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Azerbaijan says will face Russian soldiers in Karabakh in case of war

The pen used to be mightier than the sword. I think its safe to say today that the keyboard is mightier than the sword. Beware of Surenas behind this computer. Great things could happen.
Dude, Panah Ali Khan was appointed by Adil Shah Afshar, then Ibrahim Khalil khan appointed when he was in Shiraz and Karim Khan gave him his Dad's corpse along his decree letter for Karabagh.
Qajars were ruling the country by khans(mostly they were either appointed by the Qajar king or their father was a Khan and they were accepted as the next Khan by the Qajar king) and Kalantars(mostly chosen by the people or the elders and influential people of the region and then accepted by the Qajar king). Safavids were using different names for these posts but the system was similar. even this system is much older and even Arab caliphates and Sasanids, Achaimenids, ... were using this old system as well.


@ASQ-1918 @Abii
Your discussion is off-topic, and there is no need to insult each other.
bro qajar don't have khan this is alien word as i said before we call our rulers as bash we never called qajar king as shah we called them as turkmenbashi
bro qajar don't have khan this is alien word as i said before we call our rulers as bash we never called qajar king as shah we called them as turkmenbashi
I know buddy ;) I think this word is originally Sanskrit, but it is widely used in Iran, as well ;)
this is off topic, we were talking about culture and NK ,
we cant find any move from iranian government to destroy or change the tablets of tombs like what your government is doing with persian poets in Tombs nowadays the culture .....
what you are doing just changing name of town and village and places and removing all turkic words from your language i remember the word like ash paz bashi and sarbaz bashi you change them to sar ash paz although you use turkic grammer you still just remove the turkic and put persian word in it and you guys forbid turkish name in iran i only can put persian or arabic name on my child !!!
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Examples from Iranian Azerbaijan:

Qaradağ - Arasbaran (a large region spanding from north of Tabriz to Araz river)
Qoşaçay - Miyandoab
Sulduz - Negadeh
Tikantepe - Takab
Sayınqala - Shahindej

And more.

We should get back to the pre-Islamic Achaemenid/Sassanid names. These Turkic names are completely alien to us.
is name of a turkmen month
Examples from Iranian Azerbaijan:

Qaradağ - Arasbaran (a large region spanding from north of Tabriz to Araz river)
Qoşaçay - Miyandoab
Sulduz - Negadeh
Tikantepe - Takab
Sayınqala - Shahindej

And more.
Examples from Iranian turkmen

aghize - dahane
boghize - galugah
gomish tepe - gomishan
doz - the hole area named as gorgan this is name of tribe which help agha mohammad khan's grand father
bash yuzkha - 5 peykar ( they mistake bash with beash ) all the ashagh bashis Buried there
korkoy (town of kor tribe koroghul born here) - kordkuy (town don't have kurdish people !)
gorgan - gonbad e kabuds
astarabad - gorgan !!!!!
aghchelli - neginshahr
kizilje - azadshar or minudasht im not sure
qalajik - ghale kuchak
gery - this is a near were called north of kalale and north east of gonbad e kabus they change it in other side of border i thing northern gery is still call as gery . gery qala as just few km in turkmenistan soil
and so on
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