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Azerbaijan says will face Russian soldiers in Karabakh in case of war

So, what is the problem between Iran and Azerbaijan?

azerbaijan culture, religion and history is common and same with Iran. iran is an Islamic republic and azerbaijan is a secular state. after get independent in early 90's, the government of azerbaijan was scaring of Iranian influence there and was feeling a threat for it's existence. because they were very poor that time, they were in war with armenia, so the government spreads ultra pan turkish ideology and ousted Iranian volunteer forces and commanders from there, because of they are islamists.
millions of azaris live in iran and republic of azerbaijan always was part of iran til around 100 years ago, so the religion and culture and history is same. so the Azerbaijani government felt threat for their existence.

but nowadays the problems between two are republic of azerbaijan trys to provoke iranian azaris and also it has a very close tie with Israel that for Iran is unacceptable and you know Iran and Israel are very hostile to each other. and azerbaijani government afraid of Islamic movements in there that are pro Islamic republic of iran.
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azerbaijan culture, religion and history is common and same with Iran. iran is an Islamic republic and azerbaijan is a secular state. after get independent in early 90's, the government of azerbaijan was scaring of Iranian influence there and was feeling a threat for it's existence. because they were very poor that time, they were in war with armenia, so the government spreads ultra pan turkish ideology and ousted Iranian volunteer forces and commanders from there, because of they are islamists.
millions of azaris live in iran and republic of azerbaijan always was part of iran til around 100 years ago, so the religion and culture and history is same. so the Azerbaijani government felt threat for their existence.

but nowadays the problems between two are republic of azerbaijan trys to provoke iranian azaris and also it has a very close tie with Israel that for Iran is unacceptable and you know Iran and Israel are very hostile to each other. and azerbaijani government afraid of Islamic movements in there that are pro Islamic republic of iran.
Wrong, Iran was always part Azeribaijan. Safavids are today's Azeri people. Capital of Safavid Empire is Tebriz. A Turkic city which is located in South Azerbaijan.
And if Armenia suddenly disagrees - it should be subjected to democratic bombardment! It's very simple! :usflag:
That is Armenia should give Karabakh. And what did she receive in exchange?

Nagorno-Karabakh is an Armenian majority region. So, its very complex to understand, what actually going on with Armenia and Azerbaijan.

So what kind of solution you guys propose for Nagorno-Karabakh issue, a multi-ethnic Azerbaijan with Azeris and Armenians living together or something else. Are Armenian-Azeri dislike for each other historical and beyond repair? I read that conflict started even before the dissolution of Soviet Union.
So what kind of solution you guys propose for Nagorno-Karabakh issue, a multi-ethnic Azerbaijan with Azeris and Armenians living together or something else. Are Armenian-Azeri dislike for each other historical and beyond repair? I read that conflict started even before the dissolution of Soviet Union.
The Azeri who fled from Karabakh, move back in, the Armenians who commited massacres got to international court, Karabakh is already part of Azerbaijan according to international law so the only thing Armenia and Russian forces have to do is retreat.

And if Armenia suddenly disagrees - it should be subjected to democratic bombardment! It's very simple! :usflag:
That is Armenia should give Karabakh. And what did she receive in exchange?
It is not matter of democracy.

For example, as a forum we can't democratically decide whether or not your home should be sold and the money distributed to charity.

YOUR home is YOUR home. We can't decide what happens to you or your personal belonings.

Karabakh is under international law STILL Azerbaijan land. Azerbaijan and Armenia are still in a war officially. Demographics is not important, the same way this forum demographics is not important what happens to you and your belongings.

Karabakh will return without conditions because it is Azeri land in the first place under international law. No way Armenia can get international recognition. It will succumb under economic missery until it disappears or it will get a quick death if Azerbaijan decides to strike.

One condition Armenia can ask is that it won't be put into international court for its crimes in return for open borders and free trade.
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azerbaijan culture, religion and history is common and same with Iran.

The term "culture" is very loosely used. In the end, the most culturally related nations to Azerbaijanis are still Turkic ones. I don't share your Shahnameh, and you don't share my Dede Qorqud, how can you say that its the same?

Common history and religion only since Safavids, ending with Nadir Shahs death for Azerbaijani Turks of Caucasia, from that time we had our own Khanates separate from authority of a king of Iran. Azerbaijan does not share the history of Qara-Qoyunlu or Aq-Qoyunlu with Iran, for instance.
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@ asq the clown

is that why you celebrate our national holidays, festivals (norouz, fire festival etc...)? Many of your country men have Persian names. You celebrate our holidays and festivals that date back to the Achemenid and Zoroastrian times. Of course you try to falsify history a lot in order to justify your actions as well.

You don't need to lie like a cheap whore and try to falsify history to prove your turkishness.
Aren't you tired of repeating the same BS? Novruz festive are celebrated among most of Turkic nations, even Seljuqs celebrated it as their state national holiday. I'm not saying its non-Iranian, but you should seriously stop referring to it as some kind of argument for your lies.

As for our real culture and traditions:

Ashiqs of Azerbaijan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Book of Dede Korkut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way, I'm not saying there is "no similarities", but stop exaggerating for God's sake.
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You are wrong about the Khanats. This system was used even before Qajar dynasty and even in Safavid era. BTW, The Khans were not independent. For example, Ibrahim Khalil Khan Javanshir, who was the khan of Karabagh, and had an important role in Russia-Iran wars, was appointed by Karim Khan Zand. The fact is, almost the whole of the country, except for capital, were ruled by this system. Tebriz was another exemption and it was mostly ruled by the Crown Prince.
In Safavid era there were Beglerbegliks, not Khanates. The Khanates in Azerbaijan appeared after the death of Nadir Shah, and they were indeed independent, especially the northern ones.

What you say is a news to me. First of all, Ibrahim Khalil Khan innherited the power from his father Panah Ali Khan, he was not "appointed" by anyon. Secondly, The Zands did not have any authority over northern Khanates.
The term "culture" is very loosely used. In the end, the most culturally related nations to Azerbaijanis are still Turkic ones. I don't share your Shahnameh, and you don't share my Dede Qorqud, how can you say that its the same?

Common history and religion only since Safavids, ending with Nadir Shahs death for Azerbaijani Turks of Caucasia, from that time we had our own Khanates separate from authority of a king of Iran. Azerbaijan does not share the history of Qara-Qoyunlu or Aq-Qoyunlu with Iran, for instance.

i didnt say language, i said culture, you dont share shahname because you cant read it nowadays, while the type of stories and morals is same. That's why all great poeters like nezami or shahriar that you know them admired shahname and used it in their poets and known it as their own ancient history.
iranian kings during Safavid dynasty and government were choosing the name of their childeren from the shahname. why? because unlike you they could read it and they shard it and count it as their own culture and history.

most foods, names style, religion, behavior is same and it's called culture. about Qara-Qoyunlu or Aq-Qoyunlu you are wrong my friend, maybe personally you dont want to share it, as i mentioned above the reason why you or your government dont want it. but in history wanna me or you like it or not, it's common and it didnt belong only to safavids, you can count it since median era til qajar kings in iran.
as you talked about Qara-Qoyunlu or Aq-Qoyunlu, i refere you to read about them.

Aq Qoyunlu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

just an example:

In letters from the Ottoman Sultans, when addressing the kings of Aq Qoyunlu, such titles as Arabic: ملك الملوك الأيرانية‎ "Iranian King of Kings", Arabic: سلطان السلاطين الإيرانية‎ "Iranian Sultan of Sultans", Persian: شاهنشاه ایران خدیو عجم‎ Shāhanshāh-e Irān Khadiv-e Ajam "Shahanshah of Iran and Ruler of Persia", Jamshid shawkat va Fereydun rāyat va Dārā derāyat "Powerful like Jamshid, flag of Fereydun and wise like Darius" have been used.[11] Uzun Hassan also held the title Padishah-i Irān "Padishah of Iran",[12] which was re-adopted again in the Safavid times through his distaff grandson Ismail I, the founder of the Safavid dynasty.

doesnt need to be so bias about it,it's about the past. i'm not saying it's ours or is mine, i said we have common and it belongs to both, wanna me or you like it or not, or whatever opinion nowadays we have and it doesnt means i dont respect you or the authority of republic of azerbaijan my friend.
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Even in Iranian Azerbaijan, before the advent of modern schools, most of innhabitants could not speak a word of Persian few decades ago (obviously, it was and is learned only in schools), and still many, if not most of elderly rural innhabitans don't speak it. I think you need to get off your high horse, my friend. Language IS the culture. Stories and morals? Such as? Because the stories, morals and culture of ours are to be exactly found in Dede Qorqud. Even the Aşıq tradition.

Did you also care to read that Aq-Qoyunlu kings traced their line-age to Oghuz Khagan?
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In Safavid era there were Beglerbegliks, not Khanates. The Khanates in Azerbaijan appeared after the death of Nadir Shah, and they were indeed independent, especially the northern ones.
What you say is a news to me. First of all, Ibrahim Khalil Khan innherited the power from his father Panah Ali Khan, he was not "appointed" by anyon. Secondly, The Zands did not have any authority over northern Khanates.
Dude, Panah Ali Khan was appointed by Adil Shah Afshar, then Ibrahim Khalil khan appointed when he was in Shiraz and Karim Khan gave him his Dad's corpse along his decree letter for Karabagh.
Qajars were ruling the country by khans(mostly they were either appointed by the Qajar king or their father was a Khan and they were accepted as the next Khan by the Qajar king) and Kalantars(mostly chosen by the people or the elders and influential people of the region and then accepted by the Qajar king). Safavids were using different names for these posts but the system was similar. even this system is much older and even Arab caliphates and Sasanids, Achaimenids, ... were using this old system as well.


@ASQ-1918 @Abii
Your discussion is off-topic, and there is no need to insult each other.
Even in Iranian Azerbaijan, before the advent of modern schools, most of innhabitants could not speak a word Persian few decades ago(obviously, it was and is learned only in schools), and still many, if not most of elderly rural innhabitans don't speak it. I think you need to get off your high horse, my friend. Language IS the culture. Stories and morals? Such as? Because the stories, morals and culture of ours are found exactly in Dede Qorqud.

Did you also care to read that Aq-Qoyunlu kings traced their line-age to Oghuz Khagan?

it seems you dont like to read my posts carefuly, in modern time most people go to school to study, few centuries ago only princes s and Elders and people who were in charge could only study. the problem is you think iran means fars which your government tried it for decades to show people and make fake history and differences. iran doesnt contain only persians, if it was, we would call it farsestan, not iran. iran contains from several ethnics that all have iranian culture. persian language always was official language. savafids and other dynasties never was hostile with persian language like you,, all knew it as their own language. all great scholars or poeters in the history never was thinking like you, language is just a part of culture, and you know it well even after decades going through pan turkism ideology and trying to change the Persian and common words with persian language to Istanbul turkish or russian, still near half of the words is common between two languages. although if it has not any common words, it wouldnt be matter and doesnt related to our conversation, and whatever the past is, nowadays the culture include of most foods, names style, religion ,behavior and ... is same. if i'm on high horse, then all kings, nezami or other poeters, worriers, Political activists are on high horse also.
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