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didn't saddam send his scud rockets into saudia, with love?? :D

then go ahead and call nelson mandela "the greater lunatic" because of his ties with gaddafi and the libyan jamahiriya... ( Mandela and Gaddafi: the myth of the Saint and the Mad Dog - English pravda.ru ).

look who is talking of dynasty... :rofl:

A South Indian Ba'athi. I think that you know my opinion about that already.

Yes, against American targets. His invasion of Kuwait was a total failure for him and Iraq and Iraqis as a whole. It was a senseless war.

Yes, Nelson Mandela also had very good ties with several Saudi Arabian royals and was very close with Bandar Bush. Your point? The House of Saud have had close ties with many famous people. Dead and living. Mandela was always a friend of Arabs. He supported us and we supported his plight.

He also visited KSA several times.

Remembering Nelson Mandela and his times in Saudi Arabia | Front Page | Saudi Gazette

I already told you that I do not care about the House of Saud. Only if they are doing the job correctly. I support every single Arab country. For all I care any other person could rule as long as he or she is competent but ideally Hashemite rule should return.;)

I am not going to talk about my visions of KSA, the GCC and the Arabian Peninsula as a whole. Frequent this thread if you are interested.

The unification of the Arabian Peninsula?
Not really @waz ...Sometimes we need to be less nationalistic and see the things as they are...Pakistan gave up a lot of its national security under Zardari tenure.

Trust me my friend. I am one of most critical people around, and nationalism doesn't even come into it, especially when looking at weaknesses.

We have never had the successes we have had in the last few months, in many years even. The relationship with Afghanistan is on track and things look good.

Hashemite rule should return.;)
That's also the opinion of the classical scholars, and something I personally believe in.

Let me explain to you the Syrian conflict in detail on another occasion and give you sources in both Arabic and English. Written by people of various backgrounds, religious sects etc. Before the conflict started, during it and more recent one (published this Summer).

As a Pakistani man based in the UK you are probably familiar with Chatham House and their debates. I can recommend watching some about Syria. You have people who support both sides and experts.

ChathamHouse10 - YouTube

There are even better Arab programs but the language might be a problem here.

The most interesting is obviously hearing Al-Assad family members who defected and hear what they have of "lovely" things to tell.

You see the Al-Assad fanboys here are trying to present a deranged reality where the only alternative to Al-Assad (who as ALL of us know is a brutal dictator and war criminal which UN agrees with and most sane states) is ISIS and Al-Nusra lunatics that nobody here supports. In fact ISIS were massacring the honorable Syrian opposition for months and committing similar crimes as Al-Assad. Basically those vandals hijacked the legitimate Syrian revolution. I think that there are greater powers involved and ISIS is a good tool for certain powers in the region and outside of it.

Your average Syrian is first of all interested in surviving the day and for peace to return. No matter who rules. But if they had a choice (which ANY Syrian Arab forum can confirm) then they would not want Al-Assad, ISIS or Al-Nusra anywhere near them. Of course you have lunatics on all 3 sides that support them but the vast majority do not.

Do not forget that Syria was a closed off country and also sanctioned for a long time and that it has been ruled for 40 years by hardcore Ba'athi Arab nationalists (false excuse to fool the people) and some of their supporters have been indoctrinated.

If they truly supported Syria and did not care about the rulers then no sane person can possibly support Al-Assad. He lost all his legitimacy. This cannot be even discussed.

If the House of Saud did something similar in KSA I would want their heads on a silver plate as well and any local supporting them would be a traitor in my eyes.

Your country and people are always above that of any ruler that can come and go.

P.S: Thanks for your comment mate. I also wonder what would have happened had this still been the case. Selfish I know but I have not liked everything that I have seen to be honest with you but what can we do? Nothing.

Trust me my friend. I am one of most critical people around, and nationalism doesn't even come into it, especially when looking at weaknesses.

We have never had the successes we have had in the last few months, in many years even. The relationship with Afghanistan is on track and things look good.

I think that KSA and the entire Peninsula should be ruled by @jamahir and become hardcore communists and start worshipping Colonel Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi and enact a shrine in his name and make that a pilgrimage site. I propose Qatif.
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A South Indian Ba'athi. I think that you know my opinion about that already.

even so, i probably look more dashing than most saudis... :lol:

Yes, Nelson Mandela also had very good ties with several Saudi Arabian royals and was very close with Bandar Bush.

"bandar bush"?? so you admit to the deep relations between american governments and saudi royalty??

Mandela was always a friend of Arabs.

al-hasani, you should speak only for saudia... you come to this thread insulting bashar al-assad and the "syrian arab army" and then arrogantly start speaking for "the arabs"... who are your "arabs"?? make that clear, once and for all.

He supported us and we supported his plight.


I already told you that I do not care about the House of Saud.

truly?? generally, you are the one screaming support for house of saud.

I support every single Arab country.

sure... but only if that arab country has been regime-changed into a nato puppet... otherwise, what was it you call bashar al-assad??

For all I care any other person could rule as long as he or she is competent but ideally Hashemite rule should return.;)

are you living in 1700 to talk about kings??

i will visit... for some saudi jokes... :D

and enact a shrine in his name and make that a pilgrimage site. I propose Qatif.

why should i enact a shrine to anyone when you yourself called me a hardcore communist... :what:
even so, i probably look more dashing than most saudis... :lol:

"bandar bush"?? so you admit to the deep relations between american governments and saudi royalty??

al-hasani, you should speak only for saudia... you come to this thread insulting bashar al-assad and the "syrian arab army" and then arrogantly start speaking for "the arabs"... who are your "arabs"?? make that clear, once and for all.


truly?? generally, you are the one screaming support for house of saud.

sure... but only if that arab country has been regime-changed into a nato puppet... otherwise, what was it you call bashar al-assad??

are you living in 1700 to talk about kings??

i will visit... for some saudi jokes... :D

why should i enact a shrine to anyone when you yourself called me a hardcore communist... :what:

I am afraid that you are no match for Arabian elegance.:lol:

That's his nickname and it's a funny one. Is it a secret that the House of Saud and thus KSA have close ties with the US? How is that a problem? The US has never harmed us. Rather the contrary. Most people also like the US and Americans whenever they encounter them and vice versa. The US is a great country by large and is home to 3.5 million Arabs. I don't always agree with their foreign policy or everything that is coming out from their country but can you say that about any single country? No, you cannot.

Are you trolling again? Arabs are Arabs. We don't differentiate. Syrian Arabs are as much my brothers as Omani Arabs or Jordanian Arabs.

Shall I support Al-Assad just because he calls himself an Arab nationalist despite cooperating with enemies of the Arab world (by large) and killing fellow Arabs in the millions. No, thank you.

Why don't you investigate that yourself. It is widely known that Mandela and Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Arabian people were close. Read the link I posted.

How so? By taking an Arab stance and supporting my country? I support my country and people as I do with every Arab country. Leaders are a totally different thing. You do understand this simple fact right?

99,9% of our recorded history involves royalty or dynasties. It's a human trait to look up to people in power. The Gaddafi that you worship loved to call himself King of all Arabs and King of Africa and despite only using "Colonel" as a title you might have called him king. No difference as his power was that of a king.

It's good that you appreciate Saudi Arabian humor. Many do.

Lenin's Mausoleum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A shame that Gaddafi is gone for good.:(

What's all those statues of Lenin, Karl Marx etc. good for? See your ideology is that of a failed ideology. The reason why whole countries and people have abandoned it is because it was a failure. People never followed it as it was hijacked.

China nor Vietnam are communist countries. They are capitalistic countries. Capitalism rules the world and get used to it.

North Korea is a carbon copy of a failed communist state.

Go educate yourself, go archive something, go earn some money etc. This way you will appreciate capitalism and economic freedom which it is basically. Instead of speaking out against education and all your other nonsense.

I could have written a better book than that silly Green Book by Gaddafi. This very night and publish it on PDF.:lol:

Anyway you seem like a good person so that is why I cannot phantom that you can support a criminal dictator like Gaddafi.

There were many more admirable socialist revolutionaries out there than that deluded village fool.

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Ok let us not argue the make of the plane :) but rather what the plane was used for... Just because u are safe from crazy rulers does not mean you support them !!!! The only thing this butcher has done is divide a nation and killed children
I am not supporting him, my support was always to the Syrians...and all you have to do is read my threads. Having said that, most of the one that sees him in a bad light, are forgetting that the war , and I mean a war was imposed on Syria with all the propaganda that goes with it, same happened in Lybia. They accused Kaddafy too of murder and genocide just as they're accusing Assad today. He is no more a butcher than the GCC's royals or the Turkish Sultan. These the ones that need to be held accountable for the Syrian .
Algerian went thru the same mill, as does Syria today...She lost too about the same number of number of citizens ....and they blamed the army like they are blaming the SAA...
I am not supporting him, my support was always to the Syrians..
sir i have nothing against you personally but the issue remains when u have planes flying bombing in civilian areas and thousands of children dead as a result you can not justify it or defend a leader. I will not get into politics or other regimes the issue here is this man is a monster who does not care about his people.

Let me explain to you the Syrian conflict in detail on another occasion and give you sources in both Arabic and English. Written by people of various backgrounds, religious sects etc. Before the conflict started, during it and more recent one (published this Summer).

As a Pakistani man based in the UK you are probably familiar with Chatham House and their debates. I can recommend watching some about Syria. You have people who support both sides and experts.

ChathamHouse10 - YouTube

There are even better Arab programs but the language might be a problem here.

The most interesting is obviously hearing Al-Assad family members who defected and hear what they have of "lovely" things to tell.

You see the Al-Assad fanboys here are trying to present a deranged reality where the only alternative to Al-Assad (who as ALL of us know is a brutal dictator and war criminal which UN agrees with and most sane states) is ISIS and Al-Nusra lunatics that nobody here supports. In fact ISIS were massacring the honorable Syrian opposition for months and committing similar crimes as Al-Assad. Basically those vandals hijacked the legitimate Syrian revolution. I think that there are greater powers involved and ISIS is a good tool for certain powers in the region and outside of it.

Your average Syrian is first of all interested in surviving the day and for peace to return. No matter who rules. But if they had a choice (which ANY Syrian Arab forum can confirm) then they would not want Al-Assad, ISIS or Al-Nusra anywhere near them. Of course you have lunatics on all 3 sides that support them but the vast majority do not.

Do not forget that Syria was a closed off country and also sanctioned for a long time and that it has been ruled for 40 years by hardcore Ba'athi Arab nationalists (false excuse to fool the people) and some of their supporters have been indoctrinated.

If they truly supported Syria and did not care about the rulers then no sane person can possibly support Al-Assad. He lost all his legitimacy. This cannot be even discussed.

If the House of Saud did something similar in KSA I would want their heads on a silver plate as well and any local supporting them would be a traitor in my eyes.

Your country and people are always above that of any ruler that can come and go.

P.S: Thanks for your comment mate. I also wonder what would have happened had this still been the case. Selfish I know but I have not liked everything that I have seen to be honest with you but what can we do? Nothing.

Thank you for the informative read bro.

As for what would have been, that time is yet to come.....
sir i have nothing against you personally but the issue remains when u have planes flying bombing in civilian areas and thousands of children dead as a result you can not justify it or defend a leader. I will not get into politics or other regimes the issue here is this man is a monster who does not care about his people.
@Gufi, civilian paying the piper in all cases end up, but to say tha the SAA ie Assad is the only culpri, that is little bit far fetched.. If you look a the destroyed cities, most of the destruction was made by vehicle loaded with explosives..Bombs dropped from a craft and explosions from car laden with explosives have different signatures. Assad didn't go on a killing spree as they like to make us believe, he is facing a real war that was imposed on his country...Like I told you above, we went trough it, and you won't find an Algerian family that hasn't lost one or two individuals in one side or the other..It was the same actors, same countries, same embargo, same accusations...
I am not a fan of any leader in the MENA area, ours included, but Assad had no other choice but to fight...and lead the Syrians ....
you just don't give up. :lol:

your time starts now... :D

what about carlos??

No, I don't. In my dictionary "giving up" is not two words that I recognize on any field. Sorry mate.

Nah, it's not the right audience for that but I also believe that the world need dramatic changes on many fronts and also politically. Especially the Arab world, ME and Muslim world and much of the developing world.

Carlos the Jackal?

Read about Michael Collins or the great socialist thinkers. I don't agree with socialism but I have read the classics as well as reading Locke, Burke, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau etc. on the other scale of the political spectrum.

It's just that you seem like a committed person and if you are speaking the truth about your social activism out in the real world then this is also admirable. I just can't comprehend how come you then can support a person like Gaddafi. It makes no sense. I don't get it. I understand if you were a Libyan. We ME people tend to support anything that is remotely related to our countries even if we know that it is wrong. We are also stubborn by large. But you? You are a South Indian. Again a contradiction that I do not get.

I think that we already did discuss politics extensively did we not? You know my views. I don't like to put myself in boxes as my entire upbringing, heritage etc. is shaped by cosmopolitanism and even to some degree contradictions. That's why you cannot put some of my views in boxes. You are for instance surprised that just because I am a proponent of Arab cooperation, solidarity etc. (some call that Arab nationalism, I then ask what is that really, as I believe that any sincere Arab has that in his heart already and Ba'athism is not how I see Arab nationalism) I will support every single Arab ruler regardless of what they are doing. That's not the case.

I do not like the current affairs of our world and sometimes i get dragged into the madness of it.

If I ever pursued a political career I would run independently. But many similar people with fire in them said the same until the opportunities for fame and power came calling and they had to make choices.

Since you are so willing to put people into some political boxes etc. then call me an conservative-liberal. At the same time I do symphatize greatly with some of the core values of true socialism.

We are off-topic. Frequent the Arab Coffee Shop for such discussions. This is about Syrian regime propaganda. Let's not forget that.
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Stop bringing up people's ethnicities in this topic. The only thing that has irked me while reading this discussion is your constant mentioning of other people's ethnicities instead of answering their queries, I don't know why you keep bringing it up.

Why aren't the mods taking any notice?
Assad is not an important individual per se. He's just a symbol that personifies Syria's struggle against international terrorism. It is the Syrian institutions like the army which holds the power and protects the Syrian nation state.

If Assad leaves or even dies tomorrow, do you know what will change? Absolutely nothing. Thats how big of impact Assad has. Zero
The struggle would continue without Assad, and the brave Syrian Army will continue to fight for Syria and her people.
Stop bringing up people's ethnicities in this topic. The only thing that has irked me while reading this discussion is your constant mentioning of other people's ethnicities instead of answering their queries, I don't know why you keep bringing it up.

Why aren't the mods taking any notice?

What are you talking about? Of course I find it strange that a South Indian is obsessed about failed Arab nationalist (supposed) dictators.

Also sorry for not buying that a Iranian regime supporter cares about any Arabs at the end of the day but his regime's interests. That's hardly a controversial thing to say and it is a opinion that is shared by 99,9% of all Arab users here. Shias included.

If that is the only thing that irked you then I do not know what you must do. Stop reading those parts then or maybe read what I am replying to or the users and their reputation.

Oh, I forgot you are the "Arab and "Wahhabi this and that" drone. I have already been sentenced and condemned solely for the flag I display. Is that not so?
Carlos the Jackal?

that very fellow.

You are a South Indian. Again a contradiction that I do not get.

some primary russian jamahiri off-line activists... ( За Каддафи и его народ | Меня невозможно убить, я в сердцах миллионов ).

on the other side of the world, jamahiriya direct-democracy in venezuela... ( Building Socialism from Below: The Role of the Communes in Venezuela | Global Research ).

as you will realize, socialism is universal, whether origin is in russia or africa.

If I ever pursued a political career I would run independently. But many similar people with fire in them said the same until the opportunities for fame and power came calling and they had to make choices.

i hope we can cooperate one day.

Since you are so willing to put people into some political boxes etc. then call me an conservative-liberal.


At the same time I do symphatize greatly with some of the core values of true socialism.

you are welcome.

We are off-topic. Frequent the Arab Coffee Shop for such discussions.

thanks... i will.

This is about Syrian regime propaganda. Let's not forget that.

always our same old al-hasani... :lol:
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