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Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India

Who should be prime minister of India?

  • Narendra Modi

    Votes: 83 81.4%
  • Rahul Gandhi

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Arvind Kejriwal

    Votes: 16 15.7%

  • Total voters


May 9, 2013
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I strongly protest if an extremist fundamentalist Narendra Modi becomes prime minister of India. He can not be prime minister of India. USA has still not lifted the ban on him from entering into its territory. He has very bad image in the world. He uses Muslim hatred for getting votes. His hatred for Bangladesh is immense. He recently said in a rally that he will take revenge to 50 million 'illegal' Bangladeshi immigrants and also provoking Muslims and encouraging communal violence. If he becomes PM of India the minorities in neighboring countries will get reaction from extremists. Narendra Modi is bad for Hindus and Muslims. He is bad for India. A terrorist can not be prime minister of a country like India.

Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India. Not a controversial leader Narendra Modi.

Arvind Kejriwal is contesting against Narendra Modi in this election.


My best of luck and prayers for Arvind Kejriwal.
Cast your votes for Indian PM on Pakistani forum :D
I smell ISI is around
I strongly protest if an extremist fundamentalist Narendra Modi becomes prime minister of India. He can not be prime minister of India. USA has still not lifted the ban on him from entering into its territory. He has very bad image in the world. He uses Muslim hatred for getting votes. His hatred for Bangladesh is immense. He recently said in a rally that he will take revenge to 50 million 'illegal' Bangladeshi immigrants and also provoking Muslims and encouraging communal violence. If he becomes PM of India the minorities in neighboring countries will get reaction from extremists. Narendra Modi is bad for Hindus and Muslims. He is bad for India. A terrorist can not be prime minister of a country like India.

Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India. Not a controversial leader Narendra Modi.

Arvind Kejriwal is contesting against Narendra Modi in this election.


My best of luck and prayers for Arvind Kejriwal.

Very touching!! :sarcastic:
@IamBengali ... you should know the difference between rhetorics and actual action. BJP is all talks but no action, bit like pakistanis... :pop:
It's simple, Modi is good choice for India and bad for extremists.
modi is status quo, he cant do anything extra.
he is not a police officer, what special he will do to terrorists. lolz.
Acting tough is the easiest thing to do.

Policing is state subject in India, which means, modi can do little to fight terror.
I strongly protest if an extremist fundamentalist Narendra Modi becomes prime minister of India. He can not be prime minister of India. USA has still not lifted the ban on him from entering into its territory. He has very bad image in the world. He uses Muslim hatred for getting votes. His hatred for Bangladesh is immense. He recently said in a rally that he will take revenge to 50 million 'illegal' Bangladeshi immigrants and also provoking Muslims and encouraging communal violence. If he becomes PM of India the minorities in neighboring countries will get reaction from extremists. Narendra Modi is bad for Hindus and Muslims. He is bad for India. A terrorist can not be prime minister of a country like India

First of all You should learn How Indian democracy works...... 1.2 billion people collectively decide Indian Prime Minister, for them what US think or what US feels is not a concern at all.... These 1.2 Billion people decide (hoping) what is best for them.....

Well It is true that Modi has a black mark on him for helping/not doing much during the gujarat riots..... and conveniently call him a terrorist, do you even know the reason for the Gujarat riots? or what sparked the violence?...... I am sure you wont even know.....

Now How good Modi is going to be or How bad he is going to be time will tell (even i have apprehension on his performance - not because of gujarat riot but because the way he has been projected), But my dear friend Indian Prime Minister is not like US president..... He is the leader of a government, which consists of several ministers who handle (most of the time independently) different port folios..... And if you believe that he is straight away going to butcher muslims... You are mistaken...... BJP was already in power for 5 years... and nothing happened during that time.... and during that period BJP's second in command was LKA (who is allegedly behind the demolition of Babri Masjid),

Do Not worry my dear friend.... You sit and enjoy your life and worry about who is going to be your next prime minister..... This you leave it to us Indians, we being the largest democracy in the world..... We know how to handle this...

But then If your worries are sincere then my sincere thanks for your concern.......
I strongly protest if an extremist fundamentalist Narendra Modi becomes prime minister of India. He can not be prime minister of India. USA has still not lifted the ban on him from entering into its territory. He has very bad image in the world. He uses Muslim hatred for getting votes. His hatred for Bangladesh is immense. He recently said in a rally that he will take revenge to 50 million 'illegal' Bangladeshi immigrants and also provoking Muslims and encouraging communal violence. If he becomes PM of India the minorities in neighboring countries will get reaction from extremists. Narendra Modi is bad for Hindus and Muslims. He is bad for India. A terrorist can not be prime minister of a country like India.

Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India. Not a controversial leader Narendra Modi.

Arvind Kejriwal is contesting against Narendra Modi in this election.


My best of luck and prayers for Arvind Kejriwal.

Ask your relative to Vote for Kejriwal. I am sure Like million of Bangaldeshi You too have Indian Voter ID card
I strongly protest if an extremist fundamentalist Narendra Modi becomes prime minister of India. He can not be prime minister of India. USA has still not lifted the ban on him from entering into its territory. He has very bad image in the world. He uses Muslim hatred for getting votes. His hatred for Bangladesh is immense. He recently said in a rally that he will take revenge to 50 million 'illegal' Bangladeshi immigrants and also provoking Muslims and encouraging communal violence. If he becomes PM of India the minorities in neighboring countries will get reaction from extremists. Narendra Modi is bad for Hindus and Muslims. He is bad for India. A terrorist can not be prime minister of a country like India.

Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India. Not a controversial leader Narendra Modi.

Arvind Kejriwal is contesting against Narendra Modi in this election.


My best of luck and prayers for Arvind Kejriwal.

whats wrong with ME ;) !!
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