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Attack on Gaza by Saudi Royal Appointment

This isn't a troll thread. It's very simple, you guys are blowing things out of proportion. The least Saudi Arabia or Arab nations can do is to propose a cease fire that will remove the siege from Gaza. Yet, today they are insisting on the same thing.

I am afraid that it turned into a troll thread when certain well-known members entered the scene.

This post/article or whatever it is from that totally unknown David Hearst is only good for empty claims.

Is that not what the ENTIRE Arab League is doing? The entire Muslim world and most of the world have called for a ceasefire. I don't understand what people are expecting KSA to do or any other Muslim country out there? The only states that can really pressure Israel are it's Western allies, especially USA.

You should ask yourself where Russia and China is? They are supposed to be against US and their interests yet we see nothing from them. Those are countries that could actually do something.

Why do you rely on a Muslim world that is good for nothing when it comes to those issues?

A lot of Muslims are naive and literary dumb. Just look how 90% of all people on PDF were cheering for Erdogan's empty words when we know that his country and government has closer relations with Israel than any other Muslim country.

Just don't count on the Muslim world to do much. Count on the average person showing solidarity and donating money etc. and Islamic organizations pressuring Israel etc.

No Muslim country is going to war with Israel for the sake of Gaza. It's been 40 years now, Hazzy. Even if that happens it will only be Arab countries again.

The Muslim world is in no position to do anything of significance or go to war which you probably wish to. Nor do I believe that anyone is willing to take the risk for Gaza. Could you seriously imagine Morsi's Egypt for instance go to war with Israel? I don't think so.

This is getting tiring.
I am afraid that it turned into a troll thread when certain well-known members entered the scene.

This post/article or whatever it is from that totally unknown David Hearst is only good for empty claims.

Is that not what the ENTIRE Arab League is doing? The entire Muslim world and most of the world have called for a ceasefire. I don't understand what people are expecting KSA to do or any other Muslim country out there? The only states that can really pressure Israel are it's Western allies, especially USA.

You should ask yourself where Russia and China is? They are supposed to be against US and their interests yet we see nothing from them. Those are countries that could actually do something.

Why do you rely on a Muslim world that is good for nothing when it comes to those issues?

A lot of Muslims are naive and literary dumb. Just look how 90% of all people on PDF were cheering for Erdogan's empty words when we know that his country and government has closer relations with Israel than any other Muslim country.

Just don't count on the Muslim world to do much. Count on the average person showing solidarity and donating money etc. and Islamic organizations pressuring Israel etc.

No Muslim country is going to war with Israel for the sake of Gaza. It's been 40 years now, Hazzy. Even if that happens it will only be Arab countries again.

This is getting tiring.

Why are you bringing up war on behalf of Gaza? Did anyone mention that we want that? No.

Everyone wants a cease fire. There's a difference between temporary calm and a permanent solution. The Arab League has not told to Egypt to amend the proposal. The proposal is literally nothing, it's a cessation of Israeli attacks against Gaza if the military factions surrender.

Nothing is mentioned about borders, nothing is mentioned about the sea port. Nothing is mentioned about future Israeli military activity over Gaza. There needs to be a permanent solution. There is no such thing as negotiating afterwards.

How many times do I have to tell you all, if Israel is left alone it will dictate every term. If the Arab league simply put some of the demands from Gaza along with demands of Israel there would be a permanent solution. Right now they're only putting Israeli conditions and saying we'll maybe talk about the rest later.

Which is exactly what happened in 2012. Israel did not implement any of those conditions two weeks after the cease fire occurred.

You people want to make this 'tiring' so it could suit Israel. The situation isn't complicated at all. If you're tired of it. Do a simple thing. Adjust the proposal. But no, you're intentionally insisting on Israeli demands only because some of you hate Hamas.

Don't tell me it's impossible, it's very possible to just put conditions and agree to a long term cease fire.
Why are you bringing up war on behalf of Gaza? Did anyone mention that we want that? No.

Everyone wants a cease fire. There's a difference between temporary calm and a permanent solution. The Arab League has not told to Egypt to amend the proposal. The proposal is literally nothing, it's a cessation of Israeli attacks against Gaza if the military factions surrender.

Nothing is mentioned about borders, nothing is mentioned about the sea port. Nothing is mentioned about future Israeli military activity over Gaza. There needs to be a permanent solution. There is no such thing as negotiating afterwards.

How many times do I have to tell you all, if Israel is left alone it will dictate every term. If the Arab league simply put some of the demands from Gaza along with demands of Israel there would be a permanent solution. Right now they're only putting Israeli conditions and saying we'll maybe talk about the rest later.

Which is exactly what happened in 2012. Israel did not implement any of those conditions two weeks after the cease fire occurred.

It's only a total war against Israel that is going to change anything on the ground. OR Israel's influential allies (Western World) going against Israel for once and pressuring them politically and economically but I want to see that happening before I will believe it.

Otherwise they will just continue and nobody, certainly not the Muslim world (LOL) is going to change that.

Israel does not care about the Arab League or any other Muslim or non-Muslim country out there as long as they have the blessing of USA, the entire Western world, Russia (yes, that's correct) etc. China does not care and have business ties with Israel too.

Why do you think that Israel has been rejecting the Arab Peace Initiative made by KSA largely?

Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Best to date and most realistic one yet Israel has been refusing for 12 years. To even reply.

Besides issues such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. must be solved as well. They are even more bloody.
1 iranians jet fighters entering saudi space
2 kuwaiti hezbullat attack in makkah trying to use explosives
3 iran smuggling 51 kg of C4 with pilgrimages to hajj
4 iranian and shia demonstration in hajj causing hundreds of deaths and hundreds of injured pilgrims
5 every year since then iranians and shia cause problems in hajj
6 in almadinah few years ago the shia went inside albaqi and started digging the graves
7 hezbullat alhejaz branch a shia sleeping cell waiting for their orders from their masters in iran.
8 shia houthi attack against us few years ago
9 iranian weapons found with ethiopian gangs in the south of saudi
10 the attacks and killing of saudi police in shia city of alqatif
11 lebanese hezbullat smuggling millions of captagon pills to saudi
12 iranian and afghan made hash smuggled to saudi
13 iraqi hezbullat attacking saudi with grad missiles
14 fayz shakr a lebanese politician he is shia or alwite. said on tv that he will destroy the kaaba
15 iraq president noori almaliki said on tv that muslims qibla is karbalaa
What a bunch of nonsense. It's not even worth replying to. Shia/Iran obsession is doing its job.
It's only a total war against Israel that is going to change anything on the ground. OR Israel's influential allies (Western World) going against Israel for once and pressuring them politically and economically but I want to see that happening before I will believe.

Otherwise they will just continue and nobody, certainly not the Muslim world (LOL) is going to change that.

Israel does not care about the Arab League or any other Muslim or non-Muslim country out there as long as they have the blessing of USA, the entire Western world, Russia (yes, that's correct) etc. China does not care and have business ties with Israel too.

Why do you think that Israel has been rejecting the Arab Peace Initiative made by KSA largely?

Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Best to date and most realistic one yet Israel has been refusing for 12 years. To even reply.

I know most people in the world lost hope in a two state solution unless the US takes action and changes policy. However, strictly right now I believe we should try getting a permanent solution for Gaza and then be able to move on.


It looks like Ummah has betrayed Balestini beoble. :(

But don't worry. God hates the hypocrites the most.

Well, my friend. It seems most Muslims are on their own every nation. This is what Hamas has prepared for in advance. It knew eventually Israel would try launching such an operation against Gaza.

The disappointing thing is the cease fire proposal should be adjusted to include demands of the Palestinian people.
I know most people in the world lost hope in a two state solution unless the US takes action and changes policy. However, strictly right now I believe we should try getting a permanent solution for Gaza and then be able to move on.

Well, my friend. It seems most Muslims are on their own every nation. This is what Hamas has prepared for in advance. It knew eventually Israel would try launching such an operation against Gaza.

The disappointing thing is the cease fire proposal should be adjusted to include demands of the Palestinian people.

A peace on Israeli terms is no peace at all. It will just leave the Balestini beoble vulnerable for being massacred and ran off their land in the future.

The problem is that it's either the Israeli highway or more bombings. Sadly if Israel did not have such a powerful lobby, was not backed by USA to such a extreme extent and the remaining Western world and them not being a nuclear power (Samson option) then they would have been run over a long time ago.

But that's just not what the reality shows.
The hell is wrong with you al-hasani? You're basically telling the Palestinians to take the Israeli D, or be raped.
What are you talking about? I am just saying what everyone knows. Israel will continue to do what they want to do and nobody will stop them unless what I wrote in post 82 is going to happen.

Anyway there is nothing new with all this. The conflict is 67 years old. Same shit time and time again, Muslim world shouting for a while and then nothing happens. That's because the Muslim world is a weak world.
What are you talking about? I am just saying what everyone knows. Israel will continue to do what they want to do and nobody will stop them unless what I wrote in post 82 is going to happen.

Anyway there is nothing new with all this. The conflict is 67 years old. Same shit time and time again, Muslim world shouting for a while and then nothing happens. That's because the Muslim world is a weak world.

To us it's the same shit, because it's not our loved ones being massacred. I agree that Muslim world is spineless, corrupt, and greedy, but how can we just sit back and watch this?
To us it's the same shit, because it's not our loved ones being massacred. I agree that Muslim world is spineless, corrupt, and greedy, but how can we just sit back and watch this?

Just like how weak people only sit back and watch when they are being taken advantage of, killed, humiliated, used etc. It's the sad reality. Don't you think that the Muslim world would do something for real if they COULD? I think so.
I mean if you decided to give a weak disabled person a good beating (not that I imagine that you would ever do such a thing - just an example) could the disabled person do anything to prevent it? No of course not. Even if there were more disabled people that could help that disabled people? No, because you would have a similar gang of not just disabled people but strong people to help you and settle the score further.

That's the case of Israel and its allies and Palestine and its allies.

It's just the sad reality.

Can you really imagine a Muslim country that is willing to engage Israel in an all-out war? Can any country afford the huge consequences such a thing would mean?

I am just saying.

It's even more pathetic when some of us here take a few dead Israelis (how many have died in total, 30 or so?) as a victory when 550 Palestinians have died in return.

It only enhances the opinion in the world that Muslim blood is cheap………

Our Shia and especially Farsi friends did the same when some 130 Israelis died and in comparison 1300 Lebanese people died. Yet, they claimed "victory".

Then people wonder why the entire world does not take the Muslim world seriously? I don't anymore and I am a practicing Muslim or at least I try to be one.

Tragicomical as hell.:lol:
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To us it's the same shit, because it's not our loved ones being massacred. I agree that Muslim world is spineless, corrupt, and greedy, but how can we just sit back and watch this?

like we are doing right now.
To us it's the same shit, because it's not our loved ones being massacred. I agree that Muslim world is spineless, corrupt, and greedy, but how can we just sit back and watch this?

We can do nothing, even if you try the most extreme like sending people to Afghanistan fighting the Soviets it won't be possible as Israel is small and completely sealed of neighbors. Only our governments can do something.

Arab states have little reason to have so many killed for the Palestinian cause today, theres are no more pan Arab leaders in power, and Islam doesn't bind the states together since Islamists are destroying their own states
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