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Astra Missile - india, Pakistan's reply?

There is considerable gap in your knowledge vis-a-vis Pakistan aid to NK uranium enrichment route to the bomb. Your categorical statement that "Pakistan has never admitted aiding the NK nuclear program nor is there any evidence aside from the usual speculation about Pakistan's help to NK" is proof of that gap in knowledge. No less than the person of Musharaf himself confirmed to the world media..including japanese and Americans in Sept 2005
that Pakistan had provided North Korea some two dozen P-2 centrifuges for uranium enrichment ( not to mention NK scientists training at KRL in centrifuge technology which he mentioned in his tour interviews in america and i think also in his book ). Furthermore when Dr A Q Khan was being grilled....parts of 12 page confessional statement was leaked to the press and it too confirmed what had been a speculation to that date that Pakistan...bartered nukes for missiles ( to use american phrase ). Also you seem to be completely in the oblivion as to Colin Powell phone call to musharaf to immediately halt any further help to North Korea in its persuit of nukes...since American satallites picked up pakistan's c130 in 2002 ( 1 year after Dr Qadeer was sacked by musharaf ) delivering and pickiing up stuff....Colin Powell made this call after this evidance brought to him....Musharaf promised to break off all these clandistine links with NK.

As for whether Dr Khan was threatened with death or tour of Gitmo is all matter of shame for Musharaf and record for the rest of us. But i am sure you have read Dina Khan rebuke of musharaf (broadcast by BBC ) and she mentions Dr Qadeer letter ( which musharaf mentioned in his book ) which he left with his wife to be released in the event of him being killed or made to dissappear....ok if he was not threatened why would a national hero...in his own homeland have to resort to this???? common sense is in order.

As far as your jibe at KRL ( Qadeer ) and in the guise of NK design being found lacking...the truth is quite different.....Ghuari system was successfully replicated in Pakistan and worked first time of asking. Its design was not lacking in anyway.....if you can bring me a single official source saying it lacked in any way i will believe you. No indeginous program of any sort was started to resolve "Ghauri design lacking" and least of it being handed to PAEC. What PAEC had done was to get another MRBM system i.e. Shaheen series from China...again bartered for centrifuges ( remember Qadeer from KRL and Ashfaq from PAEC were sacked at the same time and in the same order of Musharaf in 2001 )..Shaheen missile did have teething problem and its first test was failure...which in reality was carried out 2 weeks before the Ghauri missile test...but because it had failed ( missile failed to take off ) it was not published. 2 weeks later Ghauri was tested and it was a successful test which was to considerable chagrin of people at PAEC and NDC. 11 months after Ghuari was tested Shaheen's problem was sorted and it too produced a successful test....but Qadeer and his people at KRL had stolen the march on PAEC/NDC.....hence the hate mongers of Dr Qadeer ( In PAEC/NDC ) had all the more reason to hate him and spreak rumors to defame him.

You obviously have a lot of knowledge...bit please don't undermine the capabilities of NDC...they have produced the most effective and complex systems present in Pakistan's inventory...

AQ Khan and KRL have hijacked the applause that NESCOM deserved...
The entire thread is spoiled by Hatemongers... What is the use of bringing Arjuna and Pakistani Nuke in this thread????
You obviously have a lot of knowledge...bit please don't undermine the capabilities of NDC...they have produced the most effective and complex systems present in Pakistan's inventory...

AQ Khan and KRL have hijacked the applause that NESCOM deserved...

Sincere pplz dont need applause from audiences....they wrk selflessly and without letting otherz to know about their achievements....:azn:
Your missiles are stolen copies,your nukes are suppise to be chineese origin.But what does that change

wait a second wasn't A.Q. KHAN supposedly the man that stole formulas from netherlands??? if so where does china come into the equation? please i request all indians to atleast stick to one claim of theirs!
Didn't you guys just buy some 100+ MAA-1 Piranhas from Brazilians? I thought that should be enough for your existential threats, especially since you already have a guaranteed supplier in the form of big brother China.
T derters,SD-10B,latest AMRAAM,(unknown number) probably 500 or more..MAA-1,MAA-1B Piranha(letter of intent signed),MAR-1 there are also some Indigenous weapons(not revealed yet-) as per an insider.
Didn't you guys just buy some 100+ MAA-1 Piranhas from Brazilians? I thought that should be enough for your existential threats, especially since you already have a guaranteed supplier in the form of big brother China.

THAT IS a SEAD weapon not an Air to Air BVR! please understand the difference! but for your knowledge we are buying 500 + AMRAAMs from unkle america (i am giving you this info just to spice it for you indians so you can go back and report to your web generals and cry about how pakistan got everything for free :rofl:)
I doubt that the Indian Astra missile would be better than the SD-10. China after all with their proven track record did develop the SD-10. The fact that anything that India tries to build on their own, it always comes out in faults. Nothing just seems to ever work for them, cough* LCA and Arjun anybody?

Why don't you put your country flags for a change. This is a thread about Astra and instead of writing anything meaningful I see you throwing flame baits. Get over the Indian phobia and discuss objectively.
pakistan doesn't have to reply to astra missile immediately......

india's missiles have a record of having time over-runs during development .
Pakistan's reply

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