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Attack on Gaza by Saudi Royal Appointment

Granted that Muslim countries are weak and incapable of taking action against Zionist occupiers. But don't you think all of this is due to the lack of cooperation amongst Muslim countries?? We have the manpower, the brain power, the resources and immense wealth, the potential is there to become a formidable economic/military bloc that can deprive Zionists of their economic leverage over Muslims, but i don't see a single Muslim country trying to enhance economic/military relations with each other except that it is to harm another Muslim country or it is based on common ethnic/racial and sectarian similarities.

Well, that (lack of cooperation on such areas) and a wide range of other things such as the level of technological development, scientific advancement, military power etc. As I wrote then Israel would be overrun by the Palestinians themselves (inside and outside Israel) if Israel was "just" not a nuclear state and supported heavily economically and politically by the world powers which are the Western world as we know it with US at the leading helm.

Now even other so-called superpowers in the world are either friendly or indifferent to Israel such as Russia and China. So what can the Muslim world really do?

Sure theoretically speaking the entire Muslim world could gang up and annihilate Israel but in the process much of the Muslim world itself would get annihilated.

I hope that you understand.

The world was always dictated by the most powerful power (s). When the Islamic world ruled the world/dominated it for centuries (Mostly during the Islamic Golden Age - Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphate) we Muslims were able to dictate much of the crucial politics in the world.

Even the pre-Islamic history in the Arab world for millenniums and remaining ME and other parts of the Muslim world shows this too.

Today this is not the case.

I am not saying that this cannot be the case again since we have the manpower, enormous ressources, enormous landmasses, the history etc.

There are just serious problems. Right now all that can be done is economic and political support.

Tiny Gaza, Hamas etc. are never going to defeat Israel anyway. At most defend themselves as best as they can.
I saw trolls of SANDRISERS here against prouded Iranians with typical stupidity writing: We conquered u,We conquered u...

First the SandRisers only killed Iranian elephants while they lost their lives fourfold of Iranians.

Second After maryrdom of Prophet Muhammd's [pbuh] Iranian killed 600,000 of them. Abu Muslim Khorasani Iranian Shia general was Iranian leader.

Third Abbasids genocided them.

Fourth the Sand Risers were the only pagan nation in whole of history.

Noble Qur'an:

And if We had revealed this Qur'an to any nation other than Arabs,and he had recited it to them, they would never believed in it.Thus have we have entered Qur'an to hearts of criminals. [26,198-200]


I saw that moron Afro @Raka.sa that wrote nonsense against Iran so I put these links:

US, Saudi Arabia,and Israel have conspired to destroy Syria by way of arming sectarian extremists since 2007:

» World Must Unite Against US-Saudi-Israeli Proxy War in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Wikileaks: Saudis 'chief funders of al-Qaeda' - Telegraph

WikiLeaks: Saudis Largest Source of Terror Funds - CBS News

Saudi king urged US to attack Iran: WikiLeaks - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Time to End Western Support for Terrorists in Syria: “Opposition” is Entirely Run by Al Qaeda | Global Research
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The Sunni Arabs and Israelis have similar interests when it comes to Palestine.
LOL you iranians talk too much. im looking forward to see you personally in war.
btw how many dead bodys are you getting a day in the iraqi iranian border ? you can send them my regards and tell them see you in hell.
soon we will remind you of the day omar ebn al khattab destroyed your fire worshiping empire :flame:
until then you can keep claiming victories on the internet as much as you want you keyboard warrior. what ever makes you sleep at night :laughcry: :wave:
just to show everyone here how some iranians, not all, are dangerous and fools this guys just fabricated an aya in the holy quran. the correct ayya is

And even if We had revealed it to one among the foreigners
And he had recited it to them [perfectly], they would [still] not have been believers in it.
"Thus have We inserted disbelief into the hearts of the criminals".

or in another translation

And if We had revealed it (this Quran) unto any of the non-Arabs,
And he had recited it unto them, they would not have believed in it.
"Thus have We caused it (the denial of the Quran) to enter the hearts of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, etc.)"
just to show everyone here how some iranians, not all, are dangerous and fools this guys just fabricated an aya in the holy quran. the correct ayya is

And even if We had revealed it to one among the foreigners
And he had recited it to them [perfectly], they would [still] not have been believers in it.
"Thus have We inserted disbelief into the hearts of the criminals".

or in another translation

And if We had revealed it (this Quran) unto any of the non-Arabs,
And he had recited it unto them, they would not have believed in it.
"Thus have We caused it (the denial of the Quran) to enter the hearts of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, etc.)"

Pickthall translation: And if We had revealed it (this Qura'n) unto one of any other nation than the Arabs 198
And he had read it unto them, they would not have believed in it. 199
Thus do We make it traverse the hearts of the guilty. 200
Ghali translation: Thus We have inserted\entered it into the hearts of the criminals. 200

Surat Ash-Shu`ara' - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم
LOL you iranians talk too much. im looking forward to see you personally in war.
btw how many dead bodys are you getting a day in the iraqi iranian border ? you can send them my regards and tell them see you in hell.:laughcry::wave:

Sorry to burst that bubble, but not even one Iranian is confirmed dead in Iran-Iraq border by IS terrorists, and on the other hand, number of your compatriots in IS and AQ we have helped to send to hell, Well that's out of my count. IS cowards won't dare even to get close to our borders.
BTW, wasn't a Saudi border guard and other people killed few days ago by AQ?
Sorry to burst that bubble, but not even one Iranian is confirmed dead in Iran-Iraq border by IS terrorists, and on the other hand, number of your compatriots in IS and AQ we have helped to send to hell, Well that's out of my count. IS cowards won't dare even to get close to our borders.
BTW, wasn't a Saudi border guard and other people killed few days ago by AQ?

i think he means casualties of 80's war
LOL you iranians talk too much. im looking forward to see you personally in war.
btw how many dead bodys are you getting a day in the iraqi iranian border ? you can send them my regards and tell them see you in hell.
soon we will remind you of the day omar ebn al khattab destroyed your fire worshiping empire :flame:
until then you can keep claiming victories on the internet as much as you want you keyboard warrior. what ever makes you sleep at night :laughcry: :wave:
Zoroastrians never whorshiped fire suadi nomad filth you are more stupid than the donkey

Here some information for you
Zoroastrianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOL you iranians talk too much. im looking forward to see you personally in war.
btw how many dead bodys are you getting a day in the iraqi iranian border ? you can send them my regards and tell them see you in hell.
soon we will remind you of the day omar ebn al khattab destroyed your fire worshiping empire :flame:
until then you can keep claiming victories on the internet as much as you want you keyboard warrior. what ever makes you sleep at night :laughcry: :wave:

Why is it that we never see this zeal for a war in you with israel? Is israel an ally of you and your country or could it be that your courage evaporates in thin air when it comes to fighting the sworn enemies of Islam?
Why is it that we never see this zeal for a war in you with israel? Is israel an ally of you and your country or could it be that your courage evaporates in thin air when it comes to fighting the sworn enemies of Islam?
They are only good at barking they say all the time that they are the sons of sahaba but in reality they are cowards that's why iraqi army owned them in 1991 and few hundred houthists occupied their border posts
So this David Hearst (whoever that is) basically says that KSA and UAE asked Israel to attack Hamas and they complied? Really, LOL?

A lot of unsourced nonsense, speculation and empty claims too.

The title is also a major gossip story worthy.

Its the other way round. The article clearly says Israel specified a role for UAE and Saudis.

What can I say. Read Quran and understand what it says about this Jewish state. Why it is being created and what will be its fate. And also what is the fate of the people who created it and who support it.

I can only say that if this story is true, Arabs are bringing upon themselves a misery and humiliation bigger than what they have seen so far.

By the way, I dont think this report of links between Saudis and Israelis are entirely untrue. There have been such reports from other sources too.

Ask them. It's these indecent people in power. Not the general citizens. These people in power are only working towards their demise.

Eventually they will be kissing the ground given one last chance to repent.

I never thought Egypt will be such a villain.

Its general is fighting Israeli war. They cant be even called Muslims.

They can try as much to destroy Hamas but I dont think they have succeeded in doing this in successive brutal attacks on Gaza since 2009. Hamas is getting stronger by becoming more credible. The only force in Middle East that can stand up to illegal occupation, not be an accessory to this crime like Egypr or Saudi.
He makes a point though. Why is so hard for you Saudi's to admit you have a junk collaborator government which has partially ruined the Middle East? Your government sells themselves to US/Israel and only is interested in killing Shia. But, when it comes to evil people like Israel you stays all quiet. Don't you realize this is wrong? You're in the land of our Prophet(SAW), do you know how ashamed he would be? It should be wajib to topple these people just as Sisi needs to be.

Remember, it's only us Muslims who can defeat Jewish international criminals. Americans and Europeans are controlled by them, they can't do anything. Look at what John Kerry said earlier about Israel's war on Gaza. But, in public he had no choice but to apologize and change his statement.

Its difficult to digest for a Saudi vbecause Saudis were used by British to defeat Ottomans in WW1. They were used as guerilla (read terror) forces to defeat Ottomans in the name of Arab nationalism. They were promised Hijaz and Syria as the gift but at the same time British signed a secret agreement with French called Sykes-Picot agreement to divided post Ottoman Middle East between British and French.

Fast forward almost a 100 years. Same masters in Europe, actually America (one and the same) are using the same Arabs to destroy the Middle East and force a redraw to serve strategic interests of the imperial forces. You can see that design unfolding in Syria and Iraq.

At the end of this exercise, hundreds of thousands of arabs will be killed and like before will get nothing in return.
Why is it that we never see this zeal for a war in you with israel? Is israel an ally of you and your country or could it be that your courage evaporates in thin air when it comes to fighting the sworn enemies of Islam?
OH hello there.. the bangal speaking donkey.. israel and iran are one for us. but its too hard for you to understand what's really happening on the ground. when all the sunna are being killed and surrounded by shia in saudi iraq syria lebanon yemen bahrain kuwait. so you worry about your self mr donkey and we know how to protect islam. cuz before you were born we have been doing the job of protecting the ummah by allahs grace. you can ask the soviets and the americans the chechens the shia. they know us well. so go back to the farm you came from and when you want to talk with respect you can come and ask.

as for the my iranian friends... why do i have to argue with ppl who fabricate everything about islam ? i mean you just made up an ayya from the quran in front of us lol. please tell me what are those boxes hahaha

looke more boxes.. maybe its just pizza delivery who knows ?!
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