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i can't understand why KSA royal regime hates so much this Assad govt.?
clash is historical, BTW saudis are helping the killer hand of Gen. SISI then before Mubarak....
how could we can say these saudis are good enough for muslims?!?
The true reason was being afraid of Arab spring, and did not want it to be spread to their land ;)
Guys, especially my Iranian and Iranian stooges dear friends worldwide.

Just an innocent question, what kind of lion this is whose den is violated by every single animal in the world that include mouses, lizards, cats, dogs, monkeys, and even goats, and further urinated and fornicated and even more further mated him and his family up, down, back and front??

Tell me guys, what kind of lion is this? Iranians and their loyal stooges must be the same kind of lions. :rofl:
Guys, especially my Iranian and Iranian stooges dear friends worldwide.

Just an innocent question, what kind of lion this is whose den is violated by every single animal in the world that include mouses, lizards, cats, dogs, monkeys, and even goats, and further urinated and fornicated and even more further mated him and his family up, down, back and front??

Tell me guys, what kind of lion is this? Iranians and their loyal stooges must be the same kind of lions. :rofl:
When u Druze are laughing US and it's puppets have killed "3 millions" Muslims which Syria was last of them and unsuccessful.

I believe we shouldn't support a dictator who has murdered his own people. I am sympathetic towards Iran but the middle east must come closer to democracy. Dictators ruling everywhere is nothing good for the nations of the middle east. Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia all have similar problems. They have rulers who are capable of both introducing terrible laws like women can't drive or sit in football matches and are also willing to kill those in huge numbers who rise against them.

The people often like Al Hasani are so arrogant they do not see anything wrong with the system in their countries. I am pretty sure if the situation arises King Abdullah would behave much the same way. Only the good thing about him he has built Saudi Arabia despite whatever policies he has followed throughout the world.

I hope the middle east sees democracy.
oh please .... saudiz are the last ones to lecture on terrorism :lol:

as a dark regime who created all these terrorist groups in the first place.

bravo Mr. assad , bravo

Tnx @Ceylal bro
Syria is just another proxy ground for you and the Saudis
imagine the human cost of this proxy war from Pakistan to Syria
^^ hmm if we look it through your own point of view then the conquest of Persia should have never taken place, it was just shooting yourselves in the foot, and you know what i mean. You know why there is all this war in the region ? It is exactly the consequences of islamic expansion into Persia.

Think about it....you thought that you could effectively estabilish your religion in the land of the fire but it really backfired for you, muslims (arabs) then couldnt see it back then but the side effects are showing now (long term)
I love the picture in your avatar, it reminds me of this:

ʿARAB ii. Arab conquest of Iran – Encyclopaedia Iranica

"Iran easily is the most proud country on this Planet." "No" country like Iran has great Empires from 800 BC before and after Islam. Iran like every country in the world can be defeated and what happened at 1368 years ago is not an exception.

Btw the video that u put is wrong, and that is from a pan turk !
Im not sure how he murders his "own" people, the initial uprisings were small, then once fighting started it was largely a normal battle i.e armor/aircraft/artillery/troops. Then the extremists come along and most of the fighters are foreigners and things start getting messy, suicide bombings blah blah blah, so he whips out barrel bombs on everyone.

Now if your a "civilian" you really most likely would have fled, if you didnt flee then to me your fighting on my side or the other, where you decide to stay will tell me what side you are on. If you decide that you want to stay in our country and be amidst ISIL or Al Nusra and you arent willing to either flee or join the army then your going to be caught in the crossfire, sure there must be lots of innocents there but if im Assad and I know that one area is in ISIL control and they are advancing then a few civilians of dubious allegiance wont stand in my way.
From biologic point of view lion is a big pussy.
The real pusy is I$raHell, the one that for 68 years is hiding behind Western governments, specially USA and is killing Muslims.
Im not sure how he murders his "own" people, the initial uprisings were small, then once fighting started it was largely a normal battle i.e armor/aircraft/artillery/troops. Then the extremists come along and most of the fighters are foreigners and things start getting messy, suicide bombings blah blah blah, so he whips out barrel bombs on everyone.

Now if your a "civilian" you really most likely would have fled, if you didnt flee then to me your fighting on my side or the other, where you decide to stay will tell me what side you are on. If you decide that you want to stay in our country and be amidst ISIL or Al Nusra and you arent willing to either flee or join the army then your going to be caught in the crossfire, sure there must be lots of innocents there but if im Assad and I know that one area is in ISIL control and they are advancing then a few civilians of dubious allegiance wont stand in my way.
I am not fan of Bashar Assad,I am fan of Syria. Western governments made a huge battlefield in Syria from small protests. Almost whole of Arab countries are utter dictatorship. Even Egypt could not get a minim freedom. But why did this situation happened in Syria? Because west did not like Syria. Every sane person must know democracy and freedom is "utter B.S" , when all of Arab countries are rulling by governments that west have chose and put for them. Syrian goverment did not fire single bullet or use barrel bomb against protesters, but when terrorists began to terror Syria used barrel bombs. Syria government have not killed it's own citizens but West and it's region puppets have made a war in Syria. Before election in Syria, CIA said most of Syrian peole support Bashar Assad, something about 70% ; And the result of election was 88% votes to Bashar Assad. If Syrian people did not like Syrian government, near 90% of them did not vote to Bashar Assad.

The axis of BBB (Bush, Benjamin, Saudi Bandar) made this civil war in Syria, and all of us know the terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Nusrah are created by I$raHell, USA ,and Saudi in Jordan and Turkey.
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Guys, especially my Iranian and Iranian stooges dear friends worldwide.

Just an innocent question, what kind of lion this is whose den is violated by every single animal in the world that include mouses, lizards, cats, dogs, monkeys, and even goats, and further urinated and fornicated and even more further mated him and his family up, down, back and front??

Tell me guys, what kind of lion is this? Iranians and their loyal stooges must be the same kind of lions. :rofl:

A kind of lion that you haven't been able to defeat him yet .... despite all your efforts he is still there, in power.
The point is Syrian should decide about him not me not you and it wouldn't happen till security get enforced again in the country by getting rid of terrorism.
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