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Azerbaijan says will face Russian soldiers in Karabakh in case of war

It is your own countrymen and your own country which paints a Farsistan picture of modern-day Iran, blame them.

"savafids and other dynasties never was hostile with persian language like you"

And what about the hostility of Iranian government towards Azerbaijani Turkish? Especially during Pahlavi era. Safavids and other kings composed poetry in their native Azerbaijani (and spoke it in their courts), which was banned for a long time in Farsistan. You should not falsify realities.

Thats why I object such statements from Persians, how the hell can you claim such a thing as: "still near half of the words is common between two languages".

Let me rephrase this same sentence in Azerbaijani: "Yenədə iki dil arasında hardasa yarı-yarıya ortaq söz vardı". Now please write the same in Persian. If you haven't just started in elementary school, then I don't need to tell you how vastly different the two languages is, aswell the vast majority of vocabulary, especially in spoken language.

Get some sense, seriously.
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I thought Iran is closer to Azerbaijan then to Armenia, because of both have same religion and millions of Azeris live in Iran.

No it's the opposite, Iran is closer to Armenia & Russian Federation. Azerbaijan is closer to Turkey & Israel.

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this is off topic, we were talking about culture and NK ,
it wasnt banned, it wasnt only in schools and i dont agree with that and blame it. but what they did was a reaction to rising pan turkism and young turks after ottoman collapsed and their try to falsify realities. we cant find any move from iranian government to destroy or change the tablets of tombs like what your government is doing with persian poets in Tombs nowadays.
did i say azerbaijani is a branch of persian language?? i talked about lots of common vocabulary and it's different than what you got, learn persian to understand what am i talking about, i have not time to list all common words,but if you want i can bring some examples. and agian i should quote some part of my post that
if there wasnt any common words, it wouldnt be matter and doesnt related to our conversation, and whatever the past is, nowadays the culture .....
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ASQ the Azerbaijani clown can't understand that the Turks were still influenced by the Shahname until the 20st century, when the Dede Qorkut all of the sudden popped out. For ages Turkic leaders have used the Shahname as a source for their identity and culture, which of course changed when the Young Turks forcefully invented their falsified Turkic history.

Moreover, Azerbaijanis are Turkified Iranians. When it comes to genetics, Azerbaijanis are closer to Iranian Kurds and Caucasians than to Turks from Anatolia.

Moreover, culturally they are Persian to the fullest. They just deny it in order to artificially create their own identity, afraid to lose their claims on Azerbaijan, which is a PERSIAN name with Persian-linked history that dates back thousands of years.

For fuckk sake, you guys are even using fire, the most holiest Persian element, as a symbol and mantra for your country.
Vocabulary exchange was mutual, in Persian langauge you use many words of Azerbaijani origin without even realizing it, such as Otaq, Ocaq, Soraq and so on. I didn't say there isn't Persian loanwords in Azerbaijani, but look at your exaggeration, which is ridiculous, but also those words are mainly used in written language and not in spoken language.

Other "points" of your argument is also nonsense, no offense.
serious question: what the hell will happen if say for example Azerbaijan retake NK by force and at the same time Turkish army deploy 50 thousand troops in 1 night all over the place NK & Azerbaijan?

Turkish army are not like Indians or Georgia, they will die but never retreat, they fight till death.

They did it in the past too for example Nuri Pasa.. he was succesful to some extend he is the reason that Azerbaijan today still exists.

Kafkas İslam Ordusu - Vikipedi
No one takes you seriously Surenas. Go and screw yourself.

Of course everybody takes me serious. So serious that they afraid to lose a discussion, simply because they know that whenever Surenas speaks, the truth is with him.

Especially coming from a guy who is carrying a historical Persian name (Azerbaijan) as a linguistic marker for his identity.
.You have some serious issues, but go and spew your inferiority complex elsewhere.

Oh, and your avatar speaks for itself, for why you indeed shouldn't be taken seriously.

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