sectarian".

And also you did not elaborate on my question regarding Shamsi Airbase which was used to kill many many and even more many Sunnis by drones. Another "sectarian" thing.

You, see hypocrite, you are in a catch-22 situation. You are as sectarian as Maliki or as Iraqi military. As sectarian as Assad. Why don't you allow TTP to impose Sunni Islam on you? Is it that bad? Are you "sectarian"? Are you a "crypto-Shia"? Lol.

Don't make me laugh with your bullshit examples.
There're plenty of Shia militias operating out there. Is the Iraqi government singling out those threats for endangering the majority of Iraqis?
Tell me how keeping Sunnis out of the government and denying them political representation is in any way similar to a military operation against fundamentalists. Please explain because I have no idea how you can find any sort of comparison.
The fact that this has only become your only argument, a very weak and flimsy analogy where you try to compare a government which has been accused of sectarianism a number of times and is fighting against an organisation which has just magically captured the support of a large number of Sunnis to something completely different. You respond to any other arguments with "propaganda".
Now lets just say we keep our respective nationalities out of this argument. I am not Pakistani, I am an observer from a neutral country. How will you respond to the claim that the Iraqi government has been prejudiced against the Sunnis? How will you deny the fact that they've tried to deny political representation for the Sunnis? How will you explain how organisations like ISIS have faced very little opposition from Sunni people (besides the Kurds who see themselves as Kurds first, then Sunnis)?
Don't make me laugh with your bullshit examples.
There're plenty of Shia militias operating out there. Is the Iraqi government singling out those threats for endangering the majority of Iraqis?
Tell me how keeping Sunnis out of the government and denying them political representation is in any way similar to a military operation against fundamentalists. Please explain because I have no idea how you can find any sort of comparison.
The fact that this has only become your only argument, a very weak and flimsy analogy where you try to compare a government which has been accused of sectarianism a number of times and is fighting against an organisation which has just magically captured the support of a large number of Sunnis to something completely different. You respond to any other arguments with "propaganda".
Now lets just say we keep our respective nationalities out of this argument. I am not Pakistani, I am an observer from a neutral country. How will you respond to the claim that the Iraqi government has been prejudiced against the Sunnis? How will you deny the fact that they've tried to deny political representation for the Sunnis? How will you explain how organisations like ISIS have faced very little opposition from Sunni people (besides the Kurds who see themselves as Kurds first, then Sunnis)?

Don't make me laugh with your BS propaganda.

If Iraqi military is killing Sunnis, so is Pakistani military.

If Iraqi military is sectarian by killing Sunnis, so is Pakistani military.

And you did not answer why Pakistan was allowing Shamsi Airbase to be used to kill Sunnis. Very "sectarian" of you.

You also did not elaborate, why you do not want to live under TTP, while here preaching to Sunni Kurds and Shia Iraqis to live under similar ideology?

I can tell you didn't even try to read my paragraph. Don't reply to me if you don't respond to anything I say and continue with your cheap deflection tactics.

Don't make me laugh with your BS propaganda.

If Iraqi military is killing Sunnis, so is Pakistani military.

If Iraqi military is sectarian by killing Sunnis, so is Pakistani military.


Because the Pakistani establishment is not denying Sunnis political representation or barring them from government posts and jobs. You fail to recognize that the key reason there is Sunni support for ISIS is because of the way the Iraqi government has treated the Sunnis.

And you did not answer why Pakistan was allowing Shamsi Airbase to be used to kill Sunnis. Very "sectarian" of you.

I will only respond because you have no other ammo. You keep repeating the same words again and again, thinking you're being clever, when you just project stupidity as Shamsi airbase has no relevance with the current topic at hand. Drone attacks were carried out from Shamsi Base because of American pressure and Pakistan had to begin cracking down on militants.

You also did not elaborate, why you do not want to live under TTP, while here preaching to Sunni Kurds and Shia Iraqis to live under similar ideology?

I preach sectarian harmony. I'm not into the petty stone-age mullah conflicts the Iranians and Saudis indulge in and promote reconciliation. I recognize both Saudi interference and at the same time recognize the resentment Sunnis had for the weak, corrupt, incompetent and sectarian-minded Shia government.
Shias might be fighting back because of fear of ISIS. Doesn't mean the Iranians didn't fail.

How did Iranians 'fail'? By helping a friendly country fight and kill terrorists? If that's a failure, we all hope to have failures like this.

I will only respond because you have no other ammo. You keep repeating the same words again and again, thinking you're being clever, when you just project stupidity as Shamsi airbase has no relevance with the current topic at hand. Drone attacks were carried out from Shamsi Base because of American pressure and Pakistan had to begin cracking down on militants.

Is that so? Many tribal areas in Pakistan have also supported Taliban and many Pakistanis have joined them? Base on your conclusion, Pakistan is killing Sunnis in numbers that they feel the need to join Taliban
How did Iranians 'fail'? By helping a friendly country fight and kill terrorists? If that's a failure, we all hope to have failures like this.

The Iranian puppet government in Iraq lost massive swathes of land with Gulf-supported proxies making huge gains. Is that not an Iranian failure?
I can tell you didn't even try to read my paragraph. Don't reply to me if you don't respond to anything I say and continue with your cheap deflection tactics.

Because the Pakistani establishment is not denying Sunnis political representation or barring them from government posts and jobs. You fail to recognize that the key reason there is Sunni support for ISIS is because of the way the Iraqi government has treated the Sunnis.

I will only respond because you have no other ammo. You keep repeating the same words again and again, thinking you're being clever, when you just project stupidity as Shamsi airbase has no relevance with the current topic at hand. Drone attacks were carried out from Shamsi Base because of American pressure and Pakistan had to begin cracking down on militants.

I preach sectarian harmony. I'm not into the petty stone-age mullah conflicts the Iranians and Saudis indulge in and promote reconciliation. I recognize both Saudi interference and at the same time recognize the resentment Sunnis had for the weak, corrupt, incompetent and sectarian-minded Shia government.

Pakistan military is killing Sunnis left and right in FATA and PATA. Bombing them day and night. If Iraqi military is sectarian so is Pakistani military.

Shamsi Airbase was permitted by Pakistan to be used to kill Sunnis. It is so "sectarian" of you.

Why you do not want to live under your beloved Sunni rule by TTP as you are preaching to Sunni Kurds and Iraqis here? It is so "sectarian" of you.

The Iranian puppet government in Iraq lost massive swathes of land with Gulf-supported proxies making huge gains. Is that not an Iranian failure?

Pakistan military is killing Sunnis left and right in FATA and PATA. Bombing them day and night. If Iraqi military is sectarian so is Pakistani military.

Shamsi Airbase was permitted by Pakistan to be used to kill Sunnis. It is so "sectarian" of you.

Why you do not want to live under your beloved Sunni rule by TTP as you are preaching to Sunni Kurds and Iraqis here? It is so "sectarian" of you.

Holy crap, and the same response again. Are you even reading my responses? If you're going to respond to me, don't regurgitate what you said again and again.

I've always believed that when one begins solely using smileys to respond to posts, they've lost hold of the straws they were clutching.
The Iranian puppet government in Iraq lost massive swathes of land with Gulf-supported proxies making huge gains. Is that not an Iranian failure?

Thanks for at least admitting that your Gulf brothers are responsible for creating ISIS.
Do you know what also is a failure? Not being able to stop terrorist groups from launching big attacks in your own country.

Iraq is not Iran's puppet, it's a sovereign nation that was brought to a mess by Americans, again your allies.
Holy crap, and the same response again. Are you even reading my responses? If you're going to respond to me, don't regurgitate what you said again and again.

I've always believed that when one begins solely using smileys to respond to posts, they've lost hold of the straws they were clutching.

What are you talking about? You did not answer even a single question of mine.

Are you denying the fact that Pakistan military is killing only Sunnis? And only and only Sunnis. Not Shia, Ismailis, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs etc tec. It is killing only Sunnis. So per your posts and reasoning, Pakistan military is a sectarian force, routing for Shia supremacy by killing Sunnis left and right.

You also did not answer why you are preaching TTP ideology to Iraqis and Kurds, all the while not wanting to live under it yourself. Why are you a hypocrite? After all if TTP ideology is good for Kurds and Iraqis, it is good for you too.

You are clueless. You are cutting off your own roots. Starting a Sunni-Sunni sectarian BS will not damage Iran. But it will crack the foundations of Pakistan whose founding father was Shia from father's side and a Zoroastrian from mother's side. Now keep cutting at your foundations. What do I care.
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