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Attack on Gaza by Saudi Royal Appointment

Realistically they will be unable to influence China like they have with the US/West in general.

Chinese are only doing business with them as they are able to get some benefits from the Jews now. There is no love that Chinese have for Jews or a guilty conscience due to holocaust like the Germans have.

Once China develops then the Jews will have little to offer the Chinese as China will be a rich(richest in the world by a fair margin) and also a technologically advanced nation to rival the US.

The Jews will try to influence the Chinese but I think their chances of success is low as they do not have the many generations of history in China as they have had in US and Europe.
The Jews don't have a long influential history in the US either. Neither does US have any holocaust guilt like Germany. However, the Zionists are a very intelligent and cunning people. They know how to manipulate others worldview especially when it comes to the ME.

China rising won't be to the detriment of israel or Zionism because Zionism isn't a country and Chinese already don't have conflicting interests with israel nor do they have positive views of Muslims. On the contrary the Chinese do view Jews in a far better light than they do Muslims.
The same goes for the whole Arab world that US owns them by every single centimeter.

I'm sure that Yazid doesn't have any problem with that. Nor does he have any problem with the fact that God has a problem with it. The Qur'an very clearly states;, do NOT support or align with aggressors or oppressors, NEVER EVER. There are no if's or but's.
The Jews don't have a long influential history in the US either. Neither does US have any holocaust guilt like Germany. However, the Zionists are a very intelligent and cunning people. They know how to manipulate others worldview especially when it comes to the ME.

China rising won't be to the detriment of israel or Zionism because Zionism isn't a country and Chinese already don't have conflicting interests with israel nor do they have positive views of Muslims. On the contrary the Chinese do view Jews in a far better light than they do Muslims.

China's rise will neutralise the Western(US) dominance of the planet. Since the Jews have the full backing of the West, then naturally they will be in a weaker position then.

Some Chinese posters here think that China can grow economically rich without challenging Western military dominance and that is just not possible. A still militarily dominant West will suffocate the Chinese economy over time.
China's rise will neutralise the Western(US) dominance of the planet. Since the Jews have the full backing of the West, then naturally they will be in a weaker position then.

Some Chinese posters here think that China can grow economically rich without challenging Western military dominance and that is just not possible. A still militarily dominant West will suffocate the Chinese economy over time.
The West can only militarily dominate so long as their economies allow them to but that won't be the case for long. I don't see China and israel being at loggerheads. The Chinese don't have expansive designs towards the ME.
The West can only militarily dominate so long as their economies allow them to but that won't be the case for long. I don't see China and israel being at loggerheads. The Chinese don't have expansive designs towards the ME.

True that.

But the West decline can only make the Jews in a weaker position. They currently have the dominant West's backing.

I did! Check me out in Member's Introduction.

Also, you muslims need to unify like Christendom has. Unity in diversity; strength in numbers.

Ok. Now go away as you are a no-one and have no reputation yet.:lol:
True that.

But the West decline can only make the Jews in a weaker position. They currently have the dominant West's backing.
It might make the Zionists weak temporarily. But considering the cunning nature of the Zionists im sure they will make sure to consolidate themselves enough to be able to do without the West's backing.
speaking of china, i heard a news in the beginning of Ramadan that china has banned fasting in xinjiang?

and on topic, honestly we are all hypocrites and none of us have the moral right to criticize others for what we ourselves are not doing. believe it or not, all of us quite at ease with whatever is happening as long as it is not happening to us.

Watch out ! My great brother, you will again be banned. Uselessly ! :pissed:

Do not respond to provocations !
Well, as an Arab and Muslim I really appreciate PDF sympathy with Palestinian issue, but that shouldn't give them the right to give Palestinian members a special treatment if they cross the line, the same applies on me or Jordanians or anybody else. But unfortunately he gets a special treatment although he throws the worst insults all the time out of sympathy, I think that's pathetic. I wouldn't accept it I were in his place.
Troll thread.

Why is it that some people here think that the leaders of KSA are any different than ALL Muslim leaders out there? The reality is that NO Muslim country is a world power or superpower that can dictate its own policy without any foreign influences. So by that logic ALL Muslim countries are so-called "puppets".

The fact is also that no modern-day state leaders have done as much for Islam as the Saudi Arabian leaders have done.

Yet at the same time those retards here on PDF are blaming KSA for everything bad in the region yet supposedly all this that is the fault of KSA is undoubtedly also harmful for the West and Israel yet they ignore this. They can't have it both ways but despite this they insist in the case of KSA.

The reality is that Saudi Arabia is one of the most influential states in the world without a doubt. The Saudi Arabian lobby in the US alone is the second most powerful lobby after the Jewish one.

Also, LOL, at the criticism of KSA's government. KSA has the most Islamic system out of all countries out there. Find me 1 single country that is even close? Hence most Muslim refugees of the world want to move and live in KSA.

The same KSA that is the biggest donor to Palestine historically. Really?

Also to that Bangladeshi that thinks that one is going to get killed in KSA if he or she criticize the Al-Saud family. That is a bunch of COMPLETE and UTTER horse-shit. By this logic every Saudi Arabian user on this forum would either have succumbed to torture or been dead by now. The clowns here do not know this but each day thousands of Saudi Arabians are criticizing the government. Either on social media or directly (face to face) or at bigger gatherings such as during Majlis across the entire country.

Yet there are certain limits like ANYWHERE in the Muslim world. Again we see retards here throwing stones while they are living in glasshouses.

Ironically most of them are living in the West and never grew up in the ME or lived there for a pro-longed period.

Lastly Saudi Arabains tend to like the government because the government actually has made KSA one of the best states to live in for Muslims and they largely serve their citizens and care about them. The realities show this very clearly. How many Muslim countries can say this that are mostly ruled by Islam as well? Not many if anyone at all…..

Let other's go to war with Israel or whoever the keyboard warriors here plan to go to war with.

We are not going to throw 10 years of constant progress on all fronts away. Especially not when the remaining Muslim world is doing nothing either.

If anyone wants to go and fight the Jews in real life then they should go to Egypt, bribe some Egyptian soldiers at the Rafah border crossing and then come into contact with Hamas or other militant groups and from there on only your own fantasy stops you. It's not really that hard. Beforehand you can easily come into contact with local Gazans that will help you come into contact with people on the Palestinian side that can take you in and introduce you to Hamas or other similar groups.

But let people bark here. Overall I am satisfied with the leaders of KSA. No reason not to be when looking at the standard in the Muslim world which is several times worse.

Now kiss the flag of the holy land, haters. You can't change anything anyway. KSA is here to stay and so are its ancient people. No matter the rulers.
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Are you still trying to insult me over a thread I posted or do you want to stop?
let me give you a few lessons here.
1st regarding the shia i will tell you just a few things that they have done in the past, cuz i dont have all the time to mention them all, and you decide if you have a brain whose attacking who. cuz i really think you are naive

1 iranians jet fighters entering saudi space
2 kuwaiti hezbullat attack in makkah trying to use explosives
3 iran smuggling 51 kg of C4 with pilgrimages to hajj
4 iranian and shia demonstration in hajj causing hundreds of deaths and hundreds of injured pilgrims
5 every year since then iranians and shia cause problems in hajj
6 in almadinah few years ago the shia went inside albaqi and started digging the graves
7 hezbullat alhejaz branch a shia sleeping cell waiting for their orders from their masters in iran.
8 shia houthi attack against us few years ago
9 iranian weapons found with ethiopian gangs in the south of saudi
10 the attacks and killing of saudi police in shia city of alqatif
11 lebanese hezbullat smuggling millions of captagon pills to saudi
12 iranian and afghan made hash smuggled to saudi
13 iraqi hezbullat attacking saudi with grad missiles
14 fayz shakr a lebanese politician he is shia or alwite. said on tv that he will destroy the kaaba
15 iraq president noori almaliki said on tv that muslims qibla is karbalaa

i can really keep talking and talking and give a thousand reasons specially religious reason on how they are a threat and how they are attacking us not the other way around. but things have changed and we are sick of them and they have caused all the mess in the arab world. dont forget that they sat down with america and gave them the plan and support to attack afghanistan and iraq. when on tv they were attacking each other. so dont be a naive fool and think that politics is what you hear and watch on tv. naive muslims and arabs like you ate the iranian US zionist bate and you're hooked from your brains.

and regarding king abdullah we the saudi ppl love him so how is it your business ? you said you will slap him. ok il get you first class ticket round trip and i dare you just to talk and say anything bad about him in public and lets see what the ppl will say about that. dont just talk. talk is cheap. stop being a fatass keyboard warrior lol.

and about our family and friends in gaza.. dont you dare use their bravery and martyrs in discussing your own dumb views when you are staying in america and paying taxes to the country that is killing your own ppl.
let me give you a few lessons here.
1st regarding the shia i will tell you just a few things that they have done in the past, cuz i dont have all the time to mention them all, and you decide if you have a brain whose attacking who. cuz i really think you are naive

1 iranians jet fighters entering saudi space
2 kuwaiti hezbullat attack in makkah trying to use explosives
3 iran smuggling 51 kg of C4 with pilgrimages to hajj
4 iranian and shia demonstration in hajj causing hundreds of deaths and hundreds of injured pilgrims
5 every year since then iranians and shia cause problems in hajj
6 in almadinah few years ago the shia went inside albaqi and started digging the graves
7 hezbullat alhejaz branch a shia sleeping cell waiting for their orders from their masters in iran.
8 shia houthi attack against us few years ago
9 iranian weapons found with ethiopian gangs in the south of saudi
10 the attacks and killing of saudi police in shia city of alqatif
11 lebanese hezbullat smuggling millions of captagon pills to saudi
12 iranian and afghan made hash smuggled to saudi
13 iraqi hezbullat attacking saudi with grad missiles
14 fayz shakr a lebanese politician he is shia or alwite. said on tv that he will destroy the kaaba
15 iraq president noori almaliki said on tv that muslims qibla is karbalaa

i can really keep talking and talking and give a thousand reasons specially religious reason on how they are a threat and how they are attacking us not the other way around. but things have changed and we are sick of them and they have caused all the mess in the arab world. dont forget that they sat down with america and gave them the plan and support to attack afghanistan and iraq. when on tv they were attacking each other. so dont be a naive fool and think that politics is what you hear and watch on tv. naive muslims and arabs like you ate the iranian US zionist bate and you're hooked from your brains.

I understand this. When do you think this should come to an end and why isn't there any compromise? I'm no fan of Iraqi government.

This isn't about Iran either, it's about our Arab nations. I know many Iranians find more things important. Their interests and policies have little to do with Israel/Palestine.

and about our family and friends in gaza.. dont you dare use their bravery and martyrs in discussing your own dumb views when you are staying in america and paying taxes to the country that is killing your own ppl.

'Our family and friends', are you helping them? How do you tell me not to talk about Gaza? I am from Gaza and have all my family there. I experienced a war in Gaza and was hospitalized when I used to live there from a close helicopter attack. Sorry buddy, I know what they experience which is why I am here supporting them on online forums where Jews are all over the place trashing Palestinians.

Troll thread.

Why is it that some people here think that the leaders of KSA are any different than ALL Muslim leaders out there? The reality is that NO Muslim country is a world power or superpower that can dictate its own policy without any foreign influences. So by that logic ALL Muslim countries are so-called "puppets".


This isn't a troll thread. It's very simple, you guys are blowing things out of proportion. The least Saudi Arabia or Arab nations can do is to propose a cease fire that will remove the siege from Gaza. Yet, today they are insisting on the same thing.
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