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Attack on Gaza by Saudi Royal Appointment

Arab vs Farsi debate incoming in 1. 2. 3. seconds with the foreign cheerleading squad on both sides.

Too bad for our Pakistani friends here that they cannot watch Youtube so they can see the video!

Might skip this time around for once.:omghaha:
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what exactly is nonsense ? please i like to hear from you
It's nonsense because: You generalized few acts of individuals to a whole nation (Iran) or a group (Shias). If I was to mention some of the actions and atrocities that groups or individuals claiming to be 'Sunnis' have done, well I don't even know how to write them, it'll only fit in a very big book. You fail to mention your country's role in arming terrorist groups like AQ or Taliban or those fighting in Syria. You mentioned those Iranian jets entering Saudi airspace, but you didn't mention Saudis bankrolling Saddam the Maniac in the whole war with more than $60 billions of oil money. You didn't mention supporting terrorist groups on Southeastern Iran and western Pakistan. You didn't mention causing unrest in Iraq by supporting various terror groups in Iraq. You didn't mention your king's support for U.S invasion against Iran and hundreds more, I find it pointless to address them because clearly a heavy Iran-obsession is involved here, typical in many Saudi Arabian citizens.
It's nonsense because: 1. You generalize few acts of individuals to a whole nation (Iran) or a group (Shias). If I was to mention some of the actions that groups or individuals claiming to be 'Sunnis' have done, well I don't even know how to write them, it'll only fit in a very big book. You fail to mention your country's role in arming terrorist groups like AQ or Taliban or those fighting in Syria. You mentioned those Iranian jets entering Saudi airspace, but you didn't mention Saudis bankrolling Saddam the Maniac in the whole war with more than $60 billions of oil money. You didn't mention supporting terrorist groups on Southeastern Iran and western Pakistan. You didn't mention causing unrest in Iraq by supporting various terror groups in Iraq. You didn't mention your king's support for U.S invasion against Iran and hundreds more, I find it pointless to address them because clearly a heavy Iran-obsession is involved here, typical in Many Saudi Arabian citizens.

What is typical is the Iranian obsession about Arabs which we know the historical reasons for and the wide scaled implications the Arab conquest had on what is now Iran 1400 years ago. That is a cornerstone of the Farsi psyche. Long before even what is now KSA existed.

Not fooling anyone. Half of what you are writing in your reply is nonsense too.

Most Arabs don't even know where Iran is located. Go ask an average Arab from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen etc. etc.
It's nonsense because: You generalized few acts of individuals to a whole nation (Iran) or a group (Shias). If I was to mention some of the actions and atrocities that groups or individuals claiming to be 'Sunnis' have done, well I don't even know how to write them, it'll only fit in a very big book. You fail to mention your country's role in arming terrorist groups like AQ or Taliban or those fighting in Syria. You mentioned those Iranian jets entering Saudi airspace, but you didn't mention Saudis bankrolling Saddam the Maniac in the whole war with more than $60 billions of oil money. You didn't mention supporting terrorist groups on Southeastern Iran and western Pakistan. You didn't mention causing unrest in Iraq by supporting various terror groups in Iraq. You didn't mention your king's support for U.S invasion against Iran and hundreds more, I find it pointless to address them because clearly a heavy Iran-obsession is involved here, typical in Many Saudi Arabian citizens.
i cant post vids cuz im new.. but anyway the facts i mentioned its all proven that its supervised under your revolutionary guard.
you cant buy C4 from the supermarket. hizbullah if you dont know is irans arm and the captagon manufactory in lebanon was owned by almosawy brothers. almosawy is a hizbullah officer btw. the bullets found with ethiopians is made in iran. i mean i can keep proving my point that iran is directly involved. and trust me i have many iranians friends my problem is with your government. and yes we believe that the first obstacle on our way is iran government. maybe im obsessed with your food but thats about it. your government made it clear that its attacking the arabs and i promise you this. when the arabs backfire on iran its going to be bad. we dont ask for war but again irans government not the ppl has arab blood all over its hands and maybe the arab governments can tolerate such thing but not the ppl.
i believe the arab ppl one day will deal with the iranian government with the help of ppl from inside iran who are sick of their own government acts
but please if you have any proven facts that saudi has iranian blood on it hands show me.
and for the iraq war i suggest you go back to the old tapes and listen what was khomeini preaching ppl in that time so you can understand. king fahad asked saddam not to start this war but saddam did not listen. then when he started obviously saudi had to aid saddam when he started to lose. if he lost iran would be next door and next thing it will be fighting inside saudi.
you cant talk about iran iraq war without understanding the situation in that time and what was the plan. its all documented so go and research

if any of the old members here wants to share the links il send it to him
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i cant post vids cuz im new.. but anyway the facts i mentioned its all proven that its supervised under your revolutionary guard.
you cant buy C4 from the supermarket. hizbullah if you dont know is irans arm and the captagon manufactory in lebanon was owned by almosawy brothers. almosawy is a hizbullah officer btw. the bullets found with ethiopians is made in iran. i mean i can keep proving my point that iran is directly involved. and trust me i have many iranians friends my problem is with your government. and yes we believe that the first obstacle on our way is iran government. maybe im obsessed with your food but thats about it. your government made it clear that its attacking the arabs and i promise you this. when the arabs backfire on iran its going to be bad. we dont ask for war but again irans government not the ppl has arab blood all over its hands and maybe the arab governments can tolerate such thing but not the ppl.
i believe the arab ppl one day will deal with the iranian government with the help of ppl from inside iran who are sick of their own government acts
but please if you have any proven facts that saudi has iranian blood on it hands show me.
and for the iraq war i suggest you go back to the old tapes and listen what was khomeini preaching ppl in that time so you can understand. king fahad asked saddam not to start this war but saddam did not listen. then when he started obviously saudi had to aid saddam when he started to lose. if he lost iran would be next door and next thing it will be fighting inside saudi.
you cant talk about iran iraq war without understanding the situation in that time and what was the plan. its all documented so go and research

if any of the old members here wants to share the links il send it to him

You didn't offer anything new in your post. And about Iran-SA rivalry, yes it does exists and both sides have done things to harm each other, who is going to say that's not true?

You do have blood of Iranians on your hand, saying that you 'had' to help Saddam does not justify your support for that maniac. This is just an excuse and Iran has not even done a quarter of what Saudis have done towards Iran directly or indirectly, so no matter how much you try to portray Iran as the devil here, facts are available for everyone to see. And please don't tell me to search about Iran-Iraq war history, I'm well aware of it and have studied enough about it. Iraq's hostilities and Saddam's barking goes way before the revolution, starting from 1971, the revolution was just an opportunity for him to materialize his plans since Iran had been weakened and practically had no functioning army in early stages. He had the plans before 1979, but he couldn't do it because he knew very well that Iran would beat his *** personally in Baghdad if he took a even wrong step towards Iran. However, Iraq did have many provocative acts towards Iran before 79, but they were dealt with properly. He signed the 1975 Algiers treaty with Iran, but violated it and tore the treaty text on live television, an act against international laws.

You are saying you helped Saddam because your interests involved? No problem, we are also doing what we think is in our interest when it comes to SA. So don't complain please.
the game is called mind your own business kid. get lost. the only donkey here is you.

So much for the 'game' of the 'custodians of Islam'. The only game your kings and princes' can play is the game of betrayal and helping the sworn enemies of Islam like the zionazis. Your dirty hands are propping up thugs like sisi and terrorists like the ISIS in the Muslim World. Your struggle is to hold on to that dirty throne of yours, serving Islam is just an act to fool the Muslims. Your Kings claim that they are the true followers of the Prophet as if our Prophet had taught us to build palaces with gold and go on pleasure excursions in Europe. Even a donkey will be embarrassed if we equate you guys with the donkeys because even a donkey has more honour than charlatans like you. So get lost in your traitor's hole.
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Just like how weak people only sit back and watch when they are being taken advantage of, killed, humiliated, used etc. It's the sad reality. Don't you think that the Muslim world would do something for real if they COULD? I think so.
I mean if you decided to give a weak disabled person a good beating (not that I imagine that you would ever do such a thing - just an example) could the disabled person do anything to prevent it? No of course not. Even if there were more disabled people that could help that disabled people? No, because you would have a similar gang of not just disabled people but strong people to help you and settle the score further.

That's the case of Israel and its allies and Palestine and its allies.

It's just the sad reality.

Can you really imagine a Muslim country that is willing to engage Israel in an all-out war? Can any country afford the huge consequences such a thing would mean?

I am just saying.

It's even more pathetic when some of us here take a few dead Israelis (how many have died in total, 30 or so?) as a victory when 550 Palestinians have died in return.

It only enhances the opinion in the world that Muslim blood is cheap………

Our Shia and especially Farsi friends did the same when some 130 Israelis died and in comparison 1300 Lebanese people died. Yet, they claimed "victory".

Then people wonder why the entire world does not take the Muslim world seriously? I don't anymore and I am a practicing Muslim or at least I try to be one.

Tragicomical as hell.:lol:
Granted that Muslim countries are weak and incapable of taking action against Zionist occupiers. But don't you think all of this is due to the lack of cooperation amongst Muslim countries?? We have the manpower, the brain power, the resources and immense wealth, the potential is there to become a formidable economic/military bloc that can deprive Zionists of their economic leverage over Muslims, but i don't see a single Muslim country trying to enhance economic/military relations with each other except that it is to harm another Muslim country or it is based on common ethnic/racial and sectarian similarities.
There's no point picking on KSA in this instance.

The Kingdom, good or bad, is looking after 28m Muslims of its own - they are not responsible for the other billion. The world can't ask KSA to substitute it's peoples' lives for others.
There's no point picking on KSA in this instance.

The Kingdom, good or bad, is looking after 28m Muslims of its own - they are not responsible for the other billion. The world can't ask KSA to substitute it's peoples' lives for others.

Nobody is picking on the saudi despot without reason. Saudi funds go to the thugs in uniform in Egypt, saudi troops go to Bahrain to crush the people over there, saudi funds go to uncle sam for waging war all over the Muslim World. So, don't try to portray the devil as a saint.
Nobody is picking on the saudi despot without reason. Saudi funds go to the thugs in uniform in Egypt, saudi troops go to Bahrain to crush the people over there, saudi funds go to uncle sam for waging war all over the Muslim World. So, don't try to portray the devil as a saint.

Yes, i agree about the funding - KSA has its own, murky regional designs but don't mix one with the other.

NOBODY is doing anything for Palestine so you can't pin it on Saudis alone. Looking at Turkey and Tunisia as examples, I doubt if MB was in Egypt that they'd have risked doing anything either.
Yes, i agree about the funding - KSA has its own, murky regional designs but don't mix one with the other.

NOBODY is doing anything for Palestine so you can't pin it on Saudis alone. Looking at Turkey and Tunisia as examples, I doubt if MB was in Egypt that they'd have risked doing anything either.

Tunisia is doing what it can. I heard recently it sent medical supplies and it was rejected by Egypt.

Look, Sisi himself is apparently a religious man. He doesn't obsess over Israel. I believe he will improve ties with Hamas but not at this moment. Until he secures some things. Then we expect the border to be opened.
Look, Sisi himself is apparently a religious man.

He ordered his soldiers to kill protesters which led to the killing of 2000 protesters in a mosque, for heaven's sake and all that for usurping the state power! How could a religious man be so blood thirsty for power?

He doesn't obsess over Israel.

He doesn't need to be obsessed with the zionazi state for he is officially celebrated in that zionazi land as a hero.
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