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Balance of power tips toward Iran

But Indians also support Israel, isnt it a paradox that you call them brothers but curse Arabs for alleged support? :what:

If Arabs declare themselves that they are Non Muslims and they have nothing to do with Islam, then they too will not be blamed.

the problem is that Arabs are the champions of Islam and Islam rejects Israel and does not allow a fake nation to be build by shedding blood of inoccent and making people homeless.
Long before ISIS popped up Iran had significant ideological support among many 'resistance' groups in the region. The reasons why are irrelevant. What matters is the reality on the ground.
Yes, I understand that. Iran had support from many radical Shias and Sunni haters before the Iraq and Syria conflict.

His rule only mattered to these Arab countries because of his closeness to Iran. Their opposition against Assad is too eliminate Iran's influence in Syria and subsequently the Levant. Assad is still controlling many parts in the region.

Nevertheless, he's weakened and now faces a wide range of foes.

Which pro-Saudi group? Please enlighten me. Show me a pro-Saudi group that shows great ideological connection to the House of Saud.
Wrong choice of words by me. I meant Gulf-proxies are now surrounding Lebanon.

You know how easy it would be for Iran to pour the Shiite community in Bahrein with sophisticated weaponry that could turn overwhelmingly peaceful protests into an all-out insurgency?

Don't make me laugh. Bahrain isn't Yemen. The moment Iran foolishly decides to arm the Shi'ite community in Bahrain with sophisticated weaponry there won't just be a sharp response in Bahrain but all over the Middle East.

Weaker or not, they still control most strategic areas.

Which makes your point null. Being significantly weaker and clinging onto the most strategic areas is nothing to boast about. The only way Assad's regime will succeed is by bringing other factions to the negotiating table or giving concessions to the Sunnis, both of which Iran obviously detests.
What scientific growth are you talking about? Iran doesn't even have a proper university. Open a canned tuna factory in Somalia and its economy will be tripled. Publish some so-called scientific papers from so-called unverisities at which one can not even discuss evolution, and there you have it: world's largest scientific growth achived by mullahs :lol: You are in denial. Iran is isolated, by UN, by US, by every country and every company that matters, including those of China and Russia, can and would not conduct any business with Iran. You are delusional, you are in denial.

I kept being surprised by the lack of knowledge coming from Turkish members on this forum.

I'm talking about real, credible growth in scientific output. Iran's produces more documents than Turkey, more articles, reviews and conference papers and its documents are more cited than Turkey's. International Science Ranking therefor puts Iran above Turkey when it comes to scientific output, as seen in this link. Iran also has highest patent activity in OIC with 6,527 applications. Iran also ranks the first in the Islamic world in having the best national higher education system, as seen in this ranking:


You can read the report here if you want: http://www.universitas21.com/RelatedFile/Download/279

As I said, Iran is exploiting the mistakes of countries like Turkey, France, US and UK, in Syria policy. They, especially AKP government of Turkey underestimated Assad took big risks hoping for equally big rewards. Iran saw the opportunity and took it as it should. That's all. Broadening its sectarian influence... But calling it an empire :)?

Its not only about Syria. And don't be mistaken, the countries you mentioned tried hard to uproot Assad, by providing rebel groups with weaponry, Turkey opening up its border to fighters, GCC-countries pouring billions into these groups, as well as providing them with tactical advice, etc. The fact that Iran, with limited tools, has managed to keep Assad's in power is a testimony of Iran's strategic planning, military ingenuity and understanding of the region.

Even the leading mullah fanboys would not say such a thing but people with psychological problems such as yourself.

Wrong. Many figures with Iran have stated that Iran's influence in the region is unprecedented, and that Iran is basically an empire today, reaching all the way to the mediterranean. And not only Iranians by the way. Here a couple of quotes:


"I promise you Gadi … you will not have a single day of grace. The Middle East is disintegrating. States are collapsing. An empire is charging into this vacuum – Iran.''

Luitenant colonel Ralph Peters (ret.):

''Iran is piling one brick on the other. As I’ve warned on Fox News and Charles Krauthammer described — eloquently — in The Washington Post, today’s Iranians, with their Persian heritage, are on the march as surely as were the armies of Xerxes 2,500 years ago. Desperate for a legacy, our president obsesses about a deal (no matter how wretched) on Iran’s nuclear program, while ignoring Iran’s aggression across the Middle East. In his recent State of the Union message, the president even defended Iran against Congress and further sanctions.''

Pulitzer Prize-winner Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post:

''Iran’s emerging empire

While Iran’s march toward a nuclear bomb has provoked a major clash between the White House and Congress, Iran’s march toward conventional domination of the Arab world has been largely overlooked. In Washington, that is. The Arabs have noticed. And the pro-American ones, the Gulf Arabs in particular, are deeply worried.''

Former mayor of New York Giuliani:

''Iraq, Syria and Yemen could become part of a "new Iranian empire" if the U.S.-led coalition is successful in defeating the Islamic State (ISIS), former New York City Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani told Fox News' America's Newsroom. "If you allow Iran to help you defeat ISIS, which we seem to be doing ... one [enemy] gone, and (allow) a new Iranian empire, which is what the Iranians are trying to do and have been trying to do from the beginning — nobody's looking at that, and they should," Giuliani said Tuesday.

You and I are used to make fun with the mullah UAV which had tires from a shopping cart and a little bucket as a SAR, not so long ago. Don't you remember? Now you are talking about how self-sufficient they are with their suicide boats and cardboard jets

I still make fun of Iran's unveilings if I think is being conducted in a absurd and ridiculous way, which often happened during Ahmadinejad's era. But at least I can make the distinction between these unveilings and Iran's credible growth in military self-sufficiency, and the progress it has made in several terrains, such as missile technology, its air defense system, submarine technology, drone technology, cyber warfare capabilities, radar technology, etc. This progress is not only claimed by me, but by various military experts such as Cordesman, Uzi Rubin, Tal Inbar and others who know what they're talking about. You should read these reports, in stead of spending your precious time on the internet making unsubstantiated claims.

Unlike isolated countries with failed economies such as Iran and Armenia, countries such as Azerbaijan has been developing enormously since the last decade in every aspect from military to technology... But yeah, whatever you say brother.

Iran's economy has been plagued by significant embargoes, sanctions, etc. Despite all that, Iran's industrial output still is far ahead of many countries in the region, including Turkey and Azerbaijan. The latter even has to acknowledge that its citizens annually travel to Iran to buy cheaper food and enjoy Iran's relatively good health care system. I think I've showed you these articles before.
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Okay guys time end this discussion. Let's all agree and accept the fact that all the Middle East will be speaking Farsi and be ruled over by a council of omnipotent mullahs. After which this entity will move on to invade the U.S. until finally declaring its supremacy by planting its flag on Pluto.

Iran 58.95 Billion USD -9.99%

Turkey has more than 3 times of Iranian industrial output, we have had Iran being a Superpower and Empire in this thread, are you guys suffering megalomania? :what:

These numbers are completely incorrect. Iran's industrial sector consists of approx. 44% of its nominal GDP, which makes it around 200 Billion USD.
to turk members
gve up friends we dont care iran policies and their fake propagandas against turkiye lets leave they establish their delusional empire
we should spend our time for turkiye :cheers:
We have had Iran being a Superpower and Empire in this thread, are you guys suffering megalomania? :what:

That Superpower and Empire begins from Afghanistan to Lebanon :lol:

Will Erase Pakistani/Turkish/Arabic-Sunnis Influence from Afghanistan-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon, and nothing we can do about that, we can only learn Farsi, Muta'a and Taqiya ... etc :rofl: :lol:
These numbers are completely incorrect. Iran's industrial sector consists of approx. 44% of its nominal GDP, which makes it around 200 Billion USD.
%90 oil pruducts accordind to your numbers irans real industrial output is 18 billion dollar lol
That Superpower and Empire begins from Afghanistan to Lebanon :lol:

Will Erase Pakistani/Turkish/Arabic-Sunnis Influence from Afghanistan-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon, and nothing we can do about that, we can only learn Farsi, Muta'a and Taqiya ... etc :rofl: :lol:

You just make sure that your museums and tourists are being assaulted by an ever increasing fundamentalistic Tunisian youth, who are now topping the rank of foreign ISIS-fighters.
Iranian Influence on the blood of the Syrian Children and inncocent civilians.
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