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that very fellow.

some primary russian jamahiri off-line activists... ( За Каддафи и его народ | Меня невозможно убить, я в сердцах миллионов ).

on the other side of the world, jamahiriya direct-democracy in venezuela... ( Building Socialism from Below: The Role of the Communes in Venezuela | Global Research ).

as you will realize, socialism is universal, whether origin is in russia or africa.

i hope we can cooperate one day.


you are welcome.

thanks... i will.

always our same old al-hasani... :lol:

I thought so. I watched some of the movies based on his life. The most recent one.

Carlos (miniseries) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually it is a miniseries.

He is serving a life sentence in maison centrale de Poissy. A maximum security prison a bit outside of Paris (Yvelines).

I know that. It's just that the main thoughts were based on the native audience. Without making any direct comparisons you have Nazi parties or far-right parties outside of Germany or other Germanic countries. Ironically mostly in Slavic countries. The same people that Hitler had prepared his "Lebensraum" for.

I am not going to argue with you why Ba'athism was a failed ideology and still is and why it has little to do with Arab nationalism or brotherhood as I prefer to call it.

It's a branch of socialism. Let's be precise for once. But obviously socialism is a universal ideology like most political ideologies. The branch that I criticize though is not and that's were we differ.

Cooperate in what a way?

It's more appropriate. You won't be interrupted in a serious discussion either.

I am right nevertheless. We are off-topic.:)

P.S: Screw Real Madrid and C. Ronaldo. Bunch of cheats.

Got to go my friend.
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not true... the chemical weapons was used by qaeda aka fsa... with the chemicals brought in from turkey... please don't ignore the fact that generally the dead in syria were supportive of the syrian govenment... whether in houla or homs.

this is 2014... :)
I'm not sure what you claim is true because OPCW fact-finding mission found that chlorine had been used “systematically and repeatedly” in attacks as recently as August.
Syria discloses four secret chemical weapons facilities, UN says | World news | theguardian.com
I'm not sure what you claim is true because OPCW fact-finding mission found that chlorine had been used “systematically and repeatedly” in attacks as recently as August.
Syria discloses four secret chemical weapons facilities, UN says | World news | theguardian.com

but did opcw find the source of the chlorine?? it was bbc and white house and al-jazeera screaming about "the syrian regime" using chemical weapons... what an idea... but they would, naturally.

opcw was "awarded" the nobel "peace" prize for 2013 for the same reason that tawakkul karman ( yemeni ) was given this "peace" prize for 2011... for forwarding the cause of nato... "arab spring" and all...

i don't generally disagree with you, but i must here. :)
but did opcw find the source of the chlorine?? it was bbc and white house and al-jazeera screaming about "the syrian regime" using chemical weapons... what an idea... but they would, naturally.

opcw was "awarded" the nobel "peace" prize for 2013 for the same reason that tawakkul karman ( yemeni ) was given this "peace" prize for 2011... for forwarding the cause of nato... "arab spring" and all...

i don't generally disagree with you, but i must here. :)
Is there something substantial that proves Al-Assad innocent?
Is there something substantial that proves Al-Assad innocent?

the evidence are the simple questions... (a). why would bashar al-assad bomb his own citizens with poison gas, and murder them in other ways in other places, (b). what should he have done about the real criminals who have invaded syria in tens of thousands, (c). the accusers are the western governments and their puppets, so what is their proof, other than vague ramblings.
sir i have nothing against you personally but the issue remains when u have planes flying bombing in civilian areas and thousands of children dead as a result you can not justify it or defend a leader. I will not get into politics or other regimes the issue here is this man is a monster who does not care about his people.

You think Assad wants to spend untold billions fighting this war? He does it because he has to. And no foreigner has the right to tell him to resign. You should mind your own business. Pakistan or any other country would do the exact same thing when faced with a foreign backed insurgency within its borders. Like it or not Assad is the only legitimate and internationally recognized head of the Syrian government. As much I hate to see the loss of innocent life, he has a right to end this illegitimate foreign backed insurgency using all means at his disposal. As soon as the foreign terrorists are purged, then the SYRIANS ALONE can decide how to move forward. I wonder why does an army that is around 80% Sunni continue fight and die for an Alawite president? How do the sectarians explain that one? If the army didn't want Assad he would be gone in a blink, and there is nothing anyone including Iran or Russia can do about it, but they remain loyal to him year after year,
Since when has it become legal on PDF to propagandize for a war criminal and terrorist? The UN has been very clear on that field.

This is a guy that daily keeps killing hundreds of civilians by doing barrel bombings and which has contributed to the killing of 150.000-200.000 Syrians and the destruction of Syria. A person that has committed mass executions of civilians, war prisoners on a massive scale, a person that operates torture centers etc.

Where is the link to that nonsense article?

@WebMaster @Horus @Jungibaaz @Manticore @Emmie @waz @Chak Bamu

Well. The countries who are supporting terrorists to fight Assad must also not get the opportunity to project the terrorists as freedom fighters.

Assad is bad. I dont know if he is or isn't but the way Syria has been destroyed by countries supporting terrorists in Syria is nothing but evil.

If there be no Assad propaganda on this forum, then there be no room for those on this forum who support FSA and other terrorists and portray them as freedom fighters. The net loss is Syria's and I dont like it at all.
the evidence are the simple questions... (a). why would bashar al-assad bomb his own citizens with poison gas, and murder them in other ways in other places, .
It’s quite possible that Assad used chemical weapons as a way to build a reputation for extreme toughness or Assad was strategically revealing to his enemies just how far he would go to maintain power.
What it did do was provide hard evidence that the United States was not coming to the defense of Syrian civilians under any conditions, and that the US would allow Assad to continue to fight to remain in power.

Frankly i dont know who used chemical weapons whether it was the rebels or Assad but what matters is that thousands of innocents lost their lives.Any war when fought between men is fine but when it targets children then it becomes immoral.I've not included women because I think women can take care of themselves unlike children.I read somewhere that 10000 children were killed (as of feb 2014).
I hope the war comes to an end asap and that ppl in Syria live peacefully.
What are you talking about? Of course I find it strange that a South Indian is obsessed about failed Arab nationalist (supposed) dictators.

Also sorry for not buying that a Iranian regime supporter cares about any Arabs at the end of the day but his regime's interests. That's hardly a controversial thing to say and it is a opinion that is shared by 99,9% of all Arab users here. Shias included.

If that is the only thing that irked you then I do not know what you must do. Stop reading those parts then or maybe read what I am replying to or the users and their reputation.

Oh, I forgot you are the "Arab and "Wahhabi this and that" drone. I have already been sentenced and condemned solely for the flag I display. Is that not so?

You can disagree and argue with someone without bringing up their nationality. If an Arab, like the Saudis, can be so interested in south Asian affairs that they regularly interfere in Pakistani politics then a south Asian has every right to talk about middle eastern issues.

I don't support the Mullahs in Iran or the self righteous dictator in Syria. But I also don't support the so called rebels aka Al Nusra front aka FSA. You can state your point of view without saying things like, and I quote, "south Asian", "Kurd" or "Iranian".

I can read whatever I want. This is PAKISTAN defence forum.

I don't hate Arabs, don't be stupid. I do have a problem with the extremist ideology supported and being spread by the ruling/religious elite in Saudi Arabia.
You can disagree and argue with someone without bringing up their nationality. If an Arab, like the Saudis, can be so interested in south Asian affairs that they regularly interfere in Pakistani politics then a south Asian has every right to talk about middle eastern issues.

well said.

I can read whatever I want. This is PAKISTAN defence forum.

well said.
i can't understand why KSA royal regime hates so much this Assad govt.?
clash is historical, BTW saudis are helping the killer hand of Gen. SISI then before Mubarak....
how could we can say these saudis are good enough for muslims?!?
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