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Balance of power tips toward Iran

You know @Nihonjin1051, Iran isn't really a hostile nation. At the most they keep to themselves without really meddling into others affairs, as long as they are not threatened. In fact, many Iranians come to India and we have open discussions with them.

These people are rational and very practical. Many suggest that their own leaders need to be a little diplomatically clever in using words, but they are proud of their country and their right to wield nuclear energy for power generation.

Sanctioning Iran isn't going to solve anything. In fact, help them integrate with the world. If Iran and Israel can sit on a table and seriously discuss matters without the involvement of either USA or you or us, I am sure they can come to a good deal of not doing each other any harm.

Sanctioning only makes it worse in a world which is increasing shifting its power balance back to Asia.

You are a superpower; China is fast emerging as one and we also have grown vastly in the last many decades. Russia has openly shown its interest in joining the East more than the West, a tactic it always stood by being called the 'Bear of the East'.

In fact, Japan, China and India being the closest partners to Israel as well as maintaining excellent ties with Iranians, can help achieve what has never been done before: A permanent solution to the tiffs between them. Turkey could help too if Erdogan opens his eyes and becomes as pragmatic as his other smart leaders.

Ideologies are usually fanned to achieve a political motive more than anything else and in the world of international relations, which can often escalate to tense moments, Iran is one of the few smart and sensible players in the Middle East other than Turkey and Israel.

I hope USA really stops this whole Cold War mindset and accepts them as such while ensuring that Israel and Iran have a productive discussion and ensure a peace deal.

Barring this whole WMD fiasco that NATO nations create, Iran technically has NO enemies at all.

Iranian influence in the region will continue to grow and grow. There is nothing anybody can do about that. Iran's influence in the region is already unparalleled.
The Americans are realising that fact and they have started to accept it. Not that whether they accept or not matters.

Americans will have to learn to deal directly with Iran instead of their futile provocative attitude thus far.

You stood well against international pressure, especially from the NATO nation.

That is very, very admirable.

With the balance of clout shifting towards Asia, hopefully we all can come together in a more practical sense
You stood well against international pressure, especially from the NATO nation.

That is very, very admirable.

With the balance of clout shifting towards Asia, hopefully we all can come together in a more practical sense

Iran and India are sister nations. This is not a secret. Ideally Iran and India should be very close anyway, but yes, the time will come when great powers of Asia like India will join hands with Iran to put the final nail on the coffin of these imperialists. ;)
The entire Arab regimes with backing of their Jewish cousins and their warmongering friends in the senate couldnt do anything against the Iranian influence in the region.

Either they accept that or their already weakened role will continue to weaken and finally collapse.
The entire Arab regimes with backing of their Jewish cousins and their warmongering friends in the senate couldnt do anything against the Iranian influence in the region.

Either they accept that or their already weakened role will continue to weaken and finally collapse.

Yes I'm sure Iran can take on and facilitate the collapse of everyone in the region. You need to wake up
It's very temporary.

The next American president won't be Iran's plaything.

Hussein only has just over 12 months to go and then hopefully a Republican comes in and puts Iran back in their box.
So? You are not the only post-imperial power in the area
Who else is a power ? Saudi ? They are stooges of the West and Israel.

Turkey ? led by erdogoon that supports ISIS terrorists...creates instability etc.

It's very temporary.

The next American president won't be Iran's plaything.

Hussein only has just over 12 months to go and then hopefully a Republican comes in and puts Iran back in their box.

In the days of George Bush Iran was blowing up American soldiers left and right in Iraq. What happened ? Actually Obama came and somewhat set us back with his sanctions.

Whatever retard Americans elect will be of no issue... we will dictate our terms in the Middle East wether they like it or not. Hehe.
Oh god not the "Turkey supports ISIS" crap again, that has been debunked Soo many times on this forum.

Wow an Irani blaming others of creating instability..the pot calling the kettle black.

Just because Turkey doesn't wave its military capabilities around like Iran does don't think we won't bleed you if you step on our toes.

And one more thing, once Iraqis get full control of their country back they won't take to kindly to anyone (including you) claiming that they are "part" of "our empire".
In the days of George Bush Iran was blowing up American soldiers left and right in Iraq. What happened ?.

What happened was that your scientists all had 'accidents' and your country was bankrupt and on its knees with food prices sky rocketing and sanctions choking you.

Were it not for Hussein pulling his pants down and bending over for the Mullahs , you'd be a very failed state by now with queues for bread.
Who else is a power ? Saudi ? They are stooges of the West and Israel.

Turkey ? led by erdogoon that supports ISIS terrorists...creates instability etc.

In the days of George Bush Iran was blowing up American soldiers left and right in Iraq. What happened ? Actually Obama came and somewhat set us back with his sanctions.

Whatever retard Americans elect will be of no issue... we will dictate our terms in the Middle East wether they like it or not. Hehe.
well chances to you in middle east wars i hope it doesnt swallow you :P
You do not need to give me your misplaced moral view of what is happening in the region. ISIS is nothing. It controls nothing significant, strategic, is slowly being ousted by relatively small Iranian assistance to Iraqi forces. The gains Iran has made on the other hand are solid, having immense influence in Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, Sana'a, etc. Its empire reaches all the way to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.


'Precious isolation'. Those are the words of your own leader. Iran has managed to establish the world's largest scientific growth in isolation, significant military self-reliance and a steady increase of its influence and presence in the region. Besides, Iran is not isolated. It is no North Korea or Zimbabwe. Iran has ties with most countries in the world, with China, Russia, etc. They might have supported some sanctions in the past, but if you had recent developments, you'll see that it is completely different now. And I don't know who ever told you about Iran having a 'undisciplined army', which is utter nonsense.

What scientific growth are you talking about? Iran doesn't even have a proper university. Open a canned tuna factory in Somalia and its economy will be tripled. Publish some so-called scientific papers from so-called unverisities at which one can not even discuss evolution, and there you have it: world's largest scientific growth achived by mullahs :lol: You are in denial. Iran is isolated, by UN, by US, by every country and every company that matters, including those of China and Russia, can and would not conduct any business with Iran. You are delusional, you are in denial.

As I said, Iran is exploiting the mistakes of countries like Turkey, France, US and UK, in Syria policy. They, especially AKP government of Turkey underestimated Assad took big risks hoping for equally big rewards. Iran saw the opportunity and took it as it should. That's all. Broadening its sectarian influence... But calling it an empire :)? Even the leading mullah fanboys would not say such a thing but people with psychological problems such as yourself. You and I are used to make fun with the mullah UAV which had tires from a shopping cart and a little bucket as a SAR, not so long ago. Don't you remember? Now you are talking about how self-sufficient they are with their suicide boats and cardboard jets :disagree:

And who cares about air force? Seriously. KSA has the most advanced US jets in its arsenal and is spending more money on arms than most countries in the world, yet they are being completely outmaneuvered by Iran. The same counts for your Turkey, which with all its GDP and so-called conventional strength, has failed in its foreign policy.

Are you for real bro? :) I'd say few things about Qaher but it really is getting old so: It doesn't even matter if those jets are being piloted by a spoiled prince from some royal family. Your so called mighty Persian Empire simply lacks the technology to cope with such a threat.

It isn't the airforces who decides on foreign policies, it is the governments mate.

Says who? Despite your butthurtic and pathetic reference to human waves, a tactic which Iran used more than 30 years ago out of necessity (even Azerbaijan used human wave attacks against Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh war), but has since then been dropped from Iran's military doctrine. Azerbaijan would not have a chance against Iran in case of war. Azerbaijan is the caucasian equivalent of Saudi Arabia; nice stuff but a completely incompetent army. The Armenians would still whoop AZE today, like they did a couple of decades ago.

Butthurtic and pathetic reference? :lol: We have seen its most recent example not more than a month ago bud:

Unlike isolated countries with failed economies such as Iran and Armenia, countries such as Azerbaijan has been developing enormously since the last decade in every aspect from military to technology... But yeah, whatever you say brother.

The one who is deluded is you. Probably originates out of a deep feeling of frustration when seeing Iran slowly taking over more countries in the region.

You are the one talking about a Persian Empire over an Iranian general with a sad face leading his Shia army against ISIS :lol:

No they want. Ask yourself why Iran is the only state in the region with a Kurdish population, but faces no problem like Turkey, Syria or Iraq when it comes to its Kurdish minority.

Because Iran does not hesitate to execute anyone which it believes to be a separatist, without any consequences. Perks of being isolated I suppose.
What happened was that your scientists all had 'accidents' and your country was bankrupt and on its knees with food prices sky rocketing and sanctions choking you.

Were it not for Hussein pulling his pants down and bending over for the Mullahs , you'd be a very failed state by now with queues for bread.

Moron, the murders of scientists occured under Obama... the vigorous sanctions regime was put under Obama admin... not Bush.

Did you live in a cave all these while or not ?

Btw, killing scientists and sanctioning us did not stop us from projecting our WILL throughout the entire region... now live with it mofo.
The entire Arab regimes with backing of their Jewish cousins and their warmongering friends in the senate couldnt do anything against the Iranian influence in the region.

Either they accept that or their already weakened role will continue to weaken and finally collapse.
But Indians also support Israel, isnt it a paradox that you call them brothers but curse Arabs for alleged support? :what:
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