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Russian Aerospace Giant UAC Offers Uber-Sophisticated MiG-35 At Aero India 2023

US Hesitates to Supply Fighter Jet Engines for India's Tejas: What's Next?​

Why are you bashing on US. No engine for you.
we're flooding the west and will take over soon

Pajeets have already taken over the UK, we're also crawling all over both the left and the right in the US. :smokin:

USA entered India with mainly P8i and transport aircrafts type deals. there are typical Soviet era think tank in India who will get more blood because of this type of news. India will now be more willing to think off building its future on this type of news. the Hindu article as below for Mig35s would now move forward...
its something we all know, if Russia has this Mig35s then it might have a good share in its development by Indian engineers also. Mig35s is more a home projects for India.
the space given to US-Nato in Indian politics will be discouraged by this type of news.
India is no Brazil type country. India, China, Russia are true non western countries. with this type of news, Soviet era trained think tank will get encouragement for building Indian future while taking care of US :coffee:

IAF’s acquisition of 114 fighter jets to be part of a major procurement plan

February 16, 2023

The delayed process for the procurement of 114 multi-role fighter jets (MRFA) is set to take off soon and along with three different indigenous fighter development programmes, will result in a mega 500-fighter aircraft acquisition process for the armed forces. This would arrest the dwindling fighter strength of the Indian Air Force and enable it reach the sanctioned strength of 42 squadrons.

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India will never have true aviation industry / manufacturing as they are just 'assembling' components from foreign imports and stamp it 'make in india' label.

there is no internationally famous indian manufactured product , everything is foreign investment import assembled in india
That is the same sort of electronic technology used in 5G, China has already taken the lead.

Compare the radar and antenna system of 052d 055 to the latest US ships, you can see visually which side is more advanced.

You are a prime victim of western media...
Russia is using Western commercial parts to develop sophisticated weapons.

Do you see a substantial Russian semiconductor industry otherwise?
That is the same sort of electronic technology used in 5G, China has already taken the lead.

Compare the radar and antenna system of 052d 055 to the latest US ships, you can see visually which side is more advanced.
post links to the models you mean.
we find F16 block52 to 60, is nearly as good as newer version Mi35s. i think

India's SU30mki is mainly an air superiority aircraft. its "air to ground" capability is close to Mig29b, the one Bangladesh operate.
even Rafale would find it hard to win in air and then do "air to ground" work on other's territory, which Su30mki does. Mig35s-F16-J10 is 'not bad' for operations in other's territory :-)

JF17 and LAC MK1A would be comparable, and they can be used on defensive role only.

J10s are as good as F16s, we read on many place. but it depends on training of Pilots also, how good they are in using these birds...

J10 is hardly as good as F16 block52. if we compare them in "air to air", F16-J10 would be able to come near Indian border while LCA MK1A would hardly be maintaining its distance from border.

LCA MK1A is good on "air to ground" operation, and no less than J10 or F16 in this comparison.
on "air to air" dog fight, it would mainly try with missiles, with maintaining distance, as it would be bit less in dog-fight operation as compare to F16 or J10.

in numbers 280+, LCA MK 1A would be used to do its job within Indian border for its "air to ground" superiority, while air to air work is mainly done by SU30mki in AIF. the tested SU30mki, which may easily defeat F16-J10 in air, and cross border for the work needed in territories of Pakistan-China. :-)

Mi29smt baaz is good for both "air to air" and "air to ground" operations in India, similar to Mig29Ks. Rafale would be less reliable for "air to air" operations on CHinese border, i find. win in air like SU30mki and cross border? hence Rafale's work limited to Indian territory, with so high price than LCA MK1A? air to ground within Indian territory is cheaply done by LCA Mk1A,, which is as good as single engine Grippen, we find....
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